5 research outputs found
Leistungsprüfung offen-abblühender Maispopulationen
Auf modernem Zuchtmaterial basierende, offen-abblühende Maispopulationen könnten vor allem für ökologische und Low-Input Anbausysteme eine alternative zu Hybriden darstellen. Im Rahmen des zeitlich befristeten Experiments 2014/150/EU der EU-Kommission wurden 2016 fünf moderne Maispopulationen vom Bundessortenamt zugelassen. In einem BÖLN-Projekt wurden in 2017 und 2018 Leistungsprüfungen aller zugelassenen Maispopulationen (mit Hybriden als Referenzsorten) unter konventionellen und ökologischen Anbaubedingungen durchgeführt. Wir stellen die Ergebnisse dieser Leistungsprüfungen vor, ziehen Schlussfolgerungen über das agronomische Potential von Maispopulationen und diskutieren zukünftige Perspektiven
Agronomic Performance Of Heterogeneous Cereal Populations
Results from comparative field trials of heterogeneous winter wheat and maize populations marketed in Germany under the temporary experiment 2014/150 of the European Commission are presented. Winter wheat populations were tested across 16 environments (four locations x four years) and eight maize populations were tested in six environments (three locations x two years) under organic conditions. In terms of yield and quality parameters both the wheat and maize populations indicated good agronomic performance. The wheat populations demonstrated yield levels and baking quality characteristics comparable to pure line varieties ranked in the highest German quality category (E). The maize populations yielded up to 85% of the hybrid reference varieties. An important future perspective will be the design of field trials for populations in order to test and quantify their special characteristics, e.g. adaptive capacity and suitability for low input conditions
How organic breeding adds value to the food chain - online event
- Monika Messmer, FiBL Switzerland: Need for Organic Plant Breeding to secure integrity of organic food
- Herbert Völkle, gzpk Switzerland: Sowing the future! Challenges and Chances for Biodynamic crop breeding
- Wytze Nauta, Dutch Foundation for Organic Breeding: Breeding program for dairy cattle and chickens in the Netherlands
- Sigmund Walbaum, NATURATA: Added value of products from organically bred cultivars for processors and consumers
- Freya Schäfer, FiBL Germany: Current situation of breeding financing schemes
- Mitja Seyffert, BÖLW e.V.: A cross-sector pool-funding strateg
The taste of diversity: Organic breeding for biodiversity increase and high-quality organic food
The taste of diversity: Organic breeding for biodiversity increase and high-quality organic foo
Liste variétale céréales
Liste des variétés recommandées par Bio Suisse, FiBL et Agroscope pour la culture de céréales bio en Suisse (récolte 2021). Outre les recommandations variétales, la liste contient également l’attribution des types de céréales aux différents niveaux de disponibilité des semences et les catégories des méthodes de sélection