692 research outputs found

    Lefapha la Disaense tša Tlhago le Tema, Institšhute ya Dikgwa le Bayothenolotši ya Temo (FABI)

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    The Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) is a postgraduate research institute which is based on a recognition that the future of forestry and agriculture in South Africa strongly depends on the incorporation of new and emerging technologies into these industries.Brochure in the University of Pretoria Corporate Calendar 201

    Engaging Open Science Key Stakeholders in South Africa’s Higher Education Institutions: Report 2022

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    On 21st June 2022, Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa), University of Pretoria, and PLOS, partnered for a workshop engaging open science key stakeholders from the University of Pretoria, Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, Stellenbosch University and Durban University of Technology Academic Community hosted at the University of Pretoria’s Faculty of Health Sciences and delivered using a hybrid format. The purpose of the meeting was to ascertain key stakeholders' views on Open Science with a focus on enablers and barriers to implementation in South African higher education institutions. This engagement is part of a multiphase project aimed at optimizing the implementation of the open science policy with high education institutions. Information gathered from this phase of the project will guide future engagements which includes an engagement with researchers within high education institutions and National meeting with key stakeholders at National level

    UP scientists unravel hidden plant pathogenic fungi

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    Scientists from the Department of Genetics and the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute recently discovered a previously unknown species of a Eucalyptus pathogen.Newsflash on the University of Pretoria's websit

    Appointment of a new Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Veterinary Science

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    The University is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof Vinasan (Vinny) Naidoo as Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Veterinary Science with effect from 1 August 2015. Prof Naidoo obtained a BVMCh degree at Medunsa, and an MSc degree and PhD degree at the University of Pretoria (UP). He is a registered specialist veterinary pharmacologist with the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC).Originally published as HTML file, converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Version 9.0.0.ab201

    Eucalyptus tree genome deciphered

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    The key to the survival of forestry in South Africa as well as many new possibilities for renewable bioproducts like biofuels and biopolymers may now be available with the click of a mouse.Newsflash on the University of Pretoria's websitehttp://web.up.ac.za/default.asp?ipkCategoryID=8641&articleID=732

    Faculty announces new Deputy Deans

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    University of Pretoria's Vice-Principal, Prof Ramaranka Mogotlane recently handed over the letter of appointment to Prof Brenda Wingfield, one of UP's Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences' new two Deputy Deans. The hand over ceremony took place during the Heads of Departments and Directors meeting.Newsflash on the University of Pretoria's websitehttp://web.up.ac.za/default.asp?ipkCategoryID=3523&ArticleID=234

    Veterinary Faculty Library named after the first South African who qualified as a veterinarian, Dr Jotello Festiri Soga

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    The Faculty of Veterinary Science of the University of Pretoria named its library in honour of the first South African who qualified as a veterinary surgeon. Dr Jotello Festiri Soga studied for the veterinary degree at the University of Edinburgh and qualified in 1886. A bronze bust of Dr Soga was also unveiled during the event that took place on 5 May.Original news article published on the University of Pretoria's website.ab202

    HWSETA joins forces with UP Faculty of Veterinary Science in skills development initiatives

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    The marked growth in South Africa’s human and animal populations within an environment characterised by climate change, emerging pathogens and toxic releases has resulted in increased health risks for humans and animals alike. To address this, the perspective on public health should be expanded beyond a single species to detect and manage emerging public health threats. The link between animal and human health, combined with the need for skills development and transformation within the animal health sector, has resulted in the Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA) placing focus on programmes to meet these critical needs.Originally published as HTML file, converted to PDF with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Version 9.0.0.Short news snippets with colour photos about what's happening at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria.ab201

    Faculty Day 2002

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    Message from the Dean / Prof. NPJ Kriek -- Curriculum Vitae / Prof. Ivan Horak – Short communications: Evaluation of radiographic film identification and possible legal implications of inadequate identification at Onderstepoort Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging Section / CR Makanjee -- Radiology and ultrasonography of the equine hyoid apparatus / TC Spotswood -- Blood lactate as a prognostic indicator in canine babesiosis / M Nel, R Lobetti, N Keller -- Hypoglycaemia in babesiosis: common, catastrophic and curable / N Keller, LS Jacobson, M Nel, JP Schoeman -- Evaluation of the effect of vitamin B6 on serum AIT activity in dogs with canine babesiosis / E Myburgh, F Reyers -- Radiographic gastrointestinal contrast study in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) / WM Wagner, RM Kirberger -- Evaluation of the effects of rearing systems on gut morphology and development of goat kids : preliminary report / T Songabe, EF Donkin, ED Green -- Isolation and identification of the infectious agents primarily associated with ulcerative balanopothitis and vulvovaginitis in sheep in Northern Cape province in South Africa and determination of in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity / A Kidanemariam, M van Vuuren, B Gummow, J Gouws, M van Aardt -- The effect of different protein supplements on production economics and nematode resilience in Merino ewes / A Janse van Rensburg, GF Bath -- In vitro cholinergic effects of crude extracts of Gunnera perpensa L. on isolated rat uteri / R Gehring, LC Katsoulis, GE Swan -- Isolation of a combretatstatin from Combretum woodii leaves by bioassay guided fractionation / JO Famakin, DRP Katerere, JN Eloff -- Delivery of veterinary services in remote rural areas of South Africa; the role of the "local expert": a short communication / TSongabe -- Molecular epidemiology of serotype 0 foot-and-mouth disease viruses in Ethiopia and neighboring countries / M Sahle, RM Dwarka, E Venter, W Vosloo.Posters: Screening test for a congenital myasthenic syndrome in cattle / PN Thompson, OK Steinlein, E van Dyk, S Kraneb, CK Harper, AJ Guthrie, A Nel, E Bell -- A scanning electron microscopic study of the magnum of the immature ostrich (Struthio camelus) / M-C Madekurozwa -- Serological survey to confirm the foot and mouth disease free status of South Africa after the 2000/2001 outbreaks of the disease / W Vosloo, CJ Dickason, B Gummow -- A stochastic decision tree model to assess the impact of groundwater pollution on livestock / B Gummow -- A field evaluation of three trypanosomosis control strategies, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa / FR Emslie, B Gummow, JR Nel -- Reverse Line Blot: A diagnostic tool to detect blood parasites / A-M Bosman, V Pillay, A Nijhof, EH Venter, BL Penzhorn, F Jongejan -- The fine structure of the rete testis in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) / TA Aire, JT Soley -- New recognition of an old enzyme: the antibacterial effect of the lactoperoxidase system in goat milk / E Seifu, EF Donkin, BH Bester, E Buys -- Fine structure of Neospora caninum in a white rhinoceros calf / JH Williams, E van Wilpe -- Breed prevalence of dog erythrocyte antigen 1.1 in the Onderstepoort area: significance in donor selection / LL van der Merwe, LS Jacobson, G Pretorius -- The use of planar chromatography to evaluate traditional medicine / JV Manana, JN Eloff -- Herbarium specimens can be used to bioprospect for some antibacterial compounds / JN Eloff -- Selection of Combretaceae spp for the isolation of antibacterial compounds based on biological activity, chemical composition and taxonomic information / JN Eloff -- Can extractants be used to selectively enrich antibacterial compounds in complex Combretum microphyllum leaf extracts? / M Kotze, JN Eloff.The material has been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.Includes bibliograpical referencesMaster Foods South Africa (Pty) Ltd -- Pfizer Animal Health -- Novartis Animal Health -- Onderstepoort Biological Products -- Kyron Laboratories- Welch Allyn -- The South African Veterinary Association -- lnstavet -- Vetserv -- Janssen-Cilagab201

    Faculty Day, 7 September 2017 : research overview

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    Oral presentations: Occurrence and characterisation of big seven Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serotypes in healthy cattle from cow-calf operations in Gauteng and Northwest provinces, South Africa / Mainga A.O., Malahlela M., Tshuma T., Cenci Goga B.T., Karama M. -- Seroprevalence of leptospirosis in slaughtered animals in Gauteng Province abattoirs, South Africa / Dogonyaro B.B., Van Heerden H., Potts A.D., Lötter C., Katsande C., Fasina F.O., Adesiyun A.A. -- Interaction of Tritrichomonas foetus infection with the vaginal bacterial flora of heifers / Martins I.S., Swanevelder Z.H., Irons P.C. -- Prevalence of Clostridium difficile and Salmonella spp. in juvenile dogs affected with parvovirus enteritis / Botha W.J., Schoeman J.P., Marks S.L., Morley P.S., Whitehead Z., Annandale C.H. -- Artificial insemination trial with frozen-thawed semen on exogenous hormone induced oestrus in African lion (Panthera leo) / Callealta I., Luther, I., Ganswindt A., Scheepers G., Kasberg J., Lüders I., Kotze A., Mueller K. --Sir Arnold Theiler Memorial Lecture: "The Research Imperative" / Prof Robert Gilbert -- Seroprevalence and factors associated with Rift Valley fever in domestic ruminants in the Free State and Northern Cape provinces / Avenant A., Ngoshe Y.B., Rostal M., Cordel C., Paweska J.T., Karesh W.B., Thompson P.N. -- Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of West Nile Virus in equine populations in South Africa / Jeal R.E., Gummow B., Venter E.H. -- Evaluation of haemostatic changes in dogs with parvovirus enteritis before and after fluid resuscitation using thromboelastography / Whitehead Z., Goddard A., Pazzi P. -- Leopards and land use: using glucocorticoid metabolites to measure stress / Webster A.B., Burroughs R.E.J., Laver P.N., Ganswindt A. -- Could diclofenac’s toxicity in vultures have been predicted? / Hassan I.Z., Duncan N.M., Adawaren E.O., Naidoo V. -- Interesting research development showcase from Production Animal Studies / Bertschinger H.Poster presentations: 1. Effect of usage of antibiotics on virulence profiles of Escherichia coli in pig production / Abubakar R.H., Madoroba E., Fasina F.O. -- 2. Exploring next generation sequencing on the ION S5 as a basis for investigating the potential role of the CYP 2 gene family in the metabolism of diclofenac in Cape vulture (Gyps coprotheres) / Adawaren E.O., Naidoo V., Mukandiwa L., Suleman E., Du Plessis M. -- 3. PacBio Circular Consensus Sequencing uncovers the haemoparasite microbiome in South African wild and domestic felids / Bosman A.M., Gall C., Peasley A., Pazzi P., Penzhorn B., Wildung M., Oosthuizen M.C., Brayton K.A. -- 4. Methods for repeatable separation of the components of infertile and fertile Nile crocodile eggs for the determination of inorganic elemental constituents / Brown G.J., Forbes P.B.C., Myburgh J.G., Nöthling J.O. -- 5. Cardiopulmonary effects of anaesthesia maintained by propofol infusion versus isoflurane inhalation in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) / Buck R.K., Tordiffe A., Zeiler G.E. -- 6. A comparison between manual count, flow cytometry and qPCR as a means of determining Babesia rossi parasitaemia in naturally infected dogs / De Villiers L., Quan M., Troskie M., Fosgate G.T., Leisewitz A.L. -- 7. Preliminary assessment of seven under-investigated South African plants from the Myrtaceae family for activity against Bacillus anthracis Famuyide / I.M., Fasina F.O., Eloff J.N., McGaw L.J. -- 8. Evaluation of several tree species for activity against salmonella / Gado D.A., Ahmed A.S., Botha F.S., Ehlers M., McGaw L.J. -- 9. Shotgun genome sequence and population diversity of Mannheimia haemolytica isolates from sheep in South Africa / Gelaw A.K., Cutler S., Guthrie A., Fosgate G.T. -- 10. The pathology of the spleen in canine Babesia rossi infection / Henning A., Clift S.J., Leisewitz A. -- 11. The effect of preconditioning on the health and production of calves in a South African feedlot / Hentzen A.H.R., Thompson P.N., Holm D.E. -- 12. Towards a yellow tulp vaccine: preliminary studies exploiting the potential for cross-reactivity with related bufadienolides / Isa H.I., Ferreira A., Crafford J.E., Botha C.J. -- 13. Gross morphology and basic histological structure of the Apparatus lacrimalis of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) and emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) / Kleyn E., Groenewald H.B., Soley J.T. -- Genetic variability of Anaplasma phagocytophilum strains circulating in wild rodents in Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, South Africa / Kolo A.O., Chaisi M.E., De Boni L., Collins N.E., Brayton K.A., Oosthuizen M.C. -- 15. Prevalence of brucellosis in slaughter animals in Gauteng province abattoirs, South Africa: food safety implications / Kolo F.B., Adesiyun A.A., Katsande C., Fasina F.O., Van Heerden H. -- 16. Effects of chemical and mechanical stimulation on laryngeal motion during anaesthetic induction with alfaxalone, thiopentone or propofol in healthy dogs / Labuscagne S., Zeiler G.E., Dzikiti T.B. -- 17. Phylogenetic analysis of 2015-2016 Nigerian highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 viruses / Laleye A.T., Joannis T.M., Shittu I.A., Meseko C.A., Zamperin G., Milani A., Zecchin B., Fusaro A., Monne I., Abolnik C. -- 18. Effect of climatological factors on the bulk milk somatic cell count on South African dairies / Lategan A., Nielen M., Vernooij H., Fosgate G.T., Van der Leek M. -- 19. Dietary supplementation of conjugated linoleic acids on sperm quality and freezability in bovines / Liman M.S., Cardoso C.L., Holm D.E., De Bruyn S., Gasparrini B., Franco V., Longobardi V., Esposito G. -- 20. Herd-level prevalence of bovine leukaemia virus infection and associated risk factors in commercial dairies in five provinces of South Africa / Maboe S.J., Gratwick W., Thompson P.N. -- 21. Prevalence of Salmonella spp. in slaughter cattle, the abattoir environment and meat sold at retail outlets in Gauteng province / Manqele A., Adesiyun A.A., Madoroba E., Onyeka L.O., Thompson P.N. -- 22. Magnetic resonance imaging of the muscle tendons in the carpal region of the southern white rhino (Ceratotherium simum simum) / Meusel E.G., Crole M.R., Marais J. -- 23. Investigation of antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities of two Newtonia spp. with potential for alleviating infectious diarrhoea symptoms / Motlhatlego K.E., Njoya E.M., Abdalla M.A., Eloff J.N., McGaw L.J. -- 24. A comparative study of the infundibular epithelium in laying and moulting commercial hens / Mpango M.M., Madekurozwa M.-C. -- 25. Rift Valley fever, Congo fever and brucellosis: human seroprevalence and behavioural exposure in central South Africa (2015-2016) / Msimang V., Paweska J.T., Weyer J., Rossouw J., Jansen van Vuren P., Thompson P.N. -- 26. Aspects of plant variety protection (plant breeders’ rights), in relation to seed crops, that may impact on policy and legislative development in South Africa / Netnou-Nkoana N.C., McGaw L.J., Eloff J.N. -- 27. Ovarian dynamics and injection site reactions associated with immunocontraceptive zona pellucida (ZP) and GnRH vaccination of domestic horse mares (Equus caballus) / Nolan M.B., Bertschinger H.J., Schulman M.L. -- 28. Anti-inflammatory activity of selected southern African medicinal plants with possible application against parasitic nematode infections / Ondua M., Njoya E.M., Abdalla M.A., McGaw L.J. -- 29. Prevalence and characterization of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in beef carcasses and beef products in Gauteng province / Onyeka L.O., Adesiyun A.A., Madoroba E., Manqele A., Thompson P.N. -- 30. Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle at the wildlife/livestock interface in northern KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa / Sichewo P.R., Etter E., Michel A.L. -- 31. Vaccine matching: a different pathway to foot-and-mouth disease control / Sirdar M.M., Blignaut B., Heath L., Gummow B., Fosgate G.T. -- 32. Serum albumin level of donor cows as indicator of development competence of oocytes / Smuts M.P., De Bruyn S., Thompson P.N., Holm D.E. -- 33. The preventive and failure costs of mastitis in South Africa / Leenaerts L., Hogeveen H., Schlimmer N., Van der Leek M. -- 34. A survey of mastitis management practices used on South African dairies / Schlimmer N., Leenaerts L., Hogeveen H., Van der Leek M. -- 35. Adaptation of SAT1 and SAT2 foot-and-mouth disease virus in cattle and goats / Van der Merwe, D., Sirdar, M.M., Van Heerden, J., Heath, L., Fosgate, G.T., Blignaut, B. -- 36. Seroprevalence of Rift Valley fever virus in domestic and wild ruminants in far northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa / Van Loggerenberg C., Thompson P.N., Swanepoel R., Venter E.H. -- 37. Important trace element concentrations in ovine liver as determined by energy dispersive handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometry / Van Loggerenberg D.E., Myburgh J.G., Laver P., Botha C.J. -- 38. Thromboelastographic platelet mapping findings in dogs with complicated Babesia rossi infection / Van Rooyen L.J., Hooijberg E.H., Schoeman J.P., Goddard, A. -- 39. Carnivore population dynamics on two reserves, comparable or not? / Wentzel J.M., Camacho G.C. , Bourn M., Fosgate G.T.Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations delivered at the 2017 Faculty Day held at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Onderstepoort, South Africa.Organising Committee: Dr Rebone Moerane (Chairperson), Prof Vinny Naidoo, Prof Marinda Oosthuizen, Prof Geoffrey Fosgate, Dr Gerhard Steenkamp, Mr Chris Van Blerk, Ms Margaret Louw, Ms Daleen Anderson, Sr Ingrid de Goede, Ms Alet Wannenburg, Ms Maude da Cal, Ms Fransie Lottering, Ms Rene PerridgeScientific Committee: Prof Peter Thompson (Chairperson), Prof A Goddard, Prof John Soley, Prof Melvyn Quan, Dr Adrian TordiffeIncludes a list of scientific, peer-refereed articles, published in 2016, of which a member or student of the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, was an authorWhitehead Scientific (Pty) Ltd ; Labotec ; Bayer HealthCare Animal Health ; DIAG ; Zeiss ; Sky Information Suppliers ; AXIM ; The Scientific Group ; Cipla Vet Animal Health ; Onderstepoort Biological Products ; MSD Animal Health ; Zoetis ; Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Pty) Ltd ; Inqaba biotecab201
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