2 research outputs found
Hududlar ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy taraqqiyotini ta’minlashda mahalliy byudjetlar barqarorligini oshirish masalalari
Mazkur maqolada O’zbekistondagi mahalliy byudjetlarning tuzilishi, ularning tarkibi yoritilgan bo’lib, unda mahalliy byudjetlarning daromadlari shakllanishi hamda xarajatlari moliyalashtirilishi amaliyoti yoritilgan. Oxirgi yillarda mahalliy byudjet mablag’lari harakati viloyatlar, Toshkent shahri hamda Qoraqalpog’iston Respublikasi ko’lamida o’rganilib, har bir maskan daromad va xarajatlari o’rtasidagi tafovutlardan kelib chiqqan holda mablag’lar harakati samaradorligini yanada takomillashtirish yo’nalishlarni ko’rib chiqib va ularni amaliyotga qo’llash maqsadga muvofiq hisoblanadi
Movement scenario of mobile devices in a heterogeneous network
In today's world, information technology is developing in all spheres of human life, especially the emerging global information society, which led the unification of telecommunications and information technologies. This increases the user requirements for the quality and range of services of these technologies, to which access must be provided continuously and independently of geographical location, according to the concept of continuous best connections (Always Best Connected, ABC). Variety of radio access technologies and the increasing number of mobile devices enable the integration of different technologies into a single network, which makes the question of achieving seamless mobility and seamless service continuity in heterogeneous wireless access networks. In this paper will be considered movement scenario of MD in a heterogeneous network