98 research outputs found

    Use of Physiotherapy Prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty-Results of the Prospective FInGK Study

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    Background: Data regarding physiotherapy (PT) utilization prior to total knee arthroplasty (TKA) are insufficient. Therefore, this study aims to examine which percentage of patients receive PT within 12 months prior to TKA and which factors are associated with its use. Methods: Consecutive patients (≥18 years) undergoing primary or revision TKA in a German university hospital were recruited. A questionnaire including information on PT utilization, demography, and socioeconomics was collected one day prior to surgery and linked to medical hospital records. Multivariable logistic regression was conducted to determine variables associated with the use of PT. Results: A total of 241 out of 283 (85%) patients participated (60% female; mean age: 68.4 years). Overall, 41% received PT at least once during 12 months prior to TKA, women more frequently than men (48% vs. 29%). Although high disease burden was associated with increased utilization, about one in two in this condition did not receive PT. Multivariable logistic regression showed that age 75+ years, low education level, and moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms were associated with decreased PT utilization. Conclusions: We found low use of recommended PT management in patients prior to TKA. This potential underuse was even higher in some vulnerable subgroups, indicating inequalities. Prescribers as well as patients should integrate PT more consistently into osteoarthritis management

    Growth in brine, at low temperature and different organic acids, of yeasts from table olives

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    The evolution of the main yeast species related to table olives (Pichia anomala, Pichia membranaefaciens, Pichia minuta, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida diddensii, Candida famata, and Debaryomyces hansenii) at low temperature (7ºC) and different physico-chemical brine conditions was studied, using the log of the relative growth as response. In general, the NaCl concentration had a reduced effect, which was slightly greater at pH 3.5, although it was never significant. The effects of pH and type of acid were significant: the presence of acetic acid always diminished the yeast population with time; however the population was maintained, or even slightly increased, in the presence of lactic acid. Such effects were higher at pH 3.5 than at pH 4.0. The behavior of the yeast species was diverse. Sacch. cerevisiae, P. membranaefaciens, C. famata y Deb. hansenii disminished with time in 8% NaCl. The yeast population markedly decreased at pH 3.5, mainly in the case of Sacch. cerevisiae and C. famata. The presence of acetic acid decreased the yeast population in most species and always lead to a progressive diminution of it with time. No differences between species due to lactic acid was observed. These results can be of interest for the development of commercial presentations of table olives to be preserved at low temperature and with a reduced level of sodium.Se ha estudiado la evolución de las principales especies de levaduras relacionadas con las aceitunas de mesa (Pichia anomala, Pichia membranaefaciens, Pichia minuta, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida diddensii, Candida famata , y Debaryomyces hansenii) a baja temperara (7ºC) y en diversas condiciones físico-químicas en las salmueras, utilizando el log del crecimiento relativo como respuesta. En general, la concentración de sal tiene un efecto muy limitado, que se aprecia algo más a pH 4, pero sin llegar a ser significativo. Los efectos del tipo de ácido y pH fueron significativos; la presencia de acético disminuye la población con el tiempo, mientras que con el láctico se mantiene e, incluso, se eleva ligeramente. Estos efectos se acentúan a pH 3,5. El comportamiento de cada levadura frente a las diferentes variables ha sido diverso. La población relativa de las especies Sacch. cerevisiae , P. membranaefaciens , C. famata y Deb. hansenii disminuyó con el tiempo en presencia del 8 % de NaCl. A pH 3,5 disminuye muy sensiblemente la población inicial en todos los casos, siendo tal influencia más destacada en Sacch. cerevisiae y C. famata. La presencia de acético disminuye de forma importante la población inicial inoculada en la mayoría de los casos y provocó siempre un descenso paulatino en las mismas. No se observó diferencias entre las especies debido al ácido láctico. Estos estudios pueden ser de interés para el desarrollo de presentaciones comerciales de aceitunas de mesa refrigeradas y con reducido nivel de sodio.Los autores desean expresar su gratitud a la CICYT (AGL2000-1539-CO2-01) y a la Unión Europea (FAIR-97-9526) por la financiación parcial de esta investigación.Peer reviewe