1 research outputs found

    Origen de la educaci贸n agr铆cola superior en el Valle del Cauca, 1910-1934

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    Las fuentes consultadas relacionadas con investigadores cl谩sicos y expertos en historia econ贸mica, agraria y educativa de Colombia y de la historia regional del departamento del Valle del Cauca, permiten inferir que hasta el momento se desconoce la historia de la Educaci贸n Agr铆cola Superior en este departamento. Son prop贸sitos del presente art铆culo: examinar las pol铆ticas administrativas que dieron origen a la mencionada educaci贸n en el Valle del Cauca en el periodo 1910-1934; explorar el pensamiento educativo orientado hacia la ense帽anza de las ciencias agron贸micas en el Valle del Cauca en el mismo periodo; y analizar los antecedentes que perfilaron la creaci贸n de la actual Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Palmira.Palabras clave: educaci贸n agr铆cola, pol铆ticas administrativas, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Valle del Cauca.Origen of agricultural higher education in Valle del Cauca, 1910-1934 Abstract Sources consulted which were related with classical researchers and experts in Colombian economic, agrarian, and educational history and of the regional history of the department of Valle del Cauca, allow for one to infer that, up to now, the history of agricultural higher education in this department is unknown. These are the purposes of the article at hand: to examine the administrative policies which originated the aforementioned education in Valle del Cauca during the 1910-1934 period; to explore the educational through oriented towards the teaching of agricultural sciences in Valle del Cauca during the same period; and to analyze the background events which shaped the creation of the Palmira branch of the current Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Colombia. Keywords: agricultural education, administrative policies, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the National University of Colombia, Valle del Cauca