1,067 research outputs found

    On the genericity properties in networked estimation: Topology design and sensor placement

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    In this paper, we consider networked estimation of linear, discrete-time dynamical systems monitored by a network of agents. In order to minimize the power requirement at the (possibly, battery-operated) agents, we require that the agents can exchange information with their neighbors only \emph{once per dynamical system time-step}; in contrast to consensus-based estimation where the agents exchange information until they reach a consensus. It can be verified that with this restriction on information exchange, measurement fusion alone results in an unbounded estimation error at every such agent that does not have an observable set of measurements in its neighborhood. To over come this challenge, state-estimate fusion has been proposed to recover the system observability. However, we show that adding state-estimate fusion may not recover observability when the system matrix is structured-rank (SS-rank) deficient. In this context, we characterize the state-estimate fusion and measurement fusion under both full SS-rank and SS-rank deficient system matrices.Comment: submitted for IEEE journal publicatio

    Distributing the Kalman Filter for Large-Scale Systems

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    This paper derives a \emph{distributed} Kalman filter to estimate a sparsely connected, large-scale, n−n-dimensional, dynamical system monitored by a network of NN sensors. Local Kalman filters are implemented on the (nl−n_l-dimensional, where nl≪nn_l\ll n) sub-systems that are obtained after spatially decomposing the large-scale system. The resulting sub-systems overlap, which along with an assimilation procedure on the local Kalman filters, preserve an LLth order Gauss-Markovian structure of the centralized error processes. The information loss due to the LLth order Gauss-Markovian approximation is controllable as it can be characterized by a divergence that decreases as L↑L\uparrow. The order of the approximation, LL, leads to a lower bound on the dimension of the sub-systems, hence, providing a criterion for sub-system selection. The assimilation procedure is carried out on the local error covariances with a distributed iterate collapse inversion (DICI) algorithm that we introduce. The DICI algorithm computes the (approximated) centralized Riccati and Lyapunov equations iteratively with only local communication and low-order computation. We fuse the observations that are common among the local Kalman filters using bipartite fusion graphs and consensus averaging algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieves full distribution of the Kalman filter that is coherent with the centralized Kalman filter with an LLth order Gaussian-Markovian structure on the centralized error processes. Nowhere storage, communication, or computation of n−n-dimensional vectors and matrices is needed; only nl≪nn_l \ll n dimensional vectors and matrices are communicated or used in the computation at the sensors

    FROST -- Fast row-stochastic optimization with uncoordinated step-sizes

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    In this paper, we discuss distributed optimization over directed graphs, where doubly-stochastic weights cannot be constructed. Most of the existing algorithms overcome this issue by applying push-sum consensus, which utilizes column-stochastic weights. The formulation of column-stochastic weights requires each agent to know (at least) its out-degree, which may be impractical in e.g., broadcast-based communication protocols. In contrast, we describe FROST (Fast Row-stochastic-Optimization with uncoordinated STep-sizes), an optimization algorithm applicable to directed graphs that does not require the knowledge of out-degrees; the implementation of which is straightforward as each agent locally assigns weights to the incoming information and locally chooses a suitable step-size. We show that FROST converges linearly to the optimal solution for smooth and strongly-convex functions given that the largest step-size is positive and sufficiently small.Comment: Submitted for journal publication, currently under revie
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