388 research outputs found

    Eugen Seibold

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    The European economy in 1998 and 1999

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    World economic activity remains relatively robust, although the Asian crisis casts a shadow over the picture. The rate of growth of world trade has slowed down since last fall, but is expected to remain above its trend level. International price developments remain quite moderate. Oil prices have declined substantially, and are among the lowest of the decade. Inflationary pressures are also limited in the industrial countries, as capacity constraints are not yet significant there and excess supply has materialized worldwide. The industrial countries show a sustained growth rate between 2Vi and 3 per cent on average. However, the combination of strong growth and low inflation is the result of divergent developments between countries. • The US economy has been until recently particularly buoyant, as strong domestic demand has more than offset the dampening effect of falling exports to Asia. The Japanese economy remains in the doldrums. The threat of a deflation has recently prompted a substantial stimulation programme aiming at preventing a further deterioration of confidence. \^ Economic growth in Asia has been-severely_ restricted, in particular in the ASEAN countries and Korea, although extensive rescue operations have brought the situation in the worst hit countries more or less under control. The impact on the European countries is as yet rather limited, as negative trade effects are largely compensated for by beneficial effects of lower imported inflation and lower interest rates. Thus Western Europe is in a position to sustain the recovery that began in mid-1996. Prospects have been strengthened as uncertainties associated with the implementation of the EMU have now been dissipated. The time has now come to begin to view the EMU countries as a single entity from the viewpoint of economic management, even if differences persist in many fields. --

    The European economy in 1999 and 2000: Report

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    World economic growth this year is likely to remain as weak as in 1998, despite a gradual acceleration in the course of the year. The volume of world trade is estimated to have fallen significantly in the latter half of last year, and to date there are few signs of a rapid recovery. However, there are indications of improved investor sentiment in a number of emerging market economies, and the monetary authorities in many industrial economies have lowered shortterm interest rates significantly since last autumn. In the absence of further financial market turmoil, a modest global recovery is expected to develop this year, led by improved prospects for the Asian economies. World GDP is expected to rise by 3 per cent in 2000, after growth of 2V4 per cent this year (Table 1). The industrial economies as a group are not expected to contribute significantly to the overall rebound. The economy of the United States has remained much stronger than expected, but could experience a soft landing next year, particularly if the Federal Reserve decides to tighten monetary policy. Activity in Japan may at best stabilise next year after two years of declining GDP, with many firms continuing to have excess capacity, and domestic demand expected to remain weak. The continuing weakness of Japan will help to keep the upturn in the emerging markets within bounds. Growth should pick up in Western Europe over the next eighteen months, helped by the present relaxed monetary conditions. However, a recovery this year remains far from assured, with activity likely to be particularly weak in Germany and Italy. The present, historically low, rate of inflation in the industrial world may rise slightly, partly as a result of some recovery in world prices for primary commodities, recently in particular for oil. In the euro area, import prices will also rise as a result of the recent depreciation of the euro against the dollar. The continued strength of the dollar can be partly attributed to the very strong performance of the American economy compared with the European economy, and to the rising interest rate differentials with Europe. We expect that developments in the opposite direction will weaken the dollar again. Section VI of this report illustrates a scenario with a more substantial weakening in the aftermath of a collapse in equity prices. The Western European economy has been strongly affected by the adverse developments in the crisis regions. This has depressed industrial production significantly over the past year. The prospects for Europe are heavily dependent on the timing and extent to which these effects fade away. The American economy has been a strong engine for world economic growth up to now, but there are several imbalances that may lead to a slowdown over the next eighteen months. This could have a substantial impact on the European economy. --

    The European economy in 1998 and 1999: An update

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    A. Situation and Prospects for the European Economy 3 I. Slower Growth of the World Economy 3 II. Weaker Expansion of the European Economy 5 III. Economic Policy 7 B. Country Reports 9 I. Germany: Upturn Continues Despite Financial Turbulence 9 II. Confidence Still High in France, Though Off Its Peak 9 III. Downturn in the UK Economy 10 IV. Italy: A Fragile Recovery 11 --

    Deutschland am Rande einer Rezession: Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2008

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    In autumn 2008, the word economy is in a downswing, caused by the commodity and energy price hike of the first half of the year, housing crises in the US and some other important countries, and in particular by the financial crisis that has recently intensified. The downswing will continue this year and for some time during 2009, and will only come to an end later next year if governments and central banks succeed in stabilizing financial markets in the coming months. In this case, lower prices of commodities and still high growth dynamics in important emerging markets countries will lead to a tentative revival of the world economy. The German economy is on the brink of a recession. It is particularly vulnerable to a global downswing because exports of investment goods are of upmost importance for the overall economy. Because the uncertainty about the worldwide effects of the financial crisis is very high, the forecast is split. A more probable scenario is based on the assumption of a stabilizing world economy. In this scenario, the growth rate of the German economy in 2009 is 0.2%. The second scenario is based on the assumption of a worldwide recession next year and forecasts that German GDP will shrink by 0.8% in 2009. Concerning policy, the institutes recommend a strengthening of the capital base of banks via injection of government money. This should be done in a way that gives incentives to banks for attracting additional capital from private sources. A special chapter of the report analyzes the nature and causes of the price hikes of energy and commodities in the first half of 2008.

    Im Sog der Weltrezession: Gemeinschaftsdiagnose FrĂĽhjahr 2009

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    In spring 2009, the world economy is in a deep recession. The intensification of the financial crisis in autumn has caused a sharp contraction of demand. The reaction of monetary and fiscal policy was substantial, but up to now (April 2009), it has not succeeded in restoring confidence of economic agents. Although some leading indicators point to a stabilization of production in the coming quarters, the downturn will not come to an end before next winter, because the financial crisis will continue to put strain on the real economy for some time to come. The German economy is in its deepest recession since the foundation of the Federal Republic. Germany is particularly affected, because at the core of the economy is the production of those goods for that world demand has collapsed most: capital goods and high-quality consumer durables. While exports and private investment activity will continue to shrink this year (albeit at a slower rate), private consumption will be a stabilizing factor for some time, as will public investment activity in the second half of the year. Later in 2009 and in 2010, rising unemployment will depress consumption, while in this forecast, it is assumed that exports and investment slowly recover in 2010, because the financial turmoil will calm down. For economic policy, a recapitalization of the banking sector should have priority. The ECB should lower its key interest rate to 0.5%. Given the sharply increasing fiscal deficits, a new, third fiscal program would be counterproductive. Only if monetary policy fails to stabilize the economy, further fiscal measures, coordinated at a European level, should be considered.

    Zögerliche Belebung – steigende Staatsschulden: Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2009

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    In autumn 2009, the world economy appears to be growing again. The situation has improved mainly because drastic measures of central banks and governments stabilized the financial sector. More recently, the real economy is supported by fiscal programs taking effect. However, recoveries are usually slow if, as it is the case now, recessions have been intertwined with banking and housing crises. Thus, the industrial economies will not gain much dynamics this year and next, while chances for an upswing in emerging economies are much better. The German economy stabilized during summer as well, with remarkably robust private consumption. An upswing, however, is, due to several factors, not in sight: Some important export markets will not rebound quickly, and consumption will be dampened by rising unemployment that, up to now, has been contained, not least with the aid of short-term working schemes. All in all, production shrinks by 5% in 2009 and will increase by no more than 1.2% next year. Public deficits are on the rise, with (in relation to GDP) 3.2% this year and 5.2% in 2010. A credit crunch due to deteriorating balance sheets of banks is a major risk for the German economy. Policy should address this problem by making sure that equity ratios are sufficiently high. One way would be to impose public capital on banks that do not comply with certain regulatory ratios. These should be higher than the ones presently in force. Fiscal policy should begin consolidating in 2011, mainly by dampening the rise of expenditures. Tax cuts are only justified if they are accompanied by very ambitious spending cuts.

    Aufschwung legt Pause ein - Gemeinschaftsdiagnose Herbst 2007

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    The world economy continues to expand healthily, but risks have increased during summer. The crisis of the housing sector in the US has deepened: A revaluation of mortgage backed assets has triggered turbulences on global financial markets. The institutes expect that financial markets will calm down during the coming months, but that the downswing in the US will slow the pace of the world economy. The economy in the euro area will, in addition, be dampened by the appreciation of the euro. The German economy is, in spite of a restrictive fiscal policy, in a robust upswing. Because wage setting and inflation continues to be moderate, there will be no need for a restrictive monetary policy. Thus the German economy will, due to slower demand from the US and higher costs of financing, lose momentum, but chances are good that the upswing will only take a break. In the coming year private consumption is expected to be the main contributor to growth, because wage incomes will expand strongly. Unemployment will continue to shrink, albeit at a smaller rate than during 2007. Fiscal policy will no longer be restrictive. Economic policy has improved the conditions for growth in Germany; there is, however, still much to do. Public finances have to be consolidated further, but at the same time, public investment has to be strengthened. This can be achieved if public consumptive expenditure growth is limited. The institutes suggest to increase public expenditure by 2% per annum over the cycle in nominal terms; this is, by less than by the trend growth rate of nominal GDP. The institutes advise against a reversal of the recent labour market reforms. Instead, incentives for taking up jobs should be increased further.

    Die Lage der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft im Herbst 2006

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    Der Aufschwung der Weltwirtschaft hält im Herbst 2006 an, er hat sich jedoch im Verlauf des Jahres etwas verlangsamt. Ausschlaggebend dafür war, dass die konjunkturelle Dynamik in den USA, und in geringerem Maße auch in Japan, nachließ. Dies wurde durch eine Beschleunigung der Expansion im Euroraum und in Großbritannien nicht aufgewogen. In den Schwellenländern blieb der Produktionsanstieg kräftig; dabei hat er sich in China im ersten Halbjahr noch einmal verstärkt, in den übrigen ostasiatischen Schwellenländern insgesamt eher verlangsamt. Die Unterschiede in der Dynamik zwischen den Industrieländern sind überwiegend dadurch bedingt, dass sich die Volkswirtschaften in verschiedenen Phasen des konjunkturellen Zyklus befinden. Die Rohstoffpreise stiegen in den ersten Monaten 2006 auch aufgrund der lebhaften Weltkonjunktur weiter stark. Die Preisbewegung auf den Rohstoffmärkten schlug auf die Verbraucherpreise durch; die Lohnkosten erhöhten sich in den Industrieländern zumeist moderat. Die Expansion der Weltwirtschaft wird sich im Prognosezeitraum etwas abschwächen, aber im längerfristigen Vergleich kräftig bleiben. Insgesamt wird das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt der Welt – in der Abgrenzung der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose – im Jahr 2006 um 3,7% und im Jahr 2007 um 3,1% zunehmen. Der Welthandel expandiert in diesem Jahr um 8,5% und im Jahr 2007 um reichlich 7%. Der Anstieg der Preise schwächt sich etwas ab. Die Wirtschaft des Euroraums befindet sich im Aufschwung. Der Anstieg des realen Bruttoinlandsprodukts hat sich vor allem in den Ländern erheblich beschleunigt, die, wie etwa Deutschland und Italien, in den Vorjahren unterdurchschnittliche Zuwächse aufwiesen. Die wesentlichen Impulse kamen von der Binnennachfrage, da insbesondere die Anlageinvestitionen kräftig ausgeweitet wurden. Der private Konsum legte leicht beschleunigt zu; die Bauinvestitionen expandierten spürbar. Auch der Außenbeitrag erhöhte sich, da die Exporte deutlich stärker als die Importe stiegen. Die EZB hat vor dem Hintergrund der anziehenden Konjunktur ihren geldpolitischen Kurs gestrafft, um zunehmenden Inflationsrisiken rechtzeitig entgegenzuwirken. Sie wird ihren maßgeblichen Leitzins bis zum Ende des laufenden Jahres auf 3,5% anheben und im kommenden Jahr auf diesem Niveau belassen. Dieser Satz dürfte in etwa dem neutralen Zinsniveau entsprechen. Die Lage der öffentlichen Haushalte im Euroraum hat sich leicht verbessert. Im kommenden Jahr wird die wirtschaftliche Expansion kräftig bleiben, sich jedoch infolge der nachlassenden expansiven Wirkung der Geldpolitik und des sich abschwächenden Booms der Weltwirtschaft etwas verlangsamen. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Euroraum wird im Jahr 2007 um 2,1% zunehmen, nach 2,6% in diesem Jahr. Die Inflationsrate wird im Jahr 2006 bei 2,2% und im Jahr 2007 bei 2,1% liegen.

    Die Lage der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft im FrĂĽhjahr 2006

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    Die Expansion der Weltwirtschaft ist im Frühjahr 2006 nach wie vor kräftig. Im Verlauf des vergangenen Jahres hat sie an Breite gewonnen. Während die Produktion in den USA in der Grundtendenz weiter deutlich stieg und sich das rasche Wachstum in China ungebremst fortsetzte, wurde die Schwächephase, die sich in Japan, im Euroraum sowie in vielen Schwellenländern in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2004 eingestellt hatte, nach und nach überwunden. Die Auftriebskräfte sind in Folge der günstigen Ertragslage der Unternehmen, steigender Vermögenspreise und niedriger Zinsen so stark, dass die dämpfenden Wirkungen höherer Rohstoffpreise mehr als ausgeglichen wurden. Der Preisanstieg hat sich in den Industrieländern energiepreisbedingt im vergangenen Herbst vorübergehend verstärkt. Zu spürbaren Zweitrundeneffekten kam es aber nicht. Nach wie vor geringe Inflationserwartungen sind ein wichtiger Grund dafür, dass die langfristigen Zinsen nur wenig stiegen. Die Weltwirtschaft wird im Prognosezeitraum weiter zügig expandieren, wenngleich infolge nachlassender expansiver Wirkungen der Geldpolitik und leicht anziehender langfristiger Zinsen etwas langsamer als bisher. Dabei wird sich das Konjunkturgefälle zwischen den Industrieländern weiter verringern. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt in der Welt wird 2006 um 3,4% und 2007 um 3,1% zunehmen. Der Welthandel dürfte um 8,5 bzw. 7,5% ausgeweitet werden. Die globalen Ungleichgewichte, insbesondere das Leistungsbilanzdefizit der USA, werden sich dabei kaum verringern...
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