2 research outputs found

    A Clinical Trial-Related Workload Tool for Research Managers

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    INTRODUCTION: Identifying whether research staff is overburdened and quantifying it in a clinical trial setting is a challenge for research managers. Quantifying workload could help managers to equitably distribute burden and to accurately staff for better functioning of clinical trials. In this study we developed a workload tool for quantifying the workload of Clinical Research Coordinators in a cancer clinical trial setting. METHODS: We adapted the ASCO Clinical Trial Workload Assessment Tool for application in a cancer clinical trial setting. First we assigned all active clinical trials to one of four categories with the assignment of a complexity score. Then we categorized the workload of Clinical Research Coordinators into static and dynamic works. Static works are those independent of the number of patients seen by Clinical Research Coordinators and dynamic works are those dependent on the number of patients (active patients versus follow-up patients). Thereafter we developed an equation to quantify the workload of each Clinical Research Coordinator with a score of 100 indicating ideal burden; those with a score of \u3e100 were considered overburdened. Based on this we could calculate the number of additional Clinical Research Coordinators needed for better functioning of clinical trials. RESULTS: We measured the workload of Clinical Research Coordinators from June 2018 to March 2019. During this period, there were a median number of 12 (range: 11-15) Clinical Re-search Coordinators working for median of 37 (range: 29-39) clinical trials. The median active patients were 170 (range: 100-196) and follow-up patients were 13 (range: 2-19). During the study period, a median number of 9 (range: 6-14) Clinical Research Coordinators were working above their ideal workload. After applying the equation, a median of 3.2 (range: 2-4) extra Clinical Re-search Coordinators were needed to complete their jobs without additional burden. CONCLUSION: The workload tool could be used to accurately identify the number of prospective employees needed based on the number and complexity of active clinical trials. The workload tool showed consistent results indicating good precision. However, statistical validation is required to confirm the accuracy and reliability of the tool. We have further adapted our workload tool to assess burden in other research roles including Research Assistants, Research Finance Specialists, Budget and Contract Analysts, Research Registered Nurses, Infusion Registered Nurses, Quality Assurance Specialists, and Regulatory Coordinators. Future applications of the workload tool include use for budget justification of current and future research staff and use in performance improvement initiatives

    Pautes per a l’harmonització del tractament farmacològic de la incontinència urinària

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    Incontinència urinària; Tractament; AlgorismeIncontinencia urinaria; Tratamiento; AlgoritmoUrinary incontinence; Treatment; AlgorithmAquesta pauta té l’objectiu d’harmonitzar el tractament farmacològic dels pacients amb incontinència urinària i es dirigeix, principalment, als professionals de l’àmbit de l’atenció primària, comunitària i especialitzada. Es prioritzen les guies de pràctica clínica de referència vigents i s’identifiquen les revisions sistemàtiques i els assaigs clínics de rellevància que plantegen preguntes clíniques concretes. La pauta també incorpora la revisió de l’evidència científica generada després de la publicació de les esmentades guies i la utilització de criteris d’eficiència per a la realització de recomanacions de selecció i priorització de medicaments i/o grups terapèutics, d’acord amb la política farmacèutica del CatSalut.Esta pauta tiene el objetivo de armonizar el tratamiento farmacológico de los pacientes con incontinencia urinaria y se dirige, principalmente, a los profesionales del ámbito de la atención primaria, comunitaria y especializada. Se priorizan las guías de práctica clínica de referencia vigentes y se identifican las revisiones sistemáticas y los ensayos clínicos de relevancia que plantean preguntas clínicas concretas. La pauta también incorpora la revisión de la evidencia científica generada tras la publicación de dichas guías y la utilización de criterios de eficiencia para la realización de recomendaciones de selección y priorización de medicamentos y / o grupos terapéuticos, de acuerdo con la política farmacéutica del CatSalut.This guideline aims to harmonize the pharmacological treatment of patients with urinary incontinence and is aimed primarily at professionals in the field of primary, community and specialized care. Current clinical practice guidelines are prioritized and systematic reviews and relevant clinical trials that raise specific clinical questions are identified. The guideline also includes the review of the scientific evidence generated after the publication of the aforementioned guidelines and the use of efficiency criteria for making recommendations for the selection and prioritization of drugs and / or therapeutic groups, in accordance with the pharmaceutical policy of CatSalut