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    Emprendimiento Corporativo, desarrollo del concepto, enfoques de perspectivas te贸ricas e instrumentos de medici贸n: revisi贸n de literatura

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    This literature review paper work represents an academic approach in order to provide as complete a picture as possible of the study on the entrepreneurship orientation. The present literature review is guided by 73 papers related with the entrepreneurship orientation construct. The search was made in the months of February to January of 2022 through different data bases and including some inclusion criteria. Within the 73 papers integrating this literature review, 9 of them were literature review by their own, which were analyzed and found some gaps which this work tries to get covered.             Two periods of time were established in order to have a better understanding of the entrepreneurship orientation concept, 25 theories were found amongst the different empirical studies and over 30 variables related with the entrepreneurship orientation concept were identified. Also the most used measurement instrument was found and the most common population of study was identified.Con la intenci贸n de tener un acercamiento lo m谩s completo posible al estudio del emprendimiento corporativo, se llev贸 a cabo el presente trabajo acad茅mico que implica una revisi贸n de literatura, realizada a trav茅s del an谩lisis de 73 art铆culos relacionados con el emprendimiento corporativo. La b煤squeda se desarroll贸 entre los meses de febrero a enero del 2022, utilizando distintas bases de datos y criterios de inclusi贸n. Dentro de los 73 art铆culos encontrados, 9 de ellos corresponden a revisiones de literatura, en donde se encontraron algunos vac铆os de conocimiento que esta revisi贸n trata de llenar. Entre los resultados se logr贸 establecer dos periodos para comprender mejor la evoluci贸n del t茅rmino emprendimiento corporativo, se localizaron 25 teor铆as diversas que las investigaciones han utilizado para afianzar sus hip贸tesis. Se identific贸 el instrumento de mayor utilizaci贸n para medir el emprendimiento corporativo, y se encontraron m谩s 30 variables distintas con las que se ha relacionado.&nbsp