115 research outputs found

    Assessment of anaemia in adolescent girls

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    Background: The world’s adolescent population is facing a series of serious nutritional challenges which are not only affecting their growth and development but also their livelihood as adults. Yet, adolescents remain a largely neglected, difficult to measure and hard to reach population, in which the needs of adolescent girls in particular, are often ignored. Anemia in adolescent girls contributes to maternal and foetal mortality and morbidity in future. The objective of the study was to estimate the frequency of anemia among adolescent girls, to study the socio-demographic factors associated with anemia and to evaluate the cause and type of anaemia.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in an urban area in a school. A total of 300 girls (12-18 years) were included in this study. Statistical analysis was done using percentage, standard error of proportion, Chi-square test and student’s t-test.Results: The prevalence of anemia was found to be 90%. A significant association of anemia was found with socio-economic status and literacy status of parents. Mean height and weight of subjects with anemia was significantly less than subjects without anemia. A high prevalence of anemia among adolescent females was found, among those whose parents were less educated.Conclusions: The overall prevalence of anemia among adolescent females was found to be 90%. There is significant association of anemia with socio-economic status and parents' educational status. There is need to increase awareness of anemia in adolescent girls and parents

    Contraceptive awareness and practices in women of urban India

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    Background: With the efforts from government and increase in the literacy of women, awareness about contraceptive methods is increased. The objective of the study was to analyse contraceptive awareness and practices in women and to find out the source of information and reason for non-use of contraception.Methods: In a cross-sectional study 400 women were interviewed from July to December 2016.Results: In our study, majority (43.5 %) of women were between 26-30 years of age followed by women between 22-25 years of age (26.5 %). 92.5% of women were aware of one or other method of contraception. But only 42.5% were practicing contraception. Maximum awareness was about tubectomy (90.5%) followed by CuT (87.5%), Condom 50%, O.C. pills 12.5%, Safe period 5% and injectables 2.5%. Most common method used in our study group was condom (20%) followed by tubectomy 12.5%, CuT 7.5%, O.C. Pills 1.5%, Injectable contraceptive and safe period 0.5% each. 37.5 % woman got information from radio or newspaper, 30 % from hospital doctor, 25 % from friends or relatives, 7.5 % had no information. 100% women were literate, 70% had education till high school, 30% were graduate or postgraduate. In our study, 52.5% had no reason for non-use of contraception.25% were not using due to myths or fears while 22.5% were not using due to family pressure.Conclusions: We concluded that awareness about contraceptive methods is quite high but acceptance is quite low. Condom is the most common method used

    Developing Instrumentation for Multi-parametric Investigation of Mechanisms of Mechanosensitivity in Ion Channels

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    Mechanosensitive (MS) channels are implicated in pathologies of the renal and pulmonary systems. Abnormal activity in MS channel reduces cell viability causing a variety of pathologies. MS channels are also responsible for sensation of pain and hearing. Despite the vital importance of MS channels, very little is known about the gating mechanisms of these channels. Attempts to study the mechanisms are severely limited by the lack of suitable instrumentation. A better understanding of the structure-function interaction of MS channels is necessary to find pharmacological leads for the pathologies. Activation data based on indirect activation of MS channels using hypo- or hyper-osmotic solutions or viscous drag is confounded by factors like membrane stretch and cytoskeletal stress. Traditional patch clamp does not allow direct access to the cell by other probes. While a planar patch clamp chip may allow for such access, most of the existing planar patch clamp chips are focused on high throughput screening for pharmaceutical targets and have designs that limit multi-parametric studies. We present here instrumentation that combines atomic force microscopy with cellular electrophysiology based on planar patch clamp approach. The instrumentation allows multi-parametric studies on single cells and provides unique insights into mechanisms of activation of not just MS channels, but ion channels in general by combining cellular electrophysiology, optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Using HaCaT cells as our model system we have obtained functional maps of distribution MS channels across cell surface. The maps reveal that the distribution of MS channels on HaCaT cells is highly non-uniform and that the channels are present in small clusters instead of dispersed as single entities. Our results using direct mechanical stimulation of single cells reveal that threshold stress level is required in order to activate MS channels and that the stress has a limited spatial range. Investigation of kinetics of the electrical response to direct mechanical stimulation reveals that the MS channels respond to the mechanical signal after a small time lag, which we attribute to the conformational changes necessary while the channel is being gated. We hope that the insights gained from studying the mechanosensitive channels of HaCaT cells will also advance the understanding of MS channels in general. Apart from opening new avenues in MS channel research, the instrumentation can also be useful in studying the dynamics and gating of ligand gated channels by appropriately tagging the AFM cantilever. With further improvements in the speed of AFM imaging, it will also be possible to observe the gating of channels in real time at molecular scale by imaging the channel on the cell while the channel is being gated

    Health awareness in female doctors

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    Background: Managing the hectic schedule, female doctors often neglect their own health. In the present study, we evaluated the awareness, attitude and practices of breast, cervical and ovarian malignancies and also hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease and osteoporosis in female doctors.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 100 female doctors of M.B.B.S. and higher degrees of various subjects. Selection of female doctors was done randomly.Results: In present study, out of 100 female doctors, 90 (90%) were doing their self breast examination regularly and 31 (31%) had done their mammography. 54 (54%) female doctors had their own pap smear done while 72 (72%) female doctors had their own ultrasound got done. 82 (82%) had their own blood pressure check up, 74 (74%) had their own blood sugar checked, 62 (62%) had got their own lipid profile done while only 44 (44%) female doctors had their ECG done and 48 (48%) had their bone mineral density done. 23 (23%) female doctors were diagnosed as hypertensive, 14 (14%) as diabetes, 4 (4%) as coronary artery disease, 5 (5%) as breast cancer, 2 (2%) as ovarian cancer, 18 (18%) as thyroid disease while 15 (15%) were detected as having osteopenia.Conclusions: In spite of knowing about all diseases, their complications, screening methods and preventive care, practice of applying screening or preventive methods to themselves is not universal in doctors

    Menstrual hygiene practices in young girls of urban India

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    Background: Menstrual hygiene is an important aspect in the life of young girls.The present study aims at assessing the knowledge regarding menstruation and hygienic practices and perceptions during menstruation.Methods: It was a cross sectional study, conducted among 100 young girls of 20-22 years age to assess the awareness of menstrual hygiene. Data was collected by pre-tested questionnaire. Statistics was calculated in percentages.Results: Out of 100 girls, 71 (71%) knew about menstruation before menarche while 29 (29%) did not have any knowledge. 71 (71%) girls knew the cause of menstruation as physiological, 18 (18%) girls didn’t know the cause, 11 (11%) girls still believe it as curse of God. 68 (68%) girls knew the source of bleeding during menstruation as uterus, 20 (20%) girls thought it as vagina while 12 (12%) thought it as urethra. 64% girls use sanitary pads during menstruation, 19% girls used old cloth while 17% girls used new cloth during menstruation as adsorbent material. 9% girls dispose pads or used cloth in dustbin, 19% girls flush them in toilet while 12% girls throw them roadside. 96% girls avoid going to temple, 68% girls restrict their daily activities, 56% girls avoid going to functions, 50% girls avoid going to kitchen, 50% girls avoid going to kitchen while 45% girls avoid touching things at home.Conclusions: It is very important that young girls should be educated about the importance of maintaining hygiene during menstruation to prevent the risk of reproductive tract infections

    Knowledge, attitudes and breast-feeding practices of postnatal mothers in Central India

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    Background: Breast feeding is vital for the health of baby & mother. It is of advantage to baby, mother, family, society and nation. Present study was carried out to evaluate knowledge, attitude and breast feeding practices of postnatal women.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out at immunization centre. 208 postnatal women were interviewed.Results: Out of 208 postnatal women, 148 women (71.15%) had delivery by caesarean section while 60 women (28.84%) had vaginal delivery. 118 women (56.73%) started breast feeding the baby within 2 hours of delivery, 52 women (25%) started breast feeding the baby after 24 hours of delivery, 26 women (12.5%) started breast feeding the baby after 2-6 hours of delivery while 12 women (5.76%) started breast feeding the baby after 6-24 hours of delivery. 174 women (83.65%) were giving exclusive breast feeding to their babies, 32 women (15.38%) were giving mixed feeding to their babies due to failure to thrive because of inadequate breast secretions. 28 (13.46%) preferred to give formula feeds while 7 (3.36%) preferred to give cow’s milk when needed. 180 (86.53%) intend or started weaning after 6 months while 28 women (13.46%) started weaning to their babies due to failure of baby to thrive or inadequate lactation.Conclusions: Awareness of breast feeding was good. Majority preferred exclusive breast feeding. Still, antenatal counseling about breast feeding can be further of advantage

    Vitamin D deficiency: how prevalent it is?

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    Background: Vitamin D deficiency is frequently seen nowadays due to inadequate exposure to sun and pollution. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients presenting with suggestive complaints.Methods: The present study is a retrospective study done at Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mukka, Suratkal, Mangaluru. Patients who have musculoskeletal or other problem suggestive of vitamin D deficiency were advised vitamin D levels. We went through OPD papers of only those patients with reports of Vitamin D levels.Results: In present study, out of 100 patients, 42 (42%) patients had normal BMI, 23 (23%) patients were overweight, 24 (24%) patients were obese while 11 (11%) patients were underweight. 46 (46%) patients were having walk for exercise purpose, 21 (21%) were doing work out at gym while 33 (33%) patients were walking only for doing some work. 47 (47%) patients had normal levels of vitamin D, 31 (31%) had insufficient levels while 22 (22%) patients had deficient levels of vitamin D. So, prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 22% and for vitamin D insufficiency was 31%.Conclusions: In present study, we conclude that irrespective of normal body mass index or physical activity, patients presented with various complaints. In them, vitamin D levels were either insufficient or deficient in large number of patients. So, vitamin D levels should be done as screening or at least when patients present with suggestive complaint.

    Knowledge, attitude and practices of medical students about self-medication for acne

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    Background: Acne is most prevalent in adolescent girls. Self-medication for acne is most common in medical students. This study was done to evaluate the knowledge, reason, perception and pattern of self-medication for acne among undergraduate medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional study included medical students of the second phase and final phase (part I and part II). A pretested questionnaire was given to them which included questions on knowledge, attitude and practice about self-medication for acne.Results: In present study, out of 200 girls, 142 (71%) girls were affected with acne while 58 (29%) were not affected by acne. A112 (56%) girls were using allopathic medicines, 32 (16%) girls were using homeopathic medicines, 28 (14%) girls were using ayurvedic medicines while 28 (14%) girls were using other non-specific things. clindamycin was used by 104 (52%) girls, adapalene + benzoyl peroxide gel was used by 26 (13%) girls, clindamycin + nicotinamide gel was used by 12 (6%) girls, toothpaste was used by 42 (24%) girls while Aloe vera gel was used by 76 (38%) of girls. The reason for self-medication was mild nature of illness in 130 (65%)  of girls, 96 (48%) girls did it to save the time, over the counter availability of medicines was the cause in 88 (44%) of girls, getting medicines from their previous prescription was seen in 52 (26%) of girls, 64 (32%) of girls did it to save the cost of consultation, 44 (22%) did it after getting knowledge from pharmacology book while 30 (15%) of girls felt embarrassed to tell their own symptoms.Conclusions: Self-medication for acne is quite high among medical students. Self-medication is part of self-care so it should be encouraged for minor illness. But should be based on thorough knowledge and restricted to over the counter drugs

    Locking condylar plate: best device to treat supracondylar fractures of the femur

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    Background: Supracondylar fractures of the femur in adults account for only 7% of all femoral fractures. However, these fractures present with numerous complications. The purpose of this study was to assess the outcome of locking condylar plate in supracondylar fractures of femur in adults.Methods: This study was based on 25 patients of supracondylar fracture of the femur treated with locking condylar plate at Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Mukka, Suratkal, Mangalore. The patients were followed up for 1 year.Results: In present study, 84% fractures were sustained due to road traffic accidents. In 23 (92%) patients, full weight bearing was achieved at 20 weeks while only 2 (8%) patients required more than 20 weeks. 80% of cases required less than 16 weeks for union while 20% required more than 16 weeks. Average injury to surgery time was 3.62 days in the present series. Superficial stitch infection occurred in two cases. Deep infection occurred in a grade 2 compound fracture in a male who was treated initially with debridement and antibiotics.Conclusions: Good results are seen by distal femur locking condylar plate alone. It is the main implant of choice for distal femur fractures of all varieties. Best outcome is expected if fracture fixation is done following all the basic principles of fracture fixation. Advantage of the mechanical properties of a locking plate is definitely useful.
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