489 research outputs found

    Fractal properties of relaxation clusters and phase transition in a stochastic sandpile automaton

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    We study numerically the spatial properties of relaxation clusters in a two dimensional sandpile automaton with dynamic rules depending stochastically on a parameter p, which models the effects of static friction. In the limiting cases p=1 and p=0 the model reduces to the critical height model and critical slope model, respectively. At p=p_c, a continuous phase transition occurs to the state characterized by a nonzero average slope. Our analysis reveals that the loss of finite average slope at the transition is accompanied by the loss of fractal properties of the relaxation clusters.Comment: 11 page

    Interface Motion in Disordered Ferromagnets

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    We consider numerically the depinning transition in the random-field Ising model. Our analysis reveals that the three and four dimensional model displays a simple scaling behavior whereas the five dimensional scaling behavior is affected by logarithmic corrections. This suggests that d=5 is the upper critical dimension of the depinning transition in the random-field Ising model. Furthermore, we investigate the so-called creep regime (small driving fields and temperatures) where the interface velocity is given by an Arrhenius law.Comment: some misprints correcte

    Density fluctuations and phase separation in a traffic flow model

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    Within the Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model we consider the transition from the free flow regime to the jammed regime. We introduce a method of analyzing the data which is based on the local density distribution. This analyzes allows us to determine the phase diagram and to examine the separation of the system into a coexisting free flow phase and a jammed phase above the transition. The investigation of the steady state structure factor yields that the decomposition in this phase coexistence regime is driven by density fluctuations, provided they exceed a critical wavelength.Comment: in 'Traffic and Granular Flow 97', edited by D.E. Wolf and M. Schreckenberg, Springer, Singapore (1998

    Thermally activated interface motion in a disordered ferromagnet

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    We investigate interface motion in disordered ferromagnets by means of Monte Carlo simulations. For small temperatures and driving fields a so-called creep regime is found and the interface velocity obeys an Arrhenius law. We analyze the corresponding energy barrier as well as the field and temperature dependence of the prefactor.Comment: accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    Dissipative current in SIFS Josephson junctions

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    We investigate superconductor/insulator/ferromagnet/superconductor (SIFS) tunnel Josephson junctions in the dirty limit, using the quasiclassical theory. We consider the case of a strong tunnel barrier such that the left S layer and the right FS bilayer are decoupled. We calculate quantitatively the density of states (DOS) in the FS bilayer for arbitrary length of the ferromagnetic layer, using a self-consistent numerical method. We compare these results with a known analytical DOS approximation, which is valid when the ferromagnetic layer is long enough. Finally we calculate quantitatively the current-voltage characteristics of a SIFS junction.Comment: Proceedings of the Vortex VI conference, to be published in Physica

    Proximity-driven source of highly spin-polarized ac current on the basis of superconductor/weak ferromagnet/superconductor voltage-biased Josephson junction

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    We theoretically investigate an opportunity to implement a source of highly spin-polarized ac current on the basis of superconductor/weak ferromagnet/superconductor (SFS) voltage-biased junction in the regime of essential proximity effect and calculate the current flowing through the probe electrode tunnel coupled to the ferromagnetic interlayer region. It is shown that while the polarization of the dc current component is generally small in case of weak exchange field of the ferromagnet, there is an ac component of the current in the system. This ac current is highly spin-polarized and entirely originated from the non-equilibrium proximity effect in the interlayer. The frequency of the current is controlled by the voltage applied to SFS junction. We discuss a possibility to obtain a source of coherent ac currents with a certain phase shift between them by tunnel coupling two probe electrodes at different locations of the interlayer region.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetic breakdown in a normal-metal - superconductor proximity sandwich

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    We study the magnetic response of a clean normal-metal slab of finite thickness in proximity with a bulk superconductor. We determine its free energy and identify two (meta-)stable states, a diamagnetic one where the applied field is effectively screened, and a second state, where the field penetrates the normal-metal layer. We present a complete characterization of the first order transition between the two states which occurs at the breakdown field, including its spinodals, the jump in the magnetization, and the latent heat. The bistable regime terminates at a critical temperature above which the sharp transition is replaced by a continuous cross-over. We compare the theory with experiments on normal-superconducting cylinders.Comment: 7 pages Revtex, 3 Postscript figures, needs psfig.te

    The Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model around the upper critical dimension

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    We consider the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model on square lattices in different dimensions (D>=6). A finite size scaling analysis of the avalanche probability distributions yields the values of the distribution exponents, the dynamical exponent, and the dimension of the avalanches. Above the upper critical dimension D_u=4 the exponents equal the known mean field values. An analysis of the area probability distributions indicates that the avalanches are fractal above the critical dimension.Comment: 7 pages, including 9 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review