26 research outputs found

    Regional adjustment of management options of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) along roadside verges in Bavaria (2018-2022)

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    Das invasive Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae), ist eine einjĂ€hrige, zweikeimblĂ€ttrige Pflanze, deren Pollen sehr schwere Allergien beim Menschen auslösen kann. Die primĂ€re Verbreitung erfolgt i. d. R. entlang von Straßen, wo Ragweed ĂŒberaus stabile und schnellwachsende Populationen bildet. Die nachhaltigste Form der BekĂ€mpfung der Pflanze ist es, die Samenproduktion zu verhindern und damit die Bodensamenbank abzubauen. In Rahmen dieses vierjĂ€hrigen Feldversuches (2019 bis 2022) sollen deshalb unterschiedliche Schnittsysteme (verschiedene Zeitpunkte und HĂ€ufigkeiten) sowie zwei Methoden der physikalischen BekĂ€mpfung, auf ihre Effizienz zur Verhinderung der Pollen- und Samenausbildung bei Ragweed getestet werden. Der Versuch wird auf acht Straßenstandorten in Bayern durchgefĂŒhrt, die sich durch ein unterschiedliches Verkehrsaufkommen auszeichnen und in verschiedenen Klimaregionen liegen. ZusĂ€tzlich dazu, wurde ein dreijĂ€hriger Feldversuch auf drei Standorten eingerichtet, auf denen zwischen 2019 und 2021 die unterdrĂŒckende Wirkung von heimischen Konkurrenzsaaten auf das Wachstum und Entwicklung von Ragweed getestet wird. Bereits in der ersten Phase des Versuches, der sich mit der potenziellen Wanderbewegung von Ragweed in die Böschungen befasste, wurde klar, dass Ragweed tatsĂ€chlich ein PhĂ€nomen des Bankettes ist. Da die Pflanze anscheinend Konkurrenz meidet, wurden 97,9 % aller Pflanzen sowie 96,7 % aller Samen in der Bodensamenbank auf den ersten 1,5 m zum Fahrbahnrand gefunden, unabhĂ€ngig von den Bodenbeschaffenheiten auf den Standorten und der Böschungsneigung.Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is an invasive annual plant with highly allergenic pollen. Its spread often occurs along roadsides, where it builds stable and rapidly growing populations. The most sustainable way of controlling the species is to prevent seed production in order to deplete the soil seed bank. Therefore, in a 4-years field (2019 to 2022) trial four different cutting regimes differing in timing and frequency of cuts as well as two different means of physical control are tested on eight roadside verges in Bavaria, characterized by different climatic conditions and traffic densities. On the basis of soil seedbank samplings along these roadside verges as well as on the road embankments the study should reveal which cutting regime is most effective in the prevention of flower and seed formation of common ragweed. In addition, a 3-years field trial (2019 to 2021) on the competitive suppression of common ragweed by four different seed mixtures combined with three different cutting regimes was implemented on three different sites. First results showed that the primary habitat of common ragweed is the roadside verge: 97.9% of all plants counted as well as 96.7% of all seeds found in the soil seed bank were concentrated on the first 1.5 m next to the lane, irrespective of the soil properties and the inclination of the embankment

    MigrĂ€ne im Kindes- und Jugendalter — Ausblick auf innovative BehandlungsansĂ€tze im Rahmen multimodaler Therapiekonzepte

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    Although migraine is a~relevant health issue in children and adolescents, clinical care and research are still underrepresented and underfunded in this field. Quality of life can be significantly reduced when living with frequent episodes of pain. Due to the high level of vulnerability of the developing brain during adolescence, the risk of chronification and persistence into adulthood is high. In this narrative review, we describe the corner stones of a~patient-centered, multimodular treatment regimen. Further, an update on the pathophysiology of migraine is given considering the concept of a~periodically oscillating functional state of the brain in migraine patients (\textquotedblmigraine is a~brain state\textquotedbl). Besides central mechanisms, muscular structures with the symptoms of muscular pain, tenderness, or myofascial trigger points play an important role. Against this background, the currently available nonpharmacological and innovative neuromodulating approaches are presented focusing on the method of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation.Die MigrĂ€ne ist auch im Kindes- und Jugendalter ein hĂ€ufiges, aber in klinischer Versorgung und Wissenschaft oft unterreprĂ€sentiertes Krankheitsbild. Gerade im Kindes- und Jugendalter bestehen relevante EinschrĂ€nkungen der LebensqualitĂ€t durch das (hĂ€ufige) Schmerzerfahren. Bedingt durch die entwicklungsspezifisch hohe VulnerabilitĂ€t des adoleszenten Gehirns besteht ein hohes Chronifizierungs- und Persistenzrisiko bis ins Erwachsenenalter hinein. In diesem Beitrag werden die Bestandteile eines patientenzentrierten, multimodalen Therapiekonzepts dargestellt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden die aktuellsten Erkenntnisse zu den pathophysiologischen Grundlagen der MigrĂ€neerkrankung beleuchtet, nach denen MigrĂ€ne durch einen sich phasenweise verĂ€ndernden Funktionszustand des Gehirns entsteht (Stichwort: „migraine is a brain state“). Auch periphere Komponenten wie Muskelschmerzen, -verspannungen und -triggerpunkte spielen eine wichtige Rolle. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden nichtpharmakologische innovative TherapieansĂ€tze vorgestellt, die auf dem Prinzip der Neuromodulation beruhen, mit Fokus auf der repetitiven peripheren Magnetstimulation

    ‘ProPIG’ Challenges and opportunities for on farm pig researchers: How to collect sound scientific data on animal health, welfare, nutrition and environmental impact AND act as a facilitator to improve these aspects at the same time?

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    Challenges and opportunities of on farm research are discussed and it is concluded, that transdisciplinary on-farm research requires from all involved parties: Understanding and willingness to learn from each other Acceptance, that own field of research is only a part of the whole “on farm picture” Sound scientific methods as well as technical tools for support (e.g. tablet PCs) Move from being/expecting “experts” towards “facilitation

    Stakeholder Perspectives on the Needs of Children of Prisoners in Europe

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    Children of imprisoned parents have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group of children. Despite being an under-recognised and under-researched group, these children come into contact with a wide variety of professional groups and other stakeholders. From a wider study on the mental health, well-being and resilience of children of imprisoned parents, this paper presents findings from 122 stakeholder consultations in England,Germany, Romania, and Sweden. Despite significant differences in prison systems and service provision, common issues were raised across the four countries. Prominent themes included: restrictions on regular contact with the imprisoned parent posing a threat to even strong parent-child relationships; the adverse emotional and social impact and the potential long-term consequences; stigma and secrecy; a lack of information; and issues surrounding availability of support services (although examples of good practice emerged, particularly from NGOs). There is a need for a reduction in the stigma that often prevents children and their families from accessing available services, greater awareness of the vulnerabilities of children of prisoners at policy level, a more equitable distribution of service provision development of good practice models and more professional training

    Children of Prisoners: Interventions and mitigations to strengthen mental health

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    Worldwide, unprecedented numbers of people are being imprisoned and in many countries incarceration is on the increase (Walmsley, 2009); indeed ‘more parents than ever are behind bars’ (Murray et al., 2012) and each year, an estimated 800,000 children within the newly-expanded European Union are separated from an incarcerated parent. Despite this, the psychosocial impact on children is little known and rarely considered in sentencing even though the evidence to date suggests that children whose parents are imprisoned are exposed to triple jeopardy through break-up of the family, financial hardship, stigma and secrecy, leading to adverse social and educational repercussions. The rationale for the study of the impact of parental imprisonment is underscored by the findings of a recent meta-analysis of studies of children of prisoners (Murray et al. 2012). This systematic review synthesized empirical evidence on the associations between parental incarceration and children’s later behavioural, educational and health outcomes from 40 studies involving a total of over 7,000 children of prisoners

    Competencies and Standards in Teacher Education in Switzerland and Germany

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    Ziele, Methoden und erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes werden dargestellt, an dem drei PĂ€dagogische Hochschulen aus der Schweiz und Deutschland gemeinsam arbeiten. Im Zentrum dieser Studie steht die lĂ€ngsschnittliche Untersuchung der Kompetenzentwicklung von Studierenden (n=2161) des Lehramtes vom Beginn des Studiums bis zum Ende des Vorbereitungsdienstes (Deutschland) bzw. zum Ende des ersten Jahres der BerufseinfĂŒhrung (Schweiz). Methodisch basiert die Studie auf dem von Oser vorgelegten Standardkonzept, in dem handlungsorientierte Kompetenzprofile beschrieben werden, sowie auf den vier Dimensionen "Sachwissen", "diagnostische Kompetenz", "didaktische Kompetenz" und "KlassenfĂŒhrung". Es werden verschiedene Instrumente eingesetzt: (1) Fragebögen fĂŒr Studierende und SchĂŒler, (2) Vignetten, die berufspraktisches Wissen fĂŒr die Unterrichtsplanung erheben, (3) ein sogenannter "Videotest", in dem Studierende EinschĂ€tzungen und Handlungsalternativen zu einer ihnen gezeigten, drehbuchbasierten Unterrichtsstunde darlegen sollen, sowie (4) Videostudien ĂŒber durchgefĂŒhrte Unterrichtsstunden. Neben den SelbsteinschĂ€tzungen der Studierenden liegen somit Daten von standardisierten Verfahren und FremdeinschĂ€tzungen vor. Diese werden aufeinander bezogen, um ein empirisch abgestĂŒtztes Bild der EntwicklungsverlĂ€ufe des Erwerbs komplexen berufspraktischen Wissens und didaktischer Handlungskompetenz in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung sowie in der beruflichen Praxis zu erhalten. (DIPF/Orig.)The article presents aims, methods and first results of a project in which three educational universities in Switzerland and Germany are involved. Our focus of interest is the longitudinal analysis of teaching competencies from the beginning up to the end of teacher training. With a sample of teacher students, we test their teaching competencies at the beginning of the training and trace the development of their competencies over the three years period of their study. Methodologically, our study is based on Oser\u27s professional standards, as well as on the four dimensions \u27subject matter knowledge\u27, \u27diagnostical knowledge\u27, \u27didactical knowledge\u27, and \u27class room management knowledge\u27 which have been framed as teachers\u27 crucial competencies. A combination of different instruments - (1) questionnaires for students and teachers, (2) vignettes, (3) a so called «video test», and (4) video analyses of school lessons, - was used to investigate how teaching competencies develop during teacher training. According to this goal, the relationship between students\u27 subjective ratings of their competencies and standardized data from observations and tests are compared to investigate the relationship between subjective rating data from students and standardized data from observations and tests. Our study aims at the development of complex teacher knowledge in order to foster the acquisition of professional teacher competencies in preservice teacher training. (DIPF/Orig.

    Influence of municipal policy and individual characteristics on the use of informal and formal domestic help in the Netherlands

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    Background The responsibility for care and social support in the Netherlands has been decentralized to the municipalities, on the assumption that they are able to organise care and social support more effectively and efficiently. Municipalities are responsible for offering citizens the social support they need. They have policy discretion to decide how and to what extent they encourage and support the use of informal help. This article explored whether the local policy focus on informal or formal help influences the actual take-up of domestic help. Methods Data on 567 physically disabled people who use informal or formal help in the household were linked to local policy data in 167 municipalities. We performed multilevel multinomial regression analyses. Since we expected that local policy will have more influence on people with slight or moderate disabilities, cohabitees and people aged under 75, cross-level interaction terms were included between characteristics of local policy and of individuals. Results The findings reveal differences between municipalities in their policy on support and differences in the use of formal or informal support between municipalities. Conclusions We found no relationship between local emphasis on informal help and the use of informal help. Possible explanations: some people have a small social network, people using informal help did not apply for municipality support or even do not know the possibility exists

    Burden of disease and lifestyle habits in adolescents and young adults prone to frequent episodic migraine: A secondary comparative analysis

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    The objective of this study was to assess the burden of disease and prevalence of lifestyle factors for adolescents and young adults with frequent episodic migraine. We conducted a secondary comparative analysis of data collected during two previous studies. Inclusion criteria for this analysis were age 15-35~years, 15 to 44 migraine episodes within 12~weeks, and completeness of Migraine Disability Assessment and lifestyle questionnaire data. Datasets of 37 adults (median age interquartile range: 25 6) and 27 adolescents (median age interquartile range: 15 1) were analyzed. 81{\%} (n = 30) of adults reported severe disability (16{\%} n = 3 of adolescents; p 0.05). This study underlines the importance of educating adolescents and young adults with migraine about lifestyle habits that are likely to interfere with the condition