56 research outputs found

    Concentración de cultivos de microalgas por un proceso de eliminación osmótica del medio utilizando disoluciones de glicerol

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    Número de publicación: ES2545829 A1 (15.09.2015) También publicado como: ES2545829 B2 (15.01.2016) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201400232 (12.03.2014)La presente invención consiste en concentrar cultivos de microalgas mediante un proceso económico y de bajo consumo energético pudiendo reaprovechar el glicerol residual de la síntesis de biodiesel. La disolución de glicerol constituye la solución osmótica, que se pone en contacto con el cultivo de microalgas a través de una membrana semipermeable. La diferencia de presión osmótica entre el cultivo y la disolución de glicerol hace que el agua se transfiera al glicerol, lográndose así, sin adición de químicos ni gasto energético adicional la concentración del cultivo. Este procedimiento, permite que en los procesos posteriores al cultivo de microalgas se manejen menores volúmenes, con el subsecuente recorte en el gasto de equipos, suministros y energético. Alternativas: centrifugación, floculación, ósmosis con agua de mar.Universidad de Almerí

    Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus and Associated Risk Factors in the Adult Population of the Basque Country, Spain

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of diabetes mellitus in the Basque Country and the risk factors involved in the disease by reassessing an adult population after 7 years of follow-up. In the previous prevalence study, 847 people older than 18 years were randomly selected from all over the Basque Country and were invited to answer a medical questionnaire, followed by a physical examination and an oral glucose tolerance test. In the reassessment, the same variables were collected and the resulting cohort comprised 517 individuals of whom 43 had diabetes at baseline. The cumulative incidence of diabetes was 4.64% in 7 years and the raw incidence rate was 6.56 cases/1000 person-years (95%CI: 4.11-9.93). Among the incident cases, 59% were undiagnosed. The most strongly associated markers by univariate analyses were age >60 years, dyslipidaemia, prediabetes and insulin resistance. We also found association with hypertension, obesity, family history of diabetes and low education level. Multivariate analysis adjusted for age and sex showed that a set of risk factors assessed together (dyslipidaemia, waist-to-hip-ratio and family history of diabetes) had great predictive value (AUC-ROC=0.899, 95%CI: 0.846-0.953, p=0.942), which suggests the need for early intervention before the onset of prediabetesThis work was partially supported by grants from the Department of Health of the Basque Country Government (2015111020); ISCIII (PI14/01104), co-funded by ERDF/ESF, "A way to make Europe"/"Investing in your future"; UPV/EHU (IT1281-19); Menarini Group Spain (BCA16/029); Endocrine-European Reference Network (EndoERN 739527); and CIBERDEM (Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders). The study funders were not involved in the design of the study; the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing the report; and did not impose any restrictions regarding the publication of the report

    Novel Variant in the CNNM2 Gene Associated with Dominant Hypomagnesemia

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    The maintenance of magnesium (Mg2+) homeostasis is essential for human life. The Cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS)-pair domain divalent metal cation transport mediators (CNNMs) have been described to be involved in maintaining Mg2+ homeostasis. Among these CNNMs, CNNM2 is expressed in the basolateral membrane of the kidney tubules where it is involved in Mg2+ reabsorption. A total of four patients, two of them with a suspected disorder of calcium metabolism, and two patients with a clinical diagnosis of primary tubulopathy were screened for mutations by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). We found one novel likely pathogenic variant in the heterozygous state (c.2384C>A; p.(Ser795*)) in theCNNM2gene in a family with a suspected disorder of calcium metabolism. In this family, hypomagnesemia was indirectly discovered. Moreover, we observed three novel variants of uncertain significance in heterozygous state in the other three patients (c.557G>C; p.(Ser186Thr), c.778A>T; p.(Ile260Phe), and c.1003G>A; p.(Asp335Asn)). Our study shows the utility of Next-Generation Sequencing in unravelling the genetic origin of rare diseases. In clinical practice, serum Mg2+ should be determined in calcium and PTH-related disorders.This study was supported by three grants from the Department of Health (2017111014, 2018111097 and 2019111052) and one grant from the Department of Education (IT1281-19) of the Basque Government. This work is generated within the Endocrine European Reference Network (Project ID number of Endo-ERN: 739527). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Autoimagen-autoestima y percepción del futuro de los adolescentes de 14-16 años de edad del sexo masculino y sexo femenino residentes en comunidades marginales y no marginales de la ciudad de San Salvador

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    Se exploró a los adolescentes de 14-16 años, residentes en comunidades marginales y no marginales; para investigar sus niveles de autoimagen-autoestima y percepción del futuro. Para ello se tomó una muestra de 220 sujetos de centros educativos oficiales y se les administró un cuestionario de autoimagen-autoestima y otro de percepción del futuro.Después de administrar los instrumentos mencionados se encontró que los adolescentes residentes en comunidades marginales tenían niveles bajos de autoimagen-autoestima en comparación con los residentes en comunidades no marginales. Así mismo, se apreció que los adolescentes residentes en comunidades marginales del sexo femenino presentaban niveles más bajos de autoimagen-autoestima que los del sexo masculino. Por otra parte al analizar los resultados en relación a la percepción del futuro, se encontró que no había diferencia alguna tanto entre los del sexo masculino y femenino, como entre los residentes en comunidades marginales y no marginales

    Five Patients with Disorders of Calcium Metabolism Presented with GCM2 Gene Variants

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    The GCM2 gene encodes a transcription factor predominantly expressed in parathyroid cells that is known to be critical for development, proliferation and maintenance of the parathyroid cells. A cohort of 127 Spanish patients with a disorder of calcium metabolism were screened for mutations by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). A targeted panel for disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism was designed to include 65 genes associated with these disorders. We observed two variants of uncertain significance (p.(Ser487Phe) and p.Asn315Asp), one likely pathogenic (p.Val382Met) and one benign variant (p.Ala393_Gln395dup) in the GCM2 gene in the heterozygous state in five families (two index cases had hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism, respectively, and three index cases had primary hyperparathyroidism). Our study shows the utility of NGS in unravelling the genetic origin of some disorders of the calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and confirms the GCM2 gene as an important element for the maintenance of calcium homeostasis. Importantly, a novel variant in the GCM2 gene (p.(Ser487Phe)) has been found in a patient with hypocalcemia.This study was supported by three grants from the Department of Health (2017111014, 2018111097 and 2019111052) and one grant from the Department of Education (IT1281-19) of the Basque Government. This work is generated within the Endocrine European Reference Network (Project ID number of Endo-ERN: 739527). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip

    Rare Germline DICER1 Variants in Pediatric Patients With Cushing's Disease: What Is Their Role?

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    Context: The DICER1 syndrome is a multiple neoplasia disorder caused by germline mutations in the DICER1 gene. In DICER1 patients, aggressive congenital pituitary tumors lead to neonatal Cushing's disease (CD). The role of DICER1 in other corticotropinomas, however, remains unknown. Objective: To perform a comprehensive screening for DICER1 variants in a large cohort of CD patients, and to analyze their possible contribution to the phenotype. Design, setting, patients, and interventions: We included 192CD cases: ten young-onset (age <30 years at diagnosis) patients were studied using a next generation sequencing panel, and 182 patients (170 pediatric and 12 adults) were screened via whole-exome sequencing. In seven cases, tumor samples were analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Results: Rare germline DICER1 variants were found in seven pediatric patients with no other known disease-associated germline defects or somatic DICER1 second hits. By immunohistochemistry, DICER1 showed nuclear localization in 5/6 patients. Variant transmission from one of the parents was confirmed in 5/7 cases. One patient had a multinodular goiter; another had a family history of melanoma; no other patients had a history of neoplasms. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that DICER1 gene variants may contribute to the pathogenesis of non-syndromic corticotropinomas. Clarifying whether DICER1 loss-of-function is disease-causative or a mere disease-modifier in this setting, requires further studies.This work was supported by the Intramural Research Programs of Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute for Neurological Diseases and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, a grant from the Basque Department of Education (IT795-13), a grant from the Basque Department of Health (GV2018111082), the Merck Serono Research award from Fundacion Salud 2000 (15-EP-004) and the Jose Igea 2018 grant, sponsored by Pfizer, from Fundacion Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia Pediatrica (SEEP)

    Guía de actuación en las anomalías de la diferenciación sexual (ADS) / desarrollo sexual diferente (DSD)

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    Las anomalías de la diferenciación sexual (ADS) engloban un amplio espectro de discordancias entre los criterios cromosómico, gonadal y fenotípico (genital) que definen la diferenciación sexual; actualmente, se aboga por la denominación de «desarrollo sexual diferente» (DSD). Su origen es congénito; se clasifican en función de los cromosomas sexuales presentes en el cariotipo; las causas genéticas conocidas son muy diversas y heterogéneas, aunque algunos casos pueden ser secundarios a factores maternos o medioambientales. Su diagnóstico y tratamiento requieren siempre una atención médica y psicosocial multidisciplinar. El diagnóstico etiológico precisa la interacción entre las exploraciones clínicas, bioquímicas (hormonales), genéticas, de imagen y, eventualmente, quirúrgicas. El tratamiento debe abordar la asignación de género, la posible necesidad de tratamiento hormonal substitutivo (suprarrenal si hay insuficiencia suprarrenal y con esteroides sexuales si hay insuficiencia gonadal a partir de la edad puberal), la necesidad de intervenciones quirúrgicas sobre las estructuras genitales (actualmente se tiende a diferirlas) y/o sobre las gónadas (en función de los riesgos de malignización), la necesidad de apoyo psicosocial y, finalmente, una adecuada programación de la transición a la atención médica en las especialidades de adultos. Las asociaciones de personas afectadas tienen un papel fundamental en el apoyo a familias y la interacción con los medios profesionales y sociales. La utilización de Registros y la colaboración entre profesionales en Grupos de Trabajo de sociedades médicas nacionales e internacionales es fundamental para avanzar en mejorar los medios diagnósticos y terapéuticos que precisan los DSD.Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) include a wide range of anomalies among the chromosomal, gonadal, and phenotypic (genital) characteristics that define sexual differentiation. At present, a definition as Different Sexual Development (DSD) is currently preferred. They originate in the pre-natal stage, are classified according to the sex chromosomes present in the karyotype. The known genetic causes are numerous and heterogeneous, although, in some cases, they may be secondary to maternal factors and/or exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The diagnosis and treatment of DSD always requires multidisciplinary medical and psychosocial care. An aetiological diagnosis needs the interaction of clinical, biochemical (hormonal), genetic, imaging and, sometimes, surgical examinations. The treatment should deal with sex assignment, the possible need for hormone replacement therapy (adrenal if adrenal function is impaired, and with sex steroids from pubertal age if gonadal function is impaired), as well as the need for surgery on genital structures (currently deferred when possible) and/or on gonads (depending on the risk of malignancy), the need of psychosocial support and, finally, an adequate organisation of the transition to adult medical specialties. Patient Support Groups have a fundamental role in the support of families, as well as the interaction with professional and social media. The use of Registries and the collaboration between professionals in Working Groups of national and international medical societies are crucial for improving the diagnostic and therapeutic tools required for the care of patients with DSD