87 research outputs found

    Electrochemistry, ion adsorption and dynamics in the double layer: a study of NaCl(aq) on graphite

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    Graphite and related sp2 carbons are ubiquitous electrode materials with particular promise for use in e.g., energy storage and desalination devices, but very little is known about the properties of the carbon–electrolyte double layer at technologically relevant concentrations. Here, the (electrified) graphite–NaCl(aq) interface was examined using constant chemical potential molecular dynamics (CμMD) simulations; this approach avoids ion depletion (due to surface adsorption) and maintains a constant concentration, electroneutral bulk solution beyond the surface. Specific Na+ adsorption at the graphite basal surface causes charging of the interface in the absence of an applied potential. At moderate bulk concentrations, this leads to accumulation of counter-ions in a diffuse layer to balance the effective surface charge, consistent with established models of the electrical double layer. Beyond ∼0.6 M, however, a combination of over-screening and ion crowding in the double layer results in alternating compact layers of charge density perpendicular to the interface. The transition to this regime is marked by an increasing double layer size and anomalous negative shifts to the potential of zero charge with incremental changes to the bulk concentration. Our observations are supported by changes to the position of the differential capacitance minimum measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and are explained in terms of the screening behaviour and asymmetric ion adsorption. Furthermore, a striking level of agreement between the differential capacitance from solution evaluated in simulations and measured in experiments allows us to critically assess electrochemical capacitance measurements which have previously been considered to report simply on the density of states of the graphite material at the potential of zero charge. Our work shows that the solution side of the double layer provides the more dominant contribution to the overall measured capacitance. Finally, ion crowding at the highest concentrations (beyond ∼5 M) leads to the formation of liquid-like NaCl clusters confined to highly non-ideal regions of the double layer, where ion diffusion is up to five times slower than in the bulk. The implications of changes to the speciation of ions on reactive events in the double layer are discussed

    Assessment of measurement of salivary urea by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy to screen for chronic kidney disease

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    Stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are currently defined by estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR) and require measurement of serum creatinine concentrations. Previous studies have shown a good correlation between salivary and serum urea levels and the stage of CKD. However, quantitative salivary urea assays in current clinical use require costly and labour-intensive commercial kits which restricts the advantage of using saliva and limits wider applicability as a quick and easy means of assessing renal function. Attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been shown to provide a potentially straightforward, reagent-free method for the identification of a range of disease-related biomarkers and is in current clinical use for analyses of the chemical composition of kidney stones. We assessed the feasibility of ATR-FTIR spectroscopy as an alternative method to measure salivary urea in patients with different stages of CKD. The ATR-FTIR spectra of dried saliva samples from 6 healthy controls and 20 CKD patients (stages 1-5) were analysed to provide their urea concentrations. The lower limit of detection of salivary urea by the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy method was 1-2 mM, at the lower end of the clinically-relevant range. Statistically significant differences in salivary urea concentrations were demonstrated between healthy subjects (4.1±0.5 mM) and patients with CKD stages 3-5 (CKD stage 3: 6.8±0.7 mM; CKD stage 4: 9.1±1 mM; CKD stage 5: 14.8±1.6 mM). These salivary urea concentrations correlated well with serum urea levels in the same patients measured by an automated analyser (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.71; p<0.001). The ability of the method to detect and stage CKD was assessed from the sensitivity and specificity parameters of a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analysis. This proof-of-concept study demonstrates that quantitation of salivary urea by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy could provide a viable tool for rapid and cost-effective diagnosis of stages 3-5 CKD

    Cryo-electron microscopy of viruses

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    Thin vitrified layers of unfixed, unstained and unsupported virus suspensions can be prepared for observation by cryo-electron microscopy in easily controlled conditions. The viral particles appear free from the kind of damage caused by dehydration, freezing or adsorption to a support that is encountered in preparing biological samples for conventional electron microscopy. Cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified specimens offers possibilities for high resolution observations that compare favourably with any other electron microscopical method

    A case-control analysis of common variants in GIP with type 2 diabetes and related biochemical parameters in a South Indian population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) is one of the incretins, which plays a crucial role in the secretion of insulin upon food stimulus and in the regulation of postprandial glucose level. It also exerts an effect on the synthesis and secretion of lipoprotein lipase, from adipocytes, important for lipid metabolism. The aim of our study was to do a case-control association analysis of common variants in <it>GIP </it>in association with type 2 diabetes and related biochemical parameters.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>A total of 2000 subjects which includes 1000 (584M/416F) cases with type 2 diabetes and 1000 (470M/530F) normoglycemic control subjects belonging to Dravidian ethnicity from South India were recruited to assess the effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in <it>GIP </it>(rs2291725, rs2291726, rs937301) on type 2 diabetes in a case-control manner. The SNPs were genotyped by using tetra primer amplification refractory mutation system-PCR (ARMS PCR). For statistical analysis, our study population was divided into sub-groups based on gender (male and female). Association analysis was carried out using chi-squared test and the comparison of biochemical parameters among the three genotypes were performed using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).</p> <p>Result</p> <p>Initial analysis revealed that, out of the total three SNPs selected for the present study, two SNPs namely rs2291726 and rs937301 were in complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) with each other. Therefore, only two SNPs, rs2291725 and rs2291726, were genotyped for the association studies. No significant difference in the allele frequency and genotype distribution of any of the SNPs in <it>GIP </it>were observed between cases and controls (<it>P </it>> 0.05). Analysis of biochemical parameters among the three genotypes showed a significant association of total cholesterol (<it>P </it>= 0.042) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) with the G allele of the SNP rs2291726 in <it>GIP </it>(<it>P </it>= 0.004), but this was observed only in the case of female subjects. However this association does not remain significant after correction for multiple testing by Bonferroni's inequality method.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No statistically significant association was observed between any of the SNPs analysed and type 2 diabetes in our population. But the analysis of biochemical parameters indicates that the G allele in rs2291726 may be a putative risk allele for increased LDL cholesterol and further studies in other population needs to be carried out for ascertaining its role in cholesterol metabolism and subsequent cardiovascular risk.</p

    Proteome Serological Determination of Tumor-Associated Antigens in Melanoma

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    Proteome serology may complement expression library-based approaches as strategy utilizing the patients' immune responses for the identification pathogenesis factors and potential targets for therapy and markers for diagnosis. Melanoma is a relatively immunogenic tumor and antigens recognized by melanoma-specific T cells have been extensively studied. The specificities of antibody responses to this malignancy have been analyzed to some extent by molecular genetic but not proteomics approaches. We screened sera of 94 melanoma patients for anti-melanoma reactivity and detected seropositivity in two-thirds of the patients with 2–6 antigens per case detected by 1D and an average of 2.3 per case by 2D Western blot analysis. For identification, antigen spots in Western blots were aligned with proteins in 2-DE and analyzed by mass spectrometry. 18 antigens were identified, 17 of which for the first time for melanoma. One of these antigens, galectin-3, has been related to various oncogenic processes including metastasis formation and invasiveness. Similarly, enolase has been found deregulated in different cancers. With at least 2 of 18 identified proteins implicated in oncogenic processes, the work confirms the potential of proteome-based antigen discovery to identify pathologically relevant proteins

    Genomic and oncoproteomic advances in detection and treatment of colorectal cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>We will examine the latest advances in genomic and proteomic laboratory technology. Through an extensive literature review we aim to critically appraise those studies which have utilized these latest technologies and ascertain their potential to identify clinically useful biomarkers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An extensive review of the literature was carried out in both online medical journals and through the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland library.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Laboratory technology has advanced in the fields of genomics and oncoproteomics. Gene expression profiling with DNA microarray technology has allowed us to begin genetic profiling of colorectal cancer tissue. The response to chemotherapy can differ amongst individual tumors. For the first time researchers have begun to isolate and identify the genes responsible. New laboratory techniques allow us to isolate proteins preferentially expressed in colorectal cancer tissue. This could potentially lead to identification of a clinically useful protein biomarker in colorectal cancer screening and treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>If a set of discriminating genes could be used for characterization and prediction of chemotherapeutic response, an individualized tailored therapeutic regime could become the standard of care for those undergoing systemic treatment for colorectal cancer. New laboratory techniques of protein identification may eventually allow identification of a clinically useful biomarker that could be used for screening and treatment. At present however, both expression of different gene signatures and isolation of various protein peaks has been limited by study size. Independent multi-centre correlation of results with larger sample sizes is needed to allow translation into clinical practice.</p

    Connexin channels and phospholipids: association and modulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For membrane proteins, lipids provide a structural framework and means to modulate function. Paired connexin hemichannels form the intercellular channels that compose gap junction plaques while unpaired hemichannels have regulated functions in non-junctional plasma membrane. The importance of interactions between connexin channels and phospholipids is poorly understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Endogenous phospholipids most tightly associated with purified connexin26 or connexin32 hemichannels or with junctional plaques in cell membranes, those likely to have structural and/or modulatory effects, were identified by tandem electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry using class-specific interpretative methods. Phospholipids were characterized by headgroup class, charge, glycerol-alkyl chain linkage and by acyl chain length and saturation. The results indicate that specific endogenous phospholipids are uniquely associated with either connexin26 or connexin32 channels, and some phospholipids are associated with both. Functional effects of the major phospholipid classes on connexin channel activity were assessed by molecular permeability of hemichannels reconstituted into liposomes. Changes to phospholipid composition(s) of the liposome membrane altered the activity of connexin channels in a manner reflecting changes to the surface charge/potential of the membrane and, secondarily, to cholesterol content. Together, the data show that connexin26 and connexin32 channels have a preference for tight association with unique anionic phospholipids, and that these, independent of headgroup, have a positive effect on the activity of both connexin26 and connexin32 channels. Additionally, the data suggest that the likely in vivo phospholipid modulators of connexin channel structure-function that are connexin isoform-specific are found in the cytoplasmic leaflet. A modulatory role for phospholipids that promote negative curvature is also inferred.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study is the first to identify (endogenous) phospholipids that tightly associate with connexin channels. The finding that specific phospholipids are associated with different connexin isoforms suggests connexin-specific regulatory and/or structural interactions with lipid membranes. The results are interpreted in light of connexin channel function and cell biology, as informed by current knowledge of lipid-protein interactions and membrane biophysics. The intimate involvement of distinct phospholipids with different connexins contributes to channel structure and/or function, as well as plaque integrity, and to modulation of connexin channels by lipophilic agents.</p

    The Use of Channel Electrodes in the Investigation of Interfacial Reaction Mechanisms

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    This chapter discusses the use of channel electrodes in the investigation of interfacial reaction mechanisms. The investigation of the kinetics of fast electrode and/or coupled chemical processes demands that mass transport to the electrode is such as to promote competition between, on the one hand, the electrode reaction and, on the other, the transfer of electroactive material away from the electrode before it has chance to react. Whilst this may be achieved in quiescent solution, in principle, by constraining the measurements to short times following a perturbation (of the current or potential) applied to the electrode, problems arise when these times are such that double layer charging competes with the Faradaic process, or components of the system under study are highly adsorptive. An alternative to this strategy, therefore, lies in the addition of convection to the diffusional system. In this way, measurements can be made under steady-state conditions and the rate of mass transport varied by altering the rate of convection