7,866 research outputs found

    DeepFuse: A Deep Unsupervised Approach for Exposure Fusion with Extreme Exposure Image Pairs

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    We present a novel deep learning architecture for fusing static multi-exposure images. Current multi-exposure fusion (MEF) approaches use hand-crafted features to fuse input sequence. However, the weak hand-crafted representations are not robust to varying input conditions. Moreover, they perform poorly for extreme exposure image pairs. Thus, it is highly desirable to have a method that is robust to varying input conditions and capable of handling extreme exposure without artifacts. Deep representations have known to be robust to input conditions and have shown phenomenal performance in a supervised setting. However, the stumbling block in using deep learning for MEF was the lack of sufficient training data and an oracle to provide the ground-truth for supervision. To address the above issues, we have gathered a large dataset of multi-exposure image stacks for training and to circumvent the need for ground truth images, we propose an unsupervised deep learning framework for MEF utilizing a no-reference quality metric as loss function. The proposed approach uses a novel CNN architecture trained to learn the fusion operation without reference ground truth image. The model fuses a set of common low level features extracted from each image to generate artifact-free perceptually pleasing results. We perform extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation and show that the proposed technique outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches for a variety of natural images.Comment: ICCV 201

    Student support services in open universities in India: a comparative analysis

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    Distance education is an effective tool for the provision of education to a heterogeneous group of learners as well as an alternative channel to democratize education all over the world. In such a stream the importance of student support services are unquestionnable. The present study examines the existing scenario of student support services provided in the country, and learners perception regarding the same. The study is conducted on students of three selected Open Universities in the country, viz, Indira Gandhi Open University, BR Ambedkar Open University and Karnataka State Open University. Study reveals the pathetic situation of student support services provided by the Open Universities in the country. It also throws light about the perception of learners about various student support services provided in Open Universities in the country

    Role of Social Capital in Crowd Funding Campaigns: Exploring Factors That Fuel Success in Crowd Funding Campaigns

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    Crowdfunding provides a convenient method with which to collect funding from an immense base of investors without geographic boundaries and intermediaries. In recent years, it has become entrenched as a surrogate funding source to traditional external finance for entrepreneurs. This paper offers an exploration of factors that propel crowdfunding ventures from a dataset of 182,216 projects and over $2 billion in funding from the two most common crowdfunding platforms based on rewards, namely, Kickstarter and Indiegogo. While previous studies have identified certain elements that lead to success in crowdfunding campaigns, this study delves into the pivotal success factors influencing funding success based on social capital theory. This study asserts that the strength of the promoter’s social network ties increases funder commitment to a crowdfunding campaign and funder trust, both of which lead to a successful campaign. We further predict funder’s perceived risk to be a critical factor in a campaign’s success. We explore prior studies in the literature with a common framework into various financing options and evaluate the crowdfunding paradox from funders, promoters, and online platform dimensions. This study also examines the potential significance of social capital, promoter commitment, and funder risk to crowdfunding campaign success, representing an addition to the literature. This empirical investigation is a quantitative study of crowdfunding campaign characteristics associated with influencing funders to make decisions to invest that uses the social capital theory as a conceptual framework. This model adds practical findings concerning crowdfunding campaigns. It also presents a reliable model for businesses to determine further how to tap into potential elements that can augment the success of crowdfunding campaigns in raising funds

    Health systems research initiative to tackle growing road traffic injuries in India

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    Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are the sixth leading cause of deaths in India and about 400 deaths take place every day due to road traffic accidents. The present paper analyses the data of the India’s National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) to assess the burden of RTI. In addition, it reports the health systems research initiated by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). As per NCRB data, in 2015, 6.3 million persons (50 persons per 10 million population) injured and out of them 1.4 million (11 persons per 10 million population) died in India. Except the NCRB data, there are no nation-wide data on RTI and the data remain poorly collected and sporadic in India. Hence, ICMR has initiated a multi-centric study to establish an electronic-based comprehensive and integrated RTI surveillance system. The second issue on which ICMR undertake research is timely and quality care of RTI patients as many deaths occur either at the scene or en route to the hospital. There is a clear survival and functional benefit for critically injured patients to receive appropriate care within the first 60 minutes of injury (‘golden hour’). Hence, this multicentric study has been initiated to standardize structured evidence-based intervention for safety, efficacy and quality of post-crash pre-hospital and in-hospital trauma care services to improve the outcome in RTI victims. An android-based trauma registry is being built and will be used to assess the impact of interventions. These studies will provide first comprehensive estimates on various epidemiological issues related to RTI. Also, an evidence of improvement through quality post-crash prehospital and in-hospital trauma care services will emerge. These results will contribute to the setting of research and investment priorities and to formulate policies and guidelines. Keywords: Road traffic injuries, Road traffic accidents, Trauma, Surveillance, Registry, Intervention, Indi
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