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    IT(Information Technology)ヘルスケアシステムが高齢者の認知機能の向上に影響をもたらすか,その効果を測定するため,デイサービス事業所5か所において調査を行った.効果測定は,認知機能評価スケールMini Mental State Examination(MMSE)を用い,介入前後に測定できた49人(介入群40人,対照群9人)のデータを分析し比較検討した.結果,ITヘルスケアシステム(ITHCS)介入前後のMMSE得点,および認知機能の変化(前後差)において,介入群の方が有意に高い得点を示す項目はなかった.しかし,介護度別にみると介入後の方が有意に高い認知機能の変化を示した項目(即時想起,物品呼称,自発書字)もあった.そのためITヘルスケアシステムの効率性を高めるには,利用者への個別的対応を組み合わせるなどのアプローチが必要であると結論付けられた.This article examines how effective IT(Information Technology)health care system is in improving cognitive functioning for the elderly people. We have organized a small project for health promotion among elderly people at five day-care centers and evaluated its effectiveness in the cognitive abilities of the service users. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is used to assess the project’s efficacy, including the impact of the IT health care system. Eleven types of cognitive abilities are tested on 49 people (40 within intervention group and 9 within contrast group) prior the intervention and after. The result doesn’t show significant improvement on the score, however, some improvement on cognitive abilities such as short-term memory, calculation, identifying objects, and following simple directions, was seen in some group according to their care requirement level. Therefore, we concluded that the program with IT health care system combined with some individualized approach is necessary in order to improve its effectiveness