23 research outputs found
Shortened Version of the Token Test: Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
OBJECTIVE: To generate normative data for the Shortened Version of the Token Test in Spanish-speaking pediatric populations. METHOD: The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children from nine countries in Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. Each participant was administered the Shortened Version of the Token Test as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. Shortened Version of the Token Test total scores were normed using multiple linear regressions and standard deviations of residual values. Age, age2, sex, and mean level of parental education (MLPE) were included as predictors in the analyses. RESULTS: The final multiple linear regression models showed main effects for age in all countries, such that score increased linearly as a function of age. In addition, age2 had a significant effect in all countries, except Guatemala and Puerto Rico. Models showed that children whose parent(s) had a MLPE >12 years obtained higher score compared to children whose parents had a MLPE ≤12 years in Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Spain. The child’s sex did not have an effect in the Shortened Version of the Token Test total score for any of the countries. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Spanish-speaking pediatric normative study in the world, and it will allow neuropsychologists from these countries to have a more accurate interpretation of the Shortened Version of the Token Test when used in pediatric populations
Concentration Endurance Test (d2): Normative data for Spanish-speaking pediatric population
OBJECTIVE: To generate normative data for the Concentration Endurance Test (d2) in Spanish-speaking pediatric populations. METHOD: The sample consisted of 4,373 healthy children from nine countries in Latin America (Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico) and Spain. Each participant was administered the d2 test as part of a larger neuropsychological battery. The Total number of items processed (TN), Total number of correct responses (CR), Total performance (TP), and Concentration performance (CP) scores were normed using multiple linear regressions and standard deviations of residual values. Age, age2, sex, and mean level of parental education (MLPE) were included as predictors in the analyses. RESULTS: The final multiple linear regression models showed main effects for age on all scores, such that scores increased linearly as a function of age. TN scores were affected by age2 for Guatemala and Puerto Rico; CR scores were affected by age2 for Mexico; TP scores were affected by age2 for Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Spain; and CP scores for Mexico and Spain. Models indicated that children whose parents had a MLPE >12 years obtained higher scores compared to children whose parents had a MLPE≤12 years for Mexico and Spain in all scores, and Puerto Rico for TN, CR, and TP, and Guatemala and Paraguay for CP scores. Sex affect the scores for Ecuador and Honduras (CP scores). CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest Spanish-speaking pediatric normative study in the world, and it will allow neuropsychologists from these countries to have a more accurate approach to interpret the d2 test in pediatric populations
Colombian consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of the infection by SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 in health care facilities - Recommendations from expert´s group based and informed on evidence
La Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN) y el Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud (IETS) conformó un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar
recomendaciones informadas y basadas en evidencia, por consenso de expertos para la atención, diagnóstico y manejo de casos de Covid 19. Estas guías son
dirigidas al personal de salud y buscar dar recomendaciones en los ámbitos de la atención en salud de los casos de Covid-19, en el contexto nacional de Colombia
4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica
Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil.
El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país.
La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica.
Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas
Dynamic Properties of a Heliostat Structure Determined by Numerical and Experimental Modal Analysis
An experimental and numerical modal analysis was performed on an 8 m2 T-shaped heliostat structure at different elevation angles. The experimental results were used to validate a finite element (FE) model by comparing natural frequencies and mode shapes. The agreement between experiments and simulations is good in all operating points investigated. In addition, damping coefficients were determined experimentally for each mode, in order to provide all necessary information for the development of a dynamic model. Furthermore, potentially critical operating conditions caused by vortex shedding were identified using a simple approach
Application of discriminant analysis to evaluate the improvement of financial indicators companies in the removal of crude oil and natural gas in Colombia
El siguiente artículo muestra la forma como se valoró la concesión vial Ruta del Sol tramo 1 mediante
las metodologías de flujo de caja descontado y valoración por Opciones Reales, teniendo
en cuenta el marco legal para la contratación estatal, que regula los aportes de las cuentas del
flujo de caja y las etapas de construcción, administración y mantenimiento de la obra. Para la
valoración mediante el flujo de caja libre se tiene en cuenta el contrato de concesión donde se
especifica cada uno de los ítems de ingresos y egresos previstos, así como la manera en que el
concesionario podrá apropiarse de los aportes estatales en la medida en que se ejecute la obra.
En la valoración por Opciones Reales se visualiza cómo el valor de la opción es afectado por la
velocidad con que el concesionario lleve a cabo la etapa de construcción de la obra donde será
más favorable en la medida que la realice con mayor rapidez y se apropie de los recursos del
gobierno a una mayor rata. Muy en línea con la decisión de ejercer una opción americana sobre
una acción que paga un dividendo, de acuerdo con la estructuración del contrato. También siendo
esta metodología más flexible al incluir los conceptos de opcionalidad y volatilidades y por
tanto incertidumbre, el valor de la opción sufre un cambio favorable frente al valor del flujo de
caja libre. Finalmente, se encuentran las conclusiones del trabajo realizado.The following paper shows the valuation of “Ruta del Sol” highway concession -section 1- using
discounted cash flow valuation and real options methodologies, taking into account the legal
framework of government contracting, which regulates economic contributions according to the
stages of construction, management and maintenance of the highway. The cash flow analysis
takes into account the concession agreement which specifies each of the income and expense
items provided and the way in which the licensee can appropriate state contributions to the
extent of the executed work. The real options valuation shows how the option value is affected
by the speed in which the licensee performs the construction phases in such a way that it turns
out to be more favorable to execute the construction work faster. The paper finally shows the
impacts on the value using real options methodology due to the fact that it permits the inclusion
of concepts such as volatility and decision taking according to uncertainty. Therefore the option
value changes against the value of discounted free cash flow valuation. Finally, the authors make
conclusions and recommendations according to the obtained results