24 research outputs found

    Automatic Identification of Diatoms using Multi-scale Mathematical Morphology

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    Diatoms are unicellular algae with a great ecological importance. They are ornamented with patterns that are characteristic for the species they belong to.Till now these diatoms are identified by experts, which is a time-consuming and tedious process.For this reason and due to a lack of diatomists, the Automatic Diatom Identification And Classification project ADIAC was started, where various techniques from image analysis are investigated for this use. The goal of this research was to investigate the possibilities of the identification of diatoms using mathematical morphology.Images are considered by this approach as mathematical entities such as sets or functions on which operators are defined. These operators are used to compute pattern spectra that describe the presence or absence of image details with certain characteristics such as size or shape. The idea of this approach is that the patterns on the diatoms can be described by these pattern spectra, so that an identification can be made.Although more research is needed to tackle some problems, some first results of diatom identification using different methods give reason for optimism about the usability of this method especially in combination with other strategies. The results were obtained on a set of 781 images, consisting of 37 different taxa, with the C4.5 decision tree classifier. This method identified 81.4% of the test set correctly.

    Shape-Only Granulometries and Gray-Scale Shape Filters

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    Multiscale methods which provide a decomposition of an image based on scale have many uses in image analysis. One class of such methods from mathematical morphology is based on size distributions or granulometries. In this paper a different type of image decomposition based on shape but not scale is proposed. Called a shape granulometry or shape distribution, it is built from a family of morphological thinnings, rather than openings as in the case of size distributions. An implementation based on scale invariant attribute thinnings is presented, and an example of an application is shown.