114 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Trustworthy Authentication for Pervasive Computing

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    Substance misuse assessment in mental health services: the importance of professional curiosity

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    Co-morbidity of mental health and substance misuse problems (or "Dual Diagnosis") is highly prevalent in mental health and drug treatment services. The parallel approach, where the two conditions are treated at the same time in separate services, is the current accepted response to Dual Diagnosis. Joint working and continuity of care cannot be achieved without a consistent quality drug and alcohol assessment in mental health services. This editorial argues that that professional curiosity plays an important role in substance misuse assessment, especially when is carried out outside specialist drug and alcohol services

    Student engagement in online delivery of mathematics and statistics modules

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    As for many other disciplines, the abrupt move to online teaching a bit over a year ago forced us to rethink student engagement in our mathematics and statistics modules beyond the traditional whiteboard. Whilst challenging, this has also been a unique opportunity for us to test tools and ideas that have been available for some time but were, perhaps, not considered seriously pre Covid. In this presentation, I will discuss some practical tools and techniques that have been used over the past year to engage our students in the online learning environment. This includes the use of different types of quizzes, tablets, and online forums. In addition to reporting on my own experience of advantages, disadvantages, scopes, and limitations, I will make some suggestions for future developments. In particular, I will be contemplating how the past year’s experiences can be used to enhance student engagement in mathematics and statistics learning once we return to face-to-face teaching

    Online active teaching approach for problem-based module

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    The sudden shift from traditional to e-learning education has encouraged researchers to evaluate and review the available active teaching and learning models to propose and create an active online teaching and learning methods. It is surprising to find that there is little research done on Electrical and Electronic Engineering students to evaluate their engagement with these methods. Therefore, this research covers strategies used with Electrical and Electronic Engineering foundation students to develop an active online teaching and learning. The research also addresses the learning support given through the pandemic period to keep students thoughtfully engaged and motivated while enabling a safe, non-judgmental environment where views and perspectives are encouraged. The teaching model used for Applied Engineering Project (AEP) module merged the problem-based learning model with the just-in-time teaching model (or flipped classroom). The problem-based learning model was the most appropriate learning model to deliver the APE module’s learning outcomes. Whereas the strategy of using the just-in-time teaching model shifted the focus of teaching from knowledge transmission to knowledge structuring by students and encourage the use of tasks. The teaching approach includes group discussion, teacher’s explanation, previous students’ exemplars , peer assessment and one-to-one sessions. The delivery was supported by the university e-learning platform (Blackboard Ultra, AppsAnywhere, etc.). Near the end of the module, a students’ questionnaire was taken. The results were constructive and promising as the students’ input will enable me to enhance the tools used for more active learning approaches. I have found the benefits of active T &L strategies in student learning in terms of student engagement, ownership of learning, and development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills easily outweigh the additional effort required, and are clearly relative to traditional, passive approaches to teaching

    A walk-through system for building acoustics evaluation based on virtual environment technology

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    Virtual Reality technology, especially visualization and auralization, provides a useful method to interactively implement the subjective analysis and evaluation of acoustic properties prior to the actual construction of a building. This paper presents a Virtual Environment-based walk-through system for interactive acoustic evaluation of buildings within a CAVE environment. It describes the architecture of the system, the system components, schedule algorithm, synchronous integration of acoustic simulation and visualization. The trade-off algorithm of the real time simplified acoustic space simulation by B-format soundfield representation, non real time detailed acoustic space simulation and the comparison between them are also mentioned. Some cases such as airport, cinema, boardroom, underground station and classroom are studied in the two simulation methods respectively. The potential applications of this system are presented as well

    Modelling and Analysis of TCP Performance in Wireless Multihop Networks

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    Researchers have used extensive simulation and experimental studies to understand TCP performance in wireless multihop networks. In contrast, the objective of this paper is to theoretically analyze TCP performance in this environment. By examining the case of running one TCP session over a string topology, a system model for analyzing TCP performance in multihop wireless networks is proposed, which considers packet buffering, contention of nodes for access to the wireless channel, and spatial reuse of the wireless channel. Markov chain modelling is applied to analyze this system model. Analytical results show that when the number of hops that the TCP session crosses is fixed, the TCP throughput is independent of the TCP congestion window size. When the number of hops increases from one, the TCP throughput decreases first, and then stabilizes when the number of hops becomes large. The analysis is validated by comparing the numerical and simulation result

    Pyramid therapeutic activity clubs

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    This document describes the psychological theories underpinning the Pyramid model of early intervention. Pyramid is a school-based intervention targeted at children aged 7-14 who are shy, quiet, withdrawn, isolated and finding friendships difficult. The model is owned and licensed to schools and other partners by the University of West London

    A DMD-based autostereoscopic display system for 3D interaction

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    A novel approach to implement the multiview autostereoscopic display system is presented. This implementation brings together a high frame rate digital micro-mirror device (DMD) projector, an active shutter, and an optical wedge. It facilitates the modulation of the DMD to achieve extra high frame rate with a trade-off in greyscale resolution. The results have the great potential for commercialising the autostereoscopic display system

    A purchase protocol with multichannel authentication

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    While online shopping are becoming more accepted by people in modern life, cardholders are more concerned about card fraud and the lack of cardholder authentication in the current online credit card payment. This paper proposes a purchase protocol with live cardholder authentication for online transactions which combines telephone banking and online banking together. The order information and payment information are sent though the Internet and encrypted by asymmetric key encryption. The cardholder is authenticated by the card issuing bank ringing back at the customer’s phone number and the cardholder inputting the secure PIN and the amount to pay. The multichannel authentication makes the cardholder feel secure and card fraud difficult. Furthermore, the protocol does not require the cardholder to obtain public key certificates or install additional software for online transactions

    Threat Analysis of Software Agents in Online Banking and Payments

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    Software agents are the delegated subcontractors essential to connect the end-user to the bank and payment providers in a distributed service offering. This paper evaluates the key role that the different software agent types play to facilitate collaboration between clients and banks to perform online transactions. It highlights the threats and imminent risks that these software agents introduce in the chain as well as how these threats affect the trust relationship between principals. The discussed threats and resulting risks suggest vulnerabilities in the current software agent model which are beyond the bank and end users control. Both principals, the client and the service provider, are open to potential legal, security, quality of service, confidentiality and privacy compromises which influence the overarching trust relationship. There is resounding literature to illustrate advances that have been made to address the exposed challenges. However, a gap of misfortune remains where the software agent can act on its own accord exposing the contracting principals to internal and externally engineered threats thus tainting the trust relationship between these parties
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