276 research outputs found

    Manifestation of the effects of dynamic diffraction in the coherent X-ray radiation of relativistic electrons in a periodic layered medium

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    The possibility of manifestation of the effects of dynamic diffraction in the coherent X-ray radiation of relativistic electrons in a periodic layered medium is studied theoretically in this pape

    Coherent X-rays excited by a relativistic electron crossing a periodic stratified structure in Bragg scattering geometry

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    The dynamic theory of coherent X-rays excited by a relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic stratified structure in Bragg scattering geometryhas been developed for the general case of asymmetric reflection. Expressions describing the spectral-angularcharacteristics of radiation have been derived and investigatedyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Image super-resolution method based on a hole array mask usage

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    A super-resolution method based on the image registration by a photo-matrix located behind the mask with a hole array is proposed. The mask can take four different positions in relation to the photo-matrix. Each position allows the registration of one digital image using a quarter of each pixel in the matrix. Based on these images one image whose linear spatial resolution two time exceeds the resolution of each registered images is synthesized. The method is very resistant to noise and interference in the process of registration as well as to calculation error

    Assessment of Density Variations of Marine Sediments with Ocean and Sediment Depths

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    We analyze the density distribution of marine sediments using density samples taken from 716 drill sites of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). The samples taken within the upper stratigraphic layer exhibit a prevailing trend of the decreasing density with the increasing ocean depth (at a rate of −0.05 g/cm3 per 1 km). Our results confirm findings of published studies that the density nonlinearly increases with the increasing sediment depth due to compaction. We further establish a 3D density model of marine sediments and propose theoretical models of the ocean-sediment and sediment-bedrock density contrasts. The sediment density-depth equation approximates density samples with an average uncertainty of about 10% and better represents the density distribution especially at deeper sections of basin sediments than a uniform density model. The analysis of DSDP density data also reveals that the average density of marine sediments is 1.70 g/cm3 and the average density of the ocean bedrock is 2.9 g/cm3


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    The purpose of the article: The Relevance of the study is determined by modern trends in the development of the labor market, based on demand and supply of goods - a graduate of the University. At the same time, student’s professional training in the educational process of the University is traditionally carried out based on the basic values of the specialist's individual, due to the need for them, and the demand and supply of the labor market are determined by the demand for a specialist as an intellectual resource of production. Materials and methods: The methodology of this study is based on the innovative content of professional training of a University student, focused on the needs of a specialist in professional self-affirmation as a personal and social value corresponding to the demand and supply of the labor market, presented in the concept of cultural competency-based approach to training, in the theory of changes in the labor market, in projects of future changes in the labor market, where demand and supply for the training of a modern competent specialist are used as driving forces. Results of the research: the algorithm of designing cognitive, motivational, behavioral, emotional components of the values of the student’s professional training is justified and their compliance with the demand and supply of the labor market is proved. Knowledge about the value aspects of a University student’s professional training, about the features of their compliance with the labor market’s demand and supply, will help to avoid, localize or eliminate problems in the real educational process. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of an axiological aspect of student professional training: matching demand and offers of labor market is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Improving educational process quality in the lessons of natural and mathematical cycle by means of stem-training

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    Today, the educational process is focused on the development of personal characteristics that meet the requirements of a modern educated person. In this regard, the task of educational institutions is to adopt the educational process to today’s realities. To achieve this goal, STEM education is implemente