297 research outputs found

    Host adapted serotypes of <i>Salmonella enterica</i>

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    Salmonella constitutes a genus of zoonotic bacteria of worldwide economic and health importance. The current view of salmonella taxonomy assigns the members of this genus to two species: S. enterica and S. bongori. S. enterica itself is divided into six subspecies, enterica, salamae, arizonae, diarizonae, indica, and houtenae, also known as subspecies I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IV, and VI, respectively. Members of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica are mainly associated with warm-blooded vertebrates and are usually transmitted by ingestion of food or water contaminated by infected faeces. The pathogenicity of most of the distinct serotypes remains undefined, and even within the most common serotypes, many questions remain to be answered regarding the interactions between the organism and the infected host. Salmonellosis manifests itself in three major forms: enteritis, septicaemia, and abortion, each of which may be present singly or in combination, depending on both the serotype and the host involved. Although currently over 2300 serovars of Salmonella are recognized, only about 50 serotypes are isolated in any significant numbers as human or animal pathogens and they all belong to subspecies enterica. Of these, most cause acute gastroenteritis characterized by a short incubation period and a severe systemic disease in man or animals, characterized by septicaemia, fever and/or abortion, and such serotypes are often associated with one or few host species. It is the intention of this review to present a summary of current knowledge of these host-adapted serotypes of S. enterica. The taxonomic relationships between the serotypes will be discussed together with a comparison of the pathology and pathogenesis of the disease that they cause in their natural host(s). Since much of our knowledge on salmonellosis is based on the results of work on Typhimurium, this serotype will often be used as the baseline in discussion. It is hoped that an appreciation of the differences that exist in the way these serotypes interact with the host will lead to a greater understanding of the complex host–parasite relationship that characterizes salmonella infections

    Liver proteomics of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) exposed to cold stress

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    The gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.) is very sensitive to low temperatures, which induce fasting and reduced growth performances. There is a strong interest in understanding the impact of cold on fish metabolism to foster the development and optimization of specific aquaculture practices for the winter period. In this study, an 8 week feeding trial was carried out on gilthead sea bream juveniles reared in a Recirculated Aquaculture System (RAS) by applying a temperature ramp in two phases of four weeks each: a cooling phase from 18 \ub0C to 11 \ub0C and a cold maintenance phase at 11 \ub0C. Liver protein profiles were evaluated with a shotgun proteomics workflow based on filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS) followed by label-free differential analysis. Along the whole trial, sea breams underwent several changes in liver protein abundance. These occurred mostly during the cooling phase when catabolic processes were mainly observed, including protein and lipid degradation, together with a reduction in protein synthesis and amino acid metabolism. A decrease in protein mediators of oxidative stress protection was also seen. Liver protein profiles changed less during cold maintenance, but pathways such as the methionine cycle and sugar metabolism were significantly affected. These results provide novel insights on the dynamics and extent of the metabolic shift occurring in sea bream liver with decreasing water temperature, supporting future studies on temperature-adapted feed formulations. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD011059

    Liver proteome dataset of Sparus aurata exposed to low temperatures

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    We report the proteomic dataset of livers from Sparus aurata exposed to low temperature during growth. Gilthead sea bream juveniles were reared in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) and exposed to a temperature ramp made of two phases of four weeks each: a Cooling phase from 18&nbsp;\ub0C (t0) to 11&nbsp;\ub0C (t1) and a Cold Maintenance phase at 11&nbsp;\ub0C (t1-t2) in a 8 week feeding trial. At the end of the experiment, sea bream livers were collected and analyzed with a shotgun proteomics approach based on filter-aided sample preparation followed by tandem mass spectrometry, peptide identification carried out using Sequest-HT as search engine within the Proteome Discoverer informatic platform, and label-free differential analysis. The mass spectrometry data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD011059 (Vizca\uedno et al., 2016; Deutsch et al., 2017; Perez-Riverol et al., 2016). The dataset described here is also related to the research article entitled "Liver proteomics of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) exposed to cold stress" (Ghisaura et al., 2019)

    Proteomic datasets of uninfected and Staphylococcus aureus-infected goat milk

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    We present a proteomic dataset generated from half-udder Alpine goat milk. The milk samples belonged to 3 groups: i) mid-lactation, low somatic cell count, uninfected milk (MLU, n=3); ii) late lactation, high somatic cell count, uninfected milk (LHU, n=3); and late lactation, high somatic cell count, Staphylococcus aureus subclinically infected milk (LHS, n=3). The detailed description of results is reported in the research article entitled \u201cImpact of Staphylococcus aureus infection on the late lactation goat milk proteome: new perspectives for monitoring and understanding mastitis in dairy goats\u201d. After milk defatting, high speed centrifugation and trypsin digestion of milk with the FASP protocol, peptide mixtures were analyzed by LC-MS/MS on a Q-Exactive. Peptide identification was carried out using Sequest-HT in Proteome Discoverer. Then, the Normalized Abundance Spectrum Factor (NSAF) value was calculated by label free quantitation using the spectral counting approach, and Gene Ontology (GO) annotation by Uniprot was carried out by reporting biological process, molecular function and cellular component. The MS data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange via the PRIDE with the dataset identifier PXD017243

    Impact of Staphylococcus aureus infection on the late lactation goat milk proteome: New perspectives for monitoring and understanding mastitis in dairy goats

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    The milk somatic cell count (SCC) is a standard parameter for monitoring intramammary infections (IMI) in dairy ruminants. In goats, however, the physiological increase in SCC occurring in late lactation heavily compromises its reliability. To identify and understand milk protein changes specifically related to IMI, we carried out a shotgun proteomics study comparing high SCC late lactation milk from goats with subclinical Staphylococcus aureus IMI and from healthy goats to low SCC mid-lactation milk from healthy goats. As a result, we detected 52 and 19 differential proteins (DPs) in S. aureus-infected and uninfected late lactation milk, respectively. Unexpectedly, one of the proteins higher in uninfected milk was serum amyloid A. On the other hand, 38 DPs were increased only in S. aureus-infected milk and included haptoglobin and numerous cytoskeletal proteins. Based on STRING analysis, the DPs unique to S. aureus infected milk were mainly involved in defense response, cytoskeleton organization, cell-to-cell, and cell-to-matrix interactions. Being tightly and specifically related to infectious/inflammatory processes, these proteins may hold promise as more reliable markers of IMI than SCC in late lactation goats. Significance: The biological relevance of our results lies in the increased understanding of the changes specifically related to bacterial infection of the goat udder in late lactation. The DPs present only in S. aureus infected milk may find application as markers for improving the specificity of subclinical mastitis monitoring and detection in dairy goats in late lactation, when other widespread tools such as the SCC lose diagnostic value

    Relationship of Late Lactation Milk Somatic Cell Count and Cathelicidin with Intramammary Infection in Small Ruminants

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    Late lactation is a critical moment for making mastitis management decisions, but in small ruminants the reliability of diagnostic tests is typically lower at this stage. We evaluated somatic cell counts (SCC) and cathelicidins (CATH) in late lactation sheep and goat milk for their relationship with intramammary infections (IMI), as diagnosed by bacteriological culture (BC). A total of 315 sheep and 223 goat half-udder milk samples collected in the last month of lactation were included in the study. IMI prevalence was 10.79% and 15.25%, respectively, and non-aureus staphylococci were the most common finding. Taking BC as a reference, the diagnostic performance of SCC and CATH was quite different in the two species. In sheep, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis produced a higher area under the curve (AUC) value for CATH than SCC (0.9041 versus 0.8829, respectively). Accordingly, CATH demonstrated a higher specificity than SCC (82.92% versus 73.67%, respectively) at comparable sensitivity (91.18%). Therefore, CATH showed a markedly superior diagnostic performance than SCC in late lactation sheep milk. In goats, AUC was &lt;0.67 for both parameters, and CATH was less specific than SCC (61.90% versus 65.08%) at comparable sensitivity (64.71%). Therefore, both CATH and SCC performed poorly in late lactation goats. In conclusion, sheep can be screened for mastitis at the end of lactation, while goats should preferably be tested at peak lactation. In late lactation sheep, CATH should be preferred over SCC for its higher specificity, but careful cost/benefit evaluations will have to be made

    A human gut metaproteomic dataset from stool samples pretreated or not by differential centrifugation

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    We present a human gut metaproteomic dataset deposited in the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD001573. Ten aliquots of a single stool sample collected from a healthy human volunteer were either pretreated by differential centrifugation (DC; N=5) or not centrifuged (NC; N=5). Protein extracts were then processed by filter-aided sample preparation, single-run liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry, and peptide identification was carried out using Sequest-HT as search engine within the Proteome Discoverer informatic platform. The dataset described here is also related to the research article entitled "Enrichment or depletion? The impact of stool pretreatment on metaproteomic characterization of the human gut microbiota" published in Proteomics (Tanca et al., 2015), [1]

    Fecal metaproteomic analysis reveals unique changes of the gut microbiome functions after consumption of sourdough Carasau bread

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    Sourdough-leavened bread (SB) is acknowledged for its great variety of valuable effects on consumer's metabolism and health, including a low glycemic index and a reduced content of the possible carcinogen acrylamide. Here, we aimed to investigate how these effects influence the gut microbiota composition and functions. Therefore, we subjected rats to a diet supplemented with SB, baker's yeast leavened bread (BB), or unsupplemented diet (chow), and, after 4 weeks of treatment, their gut microbiota was analyzed using a metaproteogenomic approach. As a result, diet supplementation with SB led to a reduction of specific members of the intestinal microbiota previously associated to low protein diets, namely Alistipes and Mucispirillum, or known as intestinal pathobionts, i.e., Mycoplasma. Concerning functions, asparaginases expressed by Bacteroides were observed as more abundant in SB-fed rats, leading to hypothesize that in their colonic microbiota the enzyme substrate, asparagine, was available in higher amounts than in BB- and chow-fed rats. Another group of protein families, expressed by Clostridium, was detected as more abundant in animal fed SB-supplemented diet. Of these, manganese catalase, small acid-soluble proteins (SASP), Ser/Thr kinase PrkA, and V-ATPase proteolipid subunit have been all reported to take part in Clostridium sporulation, strongly suggesting that the diet supplementation with SB might promote environmental conditions inducing metabolic dormancy of Clostridium spp. within the gut microbiota. In conclusion, our data describe the effects of SB consumption on the intestinal microbiota taxonomy and functions in rats. Moreover, our results suggest that a metaproteogenomic approach can provide evidence of the interplay between metabolites deriving from bread digestion and microbial metabolism
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