44 research outputs found

    Towards common file formats and data standards for seafloor geodesy - Community Whitepaper for UNAVCO’s “Future Directions for Seafloor Geodesy” Committee, September 2020 (revision of July 13, 2021)

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    Seafloor geodesy experiments have been expanding considerably in recent years. More and more research teamsaround the globe are conducting projects to monitor the tectonic or volcanic deformation of the seafloor. Theseexperiments are commonly based on limited-duration experiments, but increasingly, permanent observatories arealso being installed. This dynamic development is very encouraging for the establishment of a strong community which arguably willlead to the emergence of a worldwide scientific and technical synergy. However, data andknowledge transferbetween the different groups working on similar topics are still limited at the present time. This can be partlyexplained by the fact that the instruments, infrastructure, and processing software developed are custom-made andthus various file formats are used, although the fundamental observables are most of the time identical. One wayto overcome this limitation is to set up exchange standards in the form of standardized file formats. These fileswould gather and store all the physical quantities observed and will prove useful for the processing simplificationand, in the end, the extraction of the geodetic signal sought. Furthermore, uniformized formats would allow muchmore easily the comparison of software and processing methods between research groups, whether during tests oroperational measurement campaigns. Standardized data will eventually provide a base for the activities of potentialfuture national or international observation services. They would also make it possible to envisage the datadissemination similar to geodetic data recorded on land

    Nouméa: a new multi-mission calibration and validation site for past and future altimetry missions?

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    Today, monitoring the evolution of sea level in coastal areas is of importance, since almost 11 % of the world's population lives in low-lying areas. Reducing uncertainties in sea level estimates requires a better understanding of both altimetry measurements and local sea level dynamics. In New Caledonia, the NoumĂ©a lagoon is an example of this challenge, as altimetry, coastal tide gauge, and vertical land motions from global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) do not provide consistent information. The GEOCEAN-NC 2019 field campaign addresses this issue with deployments of in situ instruments in the lagoon (GNSS buoy, pressure gauge, etc.), with a particular focus on the crossover of one Jason-series track and two Sentinel-3A missions tracks. In this study, we propose a method to virtually transfer the NoumĂ©a tide gauge at the altimetry crossover point, using in situ data from the field campaign. Following the philosophy of calibration and validation (Cal/Val) studies, we derive absolute altimeter bias time series over the entire Jason and Sentinel-3A periods. Overall, our estimated altimeter mean biases are slightly larger by 1–2 cm compared to Corsica and Bass Strait results, with inter-mission biases in line with those of Bass Strait site. Uncertainties still remain regarding the determination of our vertical datum, only constrained by the three days of the GNSS buoy deployment. With our method, we are able to re-analyse about 20 years of altimetry observations and derive a linear trend of −0.2 ± 0.1 mm yr−1 over the bias time series. Compared to previous studies, we do not find any significant uplift in the area, which is more consistent with the observations of inland permanent GNSS stations. These results support the idea of developing Cal/Val activities in the lagoon, which is already the subject of several experiments for the scientific calibration phase of the SWOT wide-swath altimetry mission.</p

    Reduction of inositol (1,4,5)–trisphosphate affects the overall phosphoinositol pathway and leads to modifications in light signalling and secondary metabolism in tomato plants

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    The phosphoinositol pathway is one of the major eukaryotic signalling pathways. The metabolite of the phosphoinositol pathway, inositol- (1,4,5) trisphosphate (InsP3), is a regulator of plant responses to a wide variety of stresses, including light, drought, cold, and salinity. It was found that the expression of InsP 5-ptase, the enzyme that hydrolyses InsP3, also dramatically affects the levels of inositol phosphate metabolites and the secondary metabolites in transgenic tomato plants. Tomato plants expressing InsP 5-ptase exhibited a reduction in the levels of several important inositol phosphates, including InsP1, InsP2, InsP3, and InsP4. Reduced levels of inositol phosphates accompanied an increase in the accumulation of phenylpropanoids (rutin, chlorogenic acid) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the transgenic fruits of tomato plants. The enhanced accumulation of these metabolites in transgenic tomato plants was in direct correspondence with the observed up-regulation of the genes that express the key enzymes of ascorbic acid metabolism (myo-inositol oxygenase, MIOX; L-galactono-Îł-lactone dehydrogenase, GLDH) and phenylpropanoid metabolism (chalcone synthase, CHS1; cinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate transferase, HCT). To understand the molecular links between the activation of different branches of plant metabolism and InsP3 reduction in tomato fruits, the expression of transcription factors known to be involved in light signalling was analysed by real-time RT-PCR. The expression of LeHY5, SIMYB12, and LeELIP was found to be higher in fruits expressing InsP 5-ptase. These results suggest possible interconnections between phosphoinositol metabolism, light signalling, and secondary metabolism in plants. Our study also revealed the biotechnological potential for the genetic improvement of crop plants by the manipulation of the phosphoinositol pathway

    Seismicity and shallow slab geometry in the central Vanuatu subduction zone

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    The Vanuatu arc in the southwest Pacific Ocean is one of the world's most seismically active regions, with almost 39 magnitude 7+ earthquakes in the past 43years. Convergence rates are around 90-120mm/yr along most of the arc, but drop to 25-43mm/yr in the central section, probably due to the subduction of the d'Entrecasteaux ridge. We characterize the slab geometry and tectonic state in this central section by analyzing data from a 10month deployment of 30 seismometers over this section. We located more than 30,000 events (all less than magnitude 5.5), constructed an improved 1-D velocity model, calculated focal mechanisms and cluster geometries, and determined the 3-D geometry of the interplate seismogenic zone. The seismogenic zone has a shallow bulge in front of the d'Entrecasteaux ridge, which could be explained by the ridge's buoyancy contributing to the uplift of the fore-arc islands. The seismogenic zone extends to similar to 45km depth, significantly below the 26-27km depth of the fore-arc Moho, indicating that the upper mantle wedge is not significantly serpentinized, which is consistent with the relatively high thermal parameter of the subducting plate. The maximum width of the seismogenic zone is 80km, indicating an upper earthquake magnitude limit of M-w 7.850.4, assuming standard rupture zone aspect ratios. The data also reveal a double seismic zone, 20 to 30km below the seismogenic zone, which is presumably caused by flexure of the downgoing plate

    Oceanographic Signatures and Pressure Monitoring of Seafloor Vertical Deformation in Near-coastal, Shallow Water Areas: A Case Study from Santorini Caldera

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    Bottom pressure, tilt, and seawater physical properties were monitored for a year using two instruments within the immerged Santorini caldera (Greece). Piggybacked on the CALDERA2012 cruise, this geodetic experiment was designed to monitor evolution of the 2011–2012 Santorini unrest. Conducted during a quiescent period, it allowed us to study oceanographic and atmospheric signal in our data series. We observe periodic oceanographic signals associated with tides and seiches that are likely linked to both the caldera and Cretan Basin geometries. In winter, the caldera witnesses sudden cooling events that tilt an instrument towards the Southeast, indicating cold water influx likely originating from a passage into the caldera between Thirasia island and the northern end of Thera island to the northwest. We did not obtain evidence of long-term vertical seafloor deformation from the pressure signal, although it may be masked by instrumental drift. However, tilt data suggest a local seafloor tilt event ∌1/year after the end of the unrest period, which could be consistent with inflation under or near Nea Kameni. Seafloor geodetic data recorded at the bottom of the Santorini caldera illustrate that the oceanographic signature is an important part of the signal, which needs to be considered for monitoring volcanic or geological seafloor deformation in shallow water and/or nearshore areas. © 2016 Taylor &amp; Francis Group, LLC