1,141 research outputs found

    Radiation Reaction fields for an accelerated dipole for scalar and electromagnetic radiation

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    The radiation reaction fields are calculated for an accelerated changing dipole in scalar and electromagnetic radiation fields. The acceleration reaction is shown to alter the damping of a time varying dipole in the EM case, but not the scalar case. In the EM case, the dipole radiation reaction field can exert a force on an accelerated monopole charge associated with the accelerated dipole. The radiation reaction of an accelerated charge does not exert a torque on an accelerated magnetic dipole, but an accelerated dipole does exert a force on the charge. The technique used is that originally developed by Penrose for non-singular fields and extended by the author for an accelerated monopole charge.Comment: 11 page

    Influence Functionals and the Accelerating Detector

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    The influence functional is derived for a massive scalar field in the ground state, coupled to a uniformly accelerating DeWitt monopole detector in D+1D+1 dimensional Minkowski space. This confirms the local nature of the Unruh effect, and provides an exact solution to the problem of the accelerating detector without invoking a non-standard quantization. A directional detector is presented which is efficiently decohered by the scalar field vacuum, and which illustrates an important difference between the quantum mechanics of inertial and non-inertial frames. From the results of these calculations, some comments are made regarding the possibility of establishing a quantum equivalence principle, so that the Hawking effect might be derived from the Unruh effect.Comment: 32 page

    Quantum field and uniformly accelerated oscillator

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    We present an exact treatment of the influences on a quantum scalar field in its Minkowski vacuum state induced by coupling of the field to a uniformly accelerated harmonic oscillator. We show that there are no radiation from the oscillator in the point of view of a uniformly accelerating observer. On the other hand, there are radiations in the point of view of an inertial observer. It is shown that Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) like correlations of Rindler particles in Minkowski vacuum states are modified by a phase factor in front of the momentum-symmetric Rindler operators. The exact quantization of a time-dependent oscillator coupled to a massless scalar field was given.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe

    Quantum radiation by electrons in lasers and the Unruh effect

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    In addition to the Larmor radiation known from classical electrodynamics, electrons in a laser field may emit pairs of entangled photons -- which is a pure quantum effect. We investigate this quantum effect and discuss why it is suppressed in comparison with the classical Larmor radiation (which is just Thomson backscattering of the laser photons). Further, we provide an intuitive explanation of this process (in a simplified setting) in terms of the Unruh effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lattice Black Holes

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    We study the Hawking process on lattices falling into static black holes. The motivation is to understand how the outgoing modes and Hawking radiation can arise in a setting with a strict short distance cutoff in the free-fall frame. We employ two-dimensional free scalar field theory. For a falling lattice with a discrete time-translation symmetry we use analytical methods to establish that, for Killing frequency ω\omega and surface gravity κ\kappa satisfying κ≪ω1/3≪1\kappa\ll\omega^{1/3}\ll 1 in lattice units, the continuum Hawking spectrum is recovered. The low frequency outgoing modes arise from exotic ingoing modes with large proper wavevectors that "refract" off the horizon. In this model with time translation symmetry the proper lattice spacing goes to zero at spatial infinity. We also consider instead falling lattices whose proper lattice spacing is constant at infinity and therefore grows with time at any finite radius. This violation of time translation symmetry is visible only at wavelengths comparable to the lattice spacing, and it is responsible for transmuting ingoing high Killing frequency modes into low frequency outgoing modes.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures included with psfig. Several improvements in the presentation. One figure added. Final version to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Hawking Radiation as Tunneling

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    We present a short and direct derivation of Hawking radiation as a tunneling process, based on particles in a dynamical geometry. The imaginary part of the action for the classically forbidden process is related to the Boltzmann factor for emission at the Hawking temperature. Because the derivation respects conservation laws, the exact spectrum is not precisely thermal. We compare and contrast the problem of spontaneous emission of charged particles from a charged conductor.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages; v2. journal version, added section on relation of black hole radiation to electric charge emission from a charged conducting sphere; v3. restored cut referenc

    Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and the Unruh effect of scalar and Dirac fields

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    We present a simple and systematic method to calculate the Rindler noise, which is relevant to the analysis of the Unruh effect, by using the fluctuation-dissipative theorem. To do this, we calculate the dissipative coefficient explicitly from the equations of motion of the detector and the field. This method gives not only the correct answer but also a hint as to the origin of the apparent statistics inversion effect. Moreover, this method is generalized to the Dirac field, by using the fermionic fluctuation-dissipation theorem. We can thus confirm that the fermionic fluctuation-dissipation theorem is working properly.Comment: 26 page

    Optimal configurations of filter cavity in future gravitational-wave detectors

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    Sensitivity of future laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors can be improved using squeezed light with frequency-dependent squeeze angle and/or amplitude, which can be created using additional so-called filter cavities. Here we compare performances of several variants of this scheme, proposed during last years, assuming the case of a single relatively short (tens of meters) filter cavity suitable for implementation already during the life cycle of the second generation detectors, like Advanced LIGO. Using numerical optimization, we show that the phase filtering scheme proposed by Kimble et al [Phys.Rev.D 65, 022002 (2001)] looks as the best candidate for this scenario.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Rotational quantum friction in superfluids: Radiation from object rotating in superfluid vacuum

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    We discuss the friction experienced by the body rotating in superfluid liquid at T=0. The effect is analogous to the amplification of electromagnetic radiation and spontaneous emission by the body or black hole rotating in quantum vacuum, first discussed by Zel'dovich and Starobinsky. The friction is caused by the interaction of the part of the liquid, which is rigidly connected with the rotating body and thus represents the comoving detector, with the "Minkowski" vacuum outside the body. The emission process is the quantum tunneling of quasiparticles from the detector to the ergoregion, where the energy of quasiparticles is negative in the rotating frame. This quantum rotational friction caused by the emission of quasiparticles is estimated for phonons and rotons in superfluid 4He and for Bogoliubov fermions in superfluid 3He.Comment: RevTex file, 4 pages, 1 figur

    Probing optomechanical correlations between two optical beams down to the quantum level

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    Quantum effects of radiation pressure are expected to limit the sensitivity of second-generation gravitational-wave interferometers. Though ubiquitous, such effects are so weak that they haven't been experimentally demonstrated yet. Using a high-finesse optical cavity and a classical intensity noise, we have demonstrated radiation-pressure induced correlations between two optical beams sent into the same moving mirror cavity. Our scheme can be extended down to the quantum level and has applications both in high-sensitivity measurements and in quantum optics
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