36 research outputs found

    How to create a national spectrum strategy in harmony with EU requirement

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    The radio spectrum is a scarce resource for many different services (TV and radio broadcasting, navigation, mobile, wireless and satellite communications, radio location) and is used by many other commercial or scientific applications (alarms, remote controls, microphones, medical equipment, etc.). It is also used by public services (defense, security, safety and scientific activities (meteorology, Earth observation, radio astronomy and space research, etc.). Our goal is to use the spectrum the most effective and coherent way in order to stimulate growth, competitiveness and employment. All this can create higher costs, lead to wasted opportunities for business and reduce the take-up of innovative services to the detriment of consumers. Spectrum management has a strong cross-border dimension. The global unified markets are based on radio-communication services like GSM services but we have to avoid harmful interference. A coordinated spectrum policy can create only a genuine single market for radio services and equipment

    A new Loureedia species on overgrazed former cork oak forest in Morocco (Araneae: Eresidae)

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    In this paper a new velvet spider species from Morocco is described from an overgrazed former cork oak [Quercus suber (Linné 1753)] forest. It is the second known species of the hitherto monotypic genus Loureedia. Loureedia maroccana sp. n. is distinguished from L. annulipes (Lucas, 1857) by the morphology of the conductor, the anteriorly widening cephalic region of the prosoma and opisthosoma decorated with a lobed, bright red marking on the dorsal side. Furthermore, three partial gene fragment sequences (histone 3, 28S ribosomal and cytochrome c oxidase) are also given, supporting the establishment of the new species

    A new ladybird spider from Hungary (Araneae, Eresidae)

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    According to the most recent taxonomic literature, three species of the genus Eresus are known in Central Europe, E. kollari, E. sandaliatus and E. moravicus. We recognized a fourth distinctive species from Hungary, which is described as Eresus hermani sp. n. Eresus hermani has an early spring copulation period, females have a light grey (grizzled) cephalothorax due to a heavy cover of lightly colored setae, and an epigyne with large flat areas posterior to the epigynal pit, while males are distinguished by a broad and blunt terminal tooth of the conductor. An updated and modified comparative table of Rezac et al. (2008) to include all four Central European Eresus species, and a simple key to the species group's species are given. Habitus, epigyne, vulva and conductor of E. kollari, E. moravicus and E. sandaliatus are also illustrated. An annotated list of papers illustrating E. hermani due to misidentifications is presented

    Összehasonlító kémiai vizsgálatok a Lamiaceae család és rokonsági körében (elsősorban a Verbenaceae családban) néhány taxonnál különös tekintettel a Salvia, Stachy, Vitex nemzetség másodlagos anyagcseretermékeire. = Comparative chemical investigations on the Lamiaceae and related families (mainly Verbenaceae) with special respect to the secondary metabolites of genera Salvia, Stachy and Vitex.

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    A Lamiaceae család Erdtman szerinti két alcsaládja közötti kémiai különbségek kerültek megerősítésre. A Nepetoideae alcsaládra számos faj jelentős illóolajtartaloma (pl. Salvia-ban), az abietán típusú diterpének jelenléte, a fenilpropanoid glikozidok és iridoidok hiánya, a jelentős urzol-, oleanol-, és rozmaringsav tartalom a jellemző. Ezzel szemben, az iridoidok, feniletanolid glikozidok, a labdán vázas diterpének jelenléte, az alacsony illóolaj, urzol- oleanolsav tartalom, és a rozmaingsav hiánya a Lamioideae alcsalád sajátja. A hatóanyagok előfordulásában minden típusánál kivételek is jelentkeztek. Ezek alapján a két alcsalád közötti különbségeket tendenciózus és inkább kvantitatív jellegűeknek bizonyulnak. Iridoidokat izoláltunk a Stachys fajokból, diterpéneket a Salvia candelabrum-ból és Ballota nigra-ból, fenilpropanoid glikozidokat a Ballota fajokból. Gázkromatográfiás analitikai módszert dolgoztunk ki az urzol- és oleanolsav elválasztására, TLC/denzitometriás eljárást az iridoidok és a fenilpropanoid glikozidok mérésére. Ezeket a hatóanyagok változékonyságának tanulmányozására, mint pl. a B. nigra esetén, a vegetációs periódus alatt használtuk. Előzetes adatokat nyertünk az izolátumok biológiai hatására. Az iridoidok és más anyagok jelenléte a Verbenaceae (Verbena sp.) és a Lamiaceae családok (Stachys sp.) fajaiban összhangban van a két család közötti szoros rokonsággal. | The chemical differences, between the two subfamilies of Lamiaceae (in Erdtman's system) were confirmed. In the Subfamily Nepetoideae the high essential oil content in a lot of species (e.g. Salvia), the presence of diterpenes of abietane type, lack of phenylpropanoid glycosides and iridoids, the presence of ursolic, oleanolic and rosmarinic acids are typical. In contrast to it in the Subfamily Lamioideae the occurrence of iridoids, phenylpropanoid glycosides, diterpenes of labdane skeleton, law essential oil, ursolic and oleanolic acid contents and the lack of rosmarinic acid were confirmed. Beside these regularities in all type of ingredients exceptions were found. Iridoids of some Stachys species, diterpenoids of Salvia candelabrum and Ballota nigra and some phenylpropanoid glycosides from B. nigra were isolated. Analytical method for the rapid quantitative measurement of iridoids, a gas chromatographic one for parallel measurement of ursolic and oleanolic acids and a LC/densitometric method for the phenylethanolide glycosides have been developed and were applied in studying their variation e.g. in B. nigra during the vegetation period. Preliminary data were obtained on the effectiveness of the isolated compounds of several species. The presence of iridoids of the Verbenaceae species, available in Hungary was confirmed. The occurrence of iridoids and other chemicals in Verbena and Stachys species supports the close relationship between Verbenaceae and Lamiaceae families

    A 19. századi magyar nemzetépítés elemeinek átértékelése új szempontok és új források alapján = Rethinking Nineteenth-century Nation-building in Hungary: New Perceptions, New Sources

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    Az OTKA támogatásával létrejött tudományos iskola a történettudomány nemzetközi fejlődése során előtérbe került új megközelítéseket alkalmazva elemezte a magyarországi nemzetépítés folyamatát néhány olyan konkrét részterületen, amelyek eddig a nemzeti problematika szempontjából háttérben maradtak a magyar történettudományban. A 19. századi tankönyvirodalom, az udvari kultúra és a színpadi szórakoztatás, a politikai röpiratok, a gazdaságtörténet, a demográfiai adatok, a divat, illetve a kollektív reprezentációk egyaránt vizsgálódásunk terepéül szolgáltak. A mai elméleti koncepciók szerint a nemzetet elsősorban diskurzusként gondoltuk el. Kutatásunk a modern nemzetet létrehozó diskurzusokat mint a korabeli társadalom eltérő nézeteinek és praxisainak különböző termékeit helyezte előtérbe. Ennek fényében nem kisebb történeti probléma vált láthatóvá, mint magának a nemzetépítés folyamatának a társadalmi beágyazottsága. Rámutattunk ugyanis arra az ellentmondásra, amely a nemzetről szóló homogenizáló diskurzusok és az őket létrehozó komplex társadalmi háttér között feszült. | The scientific school supported by OTKA, applying the most recent results of the international historical sciences, analyzed the process of the Hungarian nation-bulding on some concrete fields that have been partially neglicted by the Hungarian historiography so far. The history manuels, the royal court culture, the popular entertainment, the political pamphlets, the economic history, the fashion, the usage of demographic data and the collective representations were the main fields of our collective research. According to the most recent theoretical frameworks, we considered the nation primarily as a discourse. Our research approached the nation as the product of the various judgments and practices of the contemporary societies. Throughout that approach, a crucial historical problem, the social embeddedness of the nation-building process became visible. We tried to point out the contradiction between the homogenizing discourses about the nation and the complex social background that produced these discourses

    Au-Rh surface structures on Rh(111): DFT insights into the formation of an ordered surface alloy

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    Surface alloying is an important technique to change chemical properties. In this study, by employing density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the atomic arrangements and energetics of an extensive set of Au–Rh structures in a confined (2 × 1) surface cell on a Rh(111) substrate are investigated. An ordered surface alloy layer composed of 50% Au and 50% Rh is identified as the energetically favored structure, which corresponds to a configuration proposed previously based on scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) imaging [Óvári et al. PCCP2016, 18, 25230]. Comparing this surface alloy with another candidate structure in terms of Rh and Au adsorption characteristics, the bonding preference among Rh and Au species is recovered. DFT-based simulated STM images reveal bias-voltage-dependent contrast differences among selected corrugated surface layer structures at various Au coverages. Furthermore, several new experimental results obtained by STM and low energy ion scattering (LEIS) on the thermally induced formation of the ordered Au–Rh surface alloy are also presented in this work. Our calculation approach and results are expected to contribute to the understanding of the formation of metallic surface alloys of various chemical compositions