58 research outputs found
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Common groundsel, Senecio vulgaris L.
Declared out of print July 2010. Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalogCommon groundsel, native to Europe, is now common throughout the temperate regions of the world. It is widespread in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, but most common west of the Cascade Mountains. This weed is found in many crops, including forages, cereals, mint, berries, and row crops, as well as in ornamentals and vegetable gardens
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Distaff thistle, Carthamus lanatus
Distaff thistle is sometimes called wooly distaff thistle, and in Australia it is Saffron thistle. It is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe and central Europe.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Catchweed bedstraw, Galium aparine L.
Catchweed bedstraw
(Galium aparine L.), also called
bedstraw or cleavers, is a native
annual with weak, climbing,
or twining stems, up to 6 feet
long (figure 1). Whorls of six
to eight narrow single-nerved
leaves are attached to square
stems (figure 2). Both stems
and leaves have short backward-
turning bristles that
cause the plants to cling to
other objects.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Calibrating and using backpack sprayers
Revised April 1996. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Preventing and controlling powderpost beetles in and around the home
The common name powderpost beetle loosely applies to three closely related beetle families, Lyctidae, Anobiidae, and Bostrichidae. Powderpost beetles breed in dead wood, as well as dried and cured lumber. It is their larvae’s feeding that reduces wood to what scientists call frass—a fine powder or a mass of small pellets. Damage by powderpost beetles occurs in a wide variety of wood products—floors, molding, paneling, crates, furniture, antiques, tool handles, gunstocks, etc.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Hatching small numbers of eggs
The first decision to be made is whether to incubate eggs naturally or artificially. Natural incubation uses a broody hen to incubate eggs by sitting on them in a nest. Broody hens, when available, work best for small clutches of eggs.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Red sorrel, Rumex acetosella L.
Red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) also is known as sheep, horse, field, mountain, and cow sorrel or sour dock. This European weed grows throughout the Pacific Northwest under various soil and climate conditions.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Managing urinary incontinence for healthy aging
Published February 1992. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Wild garlic, Allium vineale L.
Wild garlic (Allium vineale) was introduced from Europe where it was used as a food flavoring. It is found in pastures, lawns, ornamental beds, and several cultivated crops. It grows west of the Cascades from Vancouver Island south into northwest Oregon.Facts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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Managing weeds and vegetation in Christmas trees
Controlling weeds that compete with Christmas trees is essential to producing quality trees. Weeds have several negative effectsFacts and recommendations in this publication may no longer be valid. Please look for up-to-date information in the OSU Extension Catalog: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalo
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