7 research outputs found

    Impact of School Environment on Conflict Resolution Skills Development of Students

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    ABSTRACT The study concentrated on the relationship between school and social skills development of the students. Objectives of the study were to investigate the relationship between school and social skills development of students at secondary level, to investigate the effect of school on students' basic social skills, to analyze the effects of school on peace promoting skills and to ascertain the effect of school on students' conflict skills. None directional hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. All the students of class 10 th and SSTs of secondary schools of district Mardan were the population of the study. Through random sampling techniques fifty two SSTs and one hundred and fifty six 10 th class students constituted the sample of the study. Data were collected through two questionnaires, one for the teachers and the other for students. Both the research instruments were pilot tested on a sample of 15 students and 4 SSTs. Data were collected and were analyzed with the help of SPSS version 16. Mean, STD deviation, Pearson Co-relation and linear regression were applied to analyze and interpret the data. Findings of the study illustrated that school has significant effect on the social skills of students; a very insignificant effect was calculated on the problem solving, tolerance and appreciative skills of students. It was recommended that teachers and other responsible personnel should use all the means to ensure the development of students' social skills

    New Trends in Sino-Pak Defence and Strategic Relations since 9/11: Indian Concern

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    Abstract Pakistan relations with China remain a cornerstone of Pakistan's foreign Policy. Their common views, perceptions, approaches, and policies at the regional and global level made them a durable friends, allies and partners. Their hostility towards India, their support each other in wars against India, and the conclusion of different agreements further strengthened their bilateral mutual relations between these two countries. And above all, China's moral, diplomatic, political, financial, and military support since 1971 proved a great source of consolation and encouragement to Pakistan in the difficult hours. In the changing global scenario since 9/11, witnessed drastic improvement in Sino-Pak military and strategic relations. Exchange of visits by high leaderships and other dignitaries, their growing coordination in Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf and Gwadar, the signing of naval and military agreements, their missiles and nuclear cooperation, provided both the countries with opportunity to counterweight India's growing hegemony and supremacy. On her part, India is trying its best to frustrate the growing Sino-Pak Defence nexus by using a variety of tactics in order to protect and safeguard her interest in the region

    Classroom Interaction as Activity Type: A Study of Social Interaction at

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    ABSTRACT The main aim of the study was to investigate Activity Type (AT) as an approach towards classroom interaction and highlight its limitations and delimitations. For this purpose, a formal teacher -student interaction in academic setting of about 30 minutes was recorded, transcribed and then coded. The interaction was qualitatively analyzed. The study revealed that the interaction has outlined the main features of AT including goals orientation, activity specific context, inferencing system, constraints on participants' contributions and most obviously the overriding role of setting, over-shadowing all the other features INTRODUCTIO

    An Analysis of Right to Information Laws of Pakistan and India

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    ABSTRACT The first decade of 21 st century have a special significance in the legislative history of Pakistan and India. It's a decade which is known for the dawn of freedom of information laws in both countries. In 2002 Pakistan became the first country in sub-continent which adopted freedom of information laws. Thanks to judicial activism which laid the foundation stone of "Right to Information Act 2005" in India. A deep analysis of different features of the law of information prevailing in Pakistan and India is the scope of this paper. There are tough challenges ahead but how to overcome these challenges will be explore through this study. This paper would also focus on highlighting the long term social, economic and political impacts of RTI laws in Pakistan and India

    The Theme of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within & Outside Organizational Activities: A Theoretical Approach AAMIR NADEEM

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    Abstract This paper aims to elaborate the internal and external role of CSR within the organization and also explains that what an organization can contribute internally and externally for the benefits of the society. Within CSR activities it explains the theme of CSR in the core activities of an organization like production & manufacturing, marketing, HRM, corporate governance, investments and accounting. CSR contributions are identified from CSR reports presented by the organization that how they can contribute their efforts internally and externally for CSR activities and gain CSR accounted. CSR framework identified 21 external CSR contributions and 50 internal CSR contributions which an organization can adopt for accounted in CSR rights and performances