478 research outputs found

    Role of Enzymatic Reactions in Meat Processing and Use of Emerging Technologies for Process Intensification

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    Meat processing involves different transformations in the animal muscle after slaughtering, which results in changes in tenderness, aroma and colour, determining the quality of the final meat product. Enzymatic glycolysis, proteolysis and lipolysis play a key role in the conversion of muscle into meat. The accurate control of enzymatic reactions in meat muscle is complicated due to the numerous influential factors, as well as its low reaction rate. Moreover, exogenous enzymes are also used in the meat industry to produce restructured products (transglutaminase), to obtain bioactive peptides (peptides with antioxidant, antihypertensive and gastrointestinal activity) and to promote meat tenderization (papain, bromelain, ficin, zingibain, cucumisin and actinidin). Emerging technologies, such as ultrasound (US), pulsed electric fields (PEF), moderate electric fields (MEF), high-pressure processing (HPP) or supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2), have been used to intensify enzymatic reactions in different food applications. This review aims to provide an overview of the enzymatic reactions taking place during the processing of meat products, how they could be intensified by using emerging technologies and envisage potential applications.This research was financially supported by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)” and the “Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)” in Spain (Projects RTA2017-00024-C04-03 and RTA2017-00024-C04-02).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of pork liver drying on ferrochelatase activity for zinc protoporphyrin formation

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    Pork liver contains an endogenous enzyme, ferrochelatase (FeCH), which catalyses the formation of zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP), a natural pigment of great interest for the meat industry. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of pork liver drying (from −10 to 70 °C), as a stabilisation method, on the FeCH activity (EA) and the apparent concentration (ECapp). Drying temperatures close to room conditions (from 10 to 20 °C) allowed to preserve well the ECapp, while the EA was slightly lower (−15.2%) than in raw liver. However, when drying was conducted at extreme conditions (−10 and 70 °C), the lowest values of ECapp and EA were manifested. Therefore, the drying process at moderate temperatures close to room conditions (10 - 20 °C) was considered to be an effective method for FeCH preservation since it was possible to stabilise the liver and the loss of FeCH activity was minimised.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Application of temperature and ultrasound as corrective measures to decrease the adhesiveness in dry-cured ham. Influence on free amino acid and volatile compound profile

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    The impact of low temperature treatment and its combination with ultrasound has been evaluated in order to correct texture defects in dry-cured hams. A total of 26 dry-cured hams, classified as high proteolysis index (PI>36%), were used. From these hams, ten slices from each ham sample were cut, vacuum packed and submitted to three different treatments: control (without treatment), conventional thermal treatments (CV) and thermal treatment assisted by power ultrasound (US). The impact of these treatments on instrumental adhesiveness, free amino acid and volatile compounds profile were assessed. Statistical analysis showed that both US and CV treatments, significantly (P < .001) decreased the instrumental adhesiveness of dry-cured hams from 85.27 g for CO to 40.59 and 38.68 g for US and CV groups, respectively. The total free amino acid content was significantly (P < .001) affected by both treatments, presenting higher values the samples from the US group (6691.5 vs. 6067.5 vs. 5278.2 mg/100 g dry matter for US, CV and CO groups, respectively). No significant differences were observed between US and CV treatments. All the individual free amino acids were influenced by ultrasound and temperature treatments, showing the highest content in sliced dry-cured ham submitted to ultrasounds at 50 °C, except for isoleucine which presented the highest level in samples from CV group. Similarly, significant differences (P < .05) were also detected in the total volatile compound content between CO and US groups, with a higher concentration in the CO batch (56,662.84 AU × 103/g of dry-cured ham) than in the US treatment (45,848.47 AU × 103/g of dry-cured ham), being the values in the CV treatment intermediate (48,497.25 AU × 103/g of dry-cured ham). Aldehydes, ethers and esters, carboxylic acids and sulphur compounds were more abundant in the CO group, while CV group showed higher concentrations of ketones, alcohols and nitrogen compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Influence of delivery method on neuroprotection by bone marrow mononuclear cell therapy following ventral root reimplantation with fibrin sealant

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOThe present work compared the local injection of mononuclear cells to the spinal cord lateral funiculus with the alternative approach of local delivery with fibrin sealant after ventral root avulsion (VRA) and reimplantation. For that, female adult Lewis rats were divided into the following groups: avulsion only, reimplantation with fibrin sealant; root repair with fibrin sealant associated with mononuclear cells; and repair with fibrin sealant and injected mononuclear cells. Cell therapy resulted in greater survival of spinal motoneurons up to four weeks post-surgery, especially when mononuclear cells were added to the fibrin glue. Injection of mononuclear cells to the lateral funiculus yield similar results to the reimplantation alone. Additionally, mononuclear cells added to the fibrin glue increased neurotrophic factor gene transcript levels in the spinal cord ventral horn. Regarding the motor recovery, evaluated by the functional peroneal index, as well as the paw print pressure, cell treated rats performed equally well as compared to reimplanted only animals, and significantly better than the avulsion only subjects. The results herein demonstrate that mononuclear cells therapy is neuroprotective by increasing levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). Moreover, the use of fibrin sealant mononuclear cells delivery approach gave the best and more long lasting results.The present work compared the local injection of mononuclear cells to the spinal cord lateral funiculus with the alternative approach of local delivery with fibrin sealant after ventral root avulsion (VRA) and reimplantation. For that, female adult Lewis98113FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2010/0986-5; 2010/00729-2sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Correction of defective textures in packaged dry-cured pork ham by applying conventional and ultrasonically-assisted mild thermal treatments

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    Pastiness is a textural defect characterized by an excessive softness and loss of elasticity which lacks corrective actions at industrial level. The objective of this study was to evaluate the textural and microstructural changes of dry-cured pork ham, with different pastiness levels, subjected to conventional and ultrasonically-assisted corrective mild thermal treatments. Pastiness was assessed by an expert sensory panel and hams were classified into three categories: high (HP), medium (MP) and no (NP) pastiness. Ham samples (n = 108) were heated (40 and 50 °C) with power ultrasound (PuS) and without (CV) PuS application. After heating, all of the textural parameters assessed were improved. Hardness increased by 102% and adhesiveness decreased by 55% and the ham became less viscoelastic. The largest modifications were found in the samples heated at 50 °C and no differences were found between CV and PuS treatments. The microstructure of pasty samples revealed that the treatment produced a shrinkage of the myofibrils, which could explain the increase in hardness and the improvement in texture of defective ham.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Assessing the textural defect of pastiness in dry-cured pork ham using chemical, microstructural, textural and ultrasonic analyses

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    The dry-cured pork ham industry lacks non-destructive quality control techniques able to characterize relevant textural defects, such as pastiness or softness. The aim of this study is to analyze the feasibility of using different destructive and non-destructive techniques to characterize pastiness in dry-cured ham. Dry-cured ham processing was modified in order to induce different pastiness intensities over a wide range of moisture and salt contents. Afterwards, pastiness was assessed by sensory analysis and samples classified as non-pasty, medium-pasty and highly-pasty. Finally, chemical, textural, microstructural (LM and TEM) and ultrasonic analyses (velocity and attenuation coefficient) were carried out. Samples with a high degree of pastiness experienced an increase of 16.8% and 16.7% as regards the proteolysis index and relaxation capacity, respectively, and a 67.7% decrease in hardness compared to non-pasty hams. The microstructural analysis revealed that pastiness brought about great structural degradation. Ultrasonic velocity was significantly related to the salt (r = 0.79) and moisture contents (r = 0.69), but no influence of pastiness was found on the velocity. However, the attenuation coefficient increased as the pastiness rose and could be considered as a useful parameter for characterizing this complex textural defect. Therefore, ultrasound could be used not only to carry out a non-destructive characterization of dry-cured ham composition but also to assess pastiness.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Contact endoscopy (microstomatoscopy) in oral lesions: evaluation of the method

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as dificuldades da endoscopia de contato aplicada à boca e ao lábio (microestomatoscopia de contato) e aplicar nas lesões do lábio os critérios usados na endoscopia de contato de outras topografias. MÉTODO: Estudo prospectivo utilizando o endoscópio de contato Storz 8715A e o corante azul de toluidina. Vinte exames foram feitos para aprendizado da técnica e depois mais 31 (21 lesões do lábio e 10 da boca), todos exames in vivo. Os critérios avaliados foram: Celularidade, Arquitetura, Estratificação e Morfologia. RESULTADOS: A falta de nitidez, os tremores finos e o deslizamento do aparelho dificultaram o procedimento em 100% dos casos, mas permitiram um exame adequado. Os 13 diagnósticos de malignidade das lesões do lábio apresentaram todos os critérios alterados. CONCLUSÃO: as dificuldades encontradas foram o contato do aparelho com a superfície anatômica, o deslizamento do aparelho, os tremores finos e a falta de nitidez da imagem, que não inviabilizaram a realização e a interpretação do exame. Os critérios são aplicáveis às lesões da boca e do lábio inferior.BACKGROUND: 1- To describe difficulties of contact endoscopy related to mouth and lip (contact microstomatoscopy) and 2- apply the criteria used in contact endoscopy of other topographies when lip lesions are diagnosed. METHODS: A prospective study was performed with the contact endoscope Storz 8715A and toluidine blue was used. Twenty examinations were accomplished in order to learn the technique; after that, other 31 were included (21 lip lesions and 10 oral lesions), all in vivo examinations. The criteria assessed were: cellularity, architecture, stratification and morphology. RESULTS: Lack of image clearness, slight tremors and sliding of the equipment made the procedure difficult in 100% of the cases; even though, accomplishment of proper examination was obtained. The 13 cases of lip malignancy lesions had the criteria altered as a whole. CoNCLUSION: Difficulties found were the contact of the equipment with anatomic surface, the sliding of the equipment, the slight tremors, and the lack of image clearness. Nevertheless, such elements did not interrupt the accomplishment and the examination analysis. The criteria are applied to oral and lower lip lesions

    Effect of Parenteral Antioxidant Supplementation During the Dry Period on Postpartum Glucose Tolerance in Dairy Cows

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    Background Exacerbated postparturient insulin resistance (IR) has been associated with several pathologic conditions in dairy cattle. Oxidative stress (OS) plays a causative role in IR in humans, and an association, but not direct relationship, between OS and IR recently has been reported in transition dairy cattle. Hypothesis Supplementation with antioxidants shortly before calving improves glucose tolerance after parturition in dairy cattle. Animals Ten late-pregnant Holstein cows entering their 2nd to 5th lactation. Methods Randomized placebo-controlled trial: 15 ± 2 days before expected calving, the treatment group received an injection of DL-alpha-tocopheryl acetate at a dosage of 6 mg/kg body weight (BW) and 0.06 mg/kg BW of sodium selenite, and the control group was injected with isotonic saline. During the first week after calving, both groups underwent glucose tolerance testing (0.25 g glucose/kg BW). Commercial assays were used to quantify the concentrations of glucose, insulin, nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxybutyrate, and markers of redox status in blood. Data were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney U-test (α = 0.05). Results Supplemented cows showed a lower risk for OS, as reflected by a lower OS index (P = .036), different areas under the curve for the concentrations of glucose (P < .01), insulin (P = .043), and NEFA (P = .041), more rapid elimination rates (P = .080, <.01 and .047 respectively), and shorter half-lives (P = .040, <.01 and .032) of these metabolites. Conclusions and Clinical Importance Supplementation with antioxidants before calving resulted in greater insulin sensitivity after calving, thereby suggesting the role of OS in the development of IR in cattle and the potential benefits of antioxidant supplementation in minimizing the consequences of negative energy balanceFunded by British Society for Animal Science Spanish Ministry of Education. Grant Number: AP2010-0013S

    Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration biopsy in salivary gland tumours : a retrospective study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) of salivary gland tumours performed at the Erasto Gaertner Hospital over the course of a four year period. Study design: A retrospective study was carried out between 2001-2005 to review the cases of patients with salivary gland tumours who had undergone pre-operative FNAB and had been diagnosed during post-operative histopathology examination. Results: A total of 106 cases of salivary gland tumours were considered for this study, but 27 cases (25.5%) of the samples were considered unsatisfactory for analysis. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were calculated considering only the 79 benign and malignant cases in which FNAB provided sufficient samples for analysis. Based on these data, the value of sensitivity was 68.2% (15/22), specificity was 87.7% (50/57), accuracy was 82.3% (65/79), positive predictive value was 68.2% (15/22) and negative predictive value was 87.7% (50/57). Conclusions: Despite the high rate of inadequate samples obtained in the FNAB in this study, the technique offers high specificity, accuracy and acceptable sensitivity

    DLL4 promotes continuous adult intestinal lacteal regeneration and dietary fat transport.

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    The small intestine is a dynamic and complex organ that is characterized by constant epithelium turnover and crosstalk among various cell types and the microbiota. Lymphatic capillaries of the small intestine, called lacteals, play key roles in dietary fat absorption and the gut immune response; however, little is known about the molecular regulation of lacteal function. Here, we performed a high-resolution analysis of the small intestinal stroma and determined that lacteals reside in a permanent regenerative, proliferative state that is distinct from embryonic lymphangiogenesis or quiescent lymphatic vessels observed in other tissues. We further demonstrated that this continuous regeneration process is mediated by Notch signaling and that the expression of the Notch ligand delta-like 4 (DLL4) in lacteals requires activation of VEGFR3 and VEGFR2. Moreover, genetic inactivation of Dll4 in lymphatic endothelial cells led to lacteal regression and impaired dietary fat uptake. We propose that such a slow lymphatic regeneration mode is necessary to match a unique need of intestinal lymphatic vessels for both continuous maintenance, due to the constant exposure to dietary fat and mechanical strain, and efficient uptake of fat and immune cells. Our work reveals how lymphatic vessel responses are shaped by tissue specialization and uncover a role for continuous DLL4 signaling in the function of adult lymphatic vasculature