8 research outputs found

    Development of a less-dissipative hybrid AUSMD scheme for multi-component flow simulations

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    [[abstract]]In this study, a less-dissipative hybrid AUSMD scheme considering the linearized approximated solution around the material interfaces of compressible multi-component flows is proposed. A high-resolution reconstruction scheme, so-called MUSCL + THINC, has been devised by combining the MUSCL method with the Tangent of Hyperbola for Interface Capturing technique (THINC) under the boundary variation diminishing concept, which is used to determine the cell-interface values to evaluate the AUSMD flux. Several perfect gas and multi-component flow problems are selected as the benchmark test cases. The flow models we use here are the perfect gas Euler equations and the multi-phase five-equation flow model. We compared the proposed MUSCL + THINC-type AUSMD scheme with the original MUSCL-type AUSMD scheme to verify its capability of capturing shock waves, expansion fans, and material interfaces, which are identified as a well-defined sharp jump in volume fraction. Numerical results of all benchmark tests show that the MUSCL + THINC-type AUSMD solver is superior to the original MUSCL-type AUSMD in resolving shock waves, expansion fans, and interfaces. In particular, the solution quality for expansion fans and interfaces on coarse grids is greatly improved by the MUSCL + THINC-type AUSMD scheme.[[sponsorship]]科技部[[notice]]補正完

    A Review of Models for Bubble Clusters in Cavitating Flows

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