12 research outputs found

    Heritable site-specific mutagenesis using TALENs in maize

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    Transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) technology has been utilized widely for targeted gene mutagenesis, especially for gene inactivation, in many organisms, including agriculturally important plants such as rice, wheat, tomato and barley. This report describes application of this technology to generate heritable genome modifications in maize. TALENs were employed to generate stable, heritable mutations at the maize g lossy2 ( gl2 ) locus. Transgenic lines containing mono- or di-allelic mutations were obtained from the maize genotype Hi-II at a frequency of about 10% (nine mutated events in 91 transgenic events). In addition, three of the novel alleles were tested for function in progeny seedlings, where they were able to confer the glossy phenotype. In a majority of the events, the integrated TALEN T-DNA segregated independently from the new loss of function alleles, producing mutated null-segregant progeny in T1 generation. Our results demonstrate that TALENs are an effective tool for genome mutagenesis in maize, empowering the discovery of gene function and the development of trait improvement

    Rapid “Open-Source” Engineering of Customized Zinc-Finger Nucleases for Highly Efficient Gene Modification

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    Summary—Custom-made zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) can induce targeted genome modifications with high efficiency in cell types including Drosophila, C. elegans, plants, and humans. A bottleneck in the application of ZFN technology has been the generation of highly specific engineered zincfinger arrays. Here we describe OPEN (Oligomerized Pool ENgineering), a rapid, publicly available strategy for constructing multi-finger arrays, which we show is more effective than the previously published modular assembly method. We used OPEN to construct 37 highly active ZFN pairs which induced targeted alterations with high efficiencies (1 to 50%) at 11 different target sites located within three endogenous human genes (VEGF-A, HoxB13, CFTR), an endogenous plant gene (tobacco SuRA), and a chromosomally-integrated EGFP reporter gene. In summary, OPEN provides an “opensource” method for rapidly engineering highly active zinc-finger arrays, thereby enabling broader practice, development, and application of ZFN technology for biological research and gene therapy

    Heritable site-specific mutagenesis using TALENs in maize

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    Transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN) technology has been utilized widely for targeted gene mutagenesis, especially for gene inactivation, in many organisms, including agriculturally important plants such as rice, wheat, tomato and barley. This report describes application of this technology to generate heritable genome modifications in maize. TALENs were employed to generate stable, heritable mutations at the maize g lossy2 ( gl2 ) locus. Transgenic lines containing mono- or di-allelic mutations were obtained from the maize genotype Hi-II at a frequency of about 10% (nine mutated events in 91 transgenic events). In addition, three of the novel alleles were tested for function in progeny seedlings, where they were able to confer the glossy phenotype. In a majority of the events, the integrated TALEN T-DNA segregated independently from the new loss of function alleles, producing mutated null-segregant progeny in T1 generation. Our results demonstrate that TALENs are an effective tool for genome mutagenesis in maize, empowering the discovery of gene function and the development of trait improvement.This article is published as Char, Si Nian, Erica Unger‐Wallace, Bronwyn Frame, Sarah A. Briggs, Marcy Main, Martin H. Spalding, Erik Vollbrecht, Kan Wang, and Bing Yang. "Heritable site‐specific mutagenesis using TALENs in maize." Plant biotechnology journal 13, no. 7 (2015): 1002-1010. 10.1111/pbi.12344</p

    High expression in maize pollen correlates with genetic contributions to pollen fitness as well as with coordinated transcription from neighboring transposable elements.

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    In flowering plants, gene expression in the haploid male gametophyte (pollen) is essential for sperm delivery and double fertilization. Pollen also undergoes dynamic epigenetic regulation of expression from transposable elements (TEs), but how this process interacts with gene expression is not clearly understood. To explore relationships among these processes, we quantified transcript levels in four male reproductive stages of maize (tassel primordia, microspores, mature pollen, and sperm cells) via RNA-seq. We found that, in contrast with vegetative cell-limited TE expression in Arabidopsis pollen, TE transcripts in maize accumulate as early as the microspore stage and are also present in sperm cells. Intriguingly, coordinate expression was observed between highly expressed protein-coding genes and their neighboring TEs, specifically in mature pollen and sperm cells. To investigate a potential relationship between elevated gene transcript level and pollen function, we measured the fitness cost (male-specific transmission defect) of GFP-tagged coding sequence insertion mutations in over 50 genes identified as highly expressed in the pollen vegetative cell, sperm cell, or seedling (as a sporophytic control). Insertions in seedling genes or sperm cell genes (with one exception) exhibited no difference from the expected 1:1 transmission ratio. In contrast, insertions in over 20% of vegetative cell genes were associated with significant reductions in fitness, showing a positive correlation of transcript level with non-Mendelian segregation when mutant. Insertions in maize gamete expressed2 (Zm gex2), the sole sperm cell gene with measured contributions to fitness, also triggered seed defects when crossed as a male, indicating a conserved role in double fertilization, given the similar phenotype previously demonstrated for the Arabidopsis ortholog GEX2. Overall, our study demonstrates a developmentally programmed and coordinated transcriptional activation of TEs and genes in pollen, and further identifies maize pollen as a model in which transcriptomic data have predictive value for quantitative phenotypes

    Genome-Wide Distribution of Transposed Dissociation Elements in Maize[W][OA]

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    Inherited transpositions of the endogenous Ds create stable insertion lines, a resource for targeting gene knockouts and examining mechanisms of transposition. Ds preferentially inserts into genes, at target sites within 16-bpair segments of DNA with specific structural properties. These results suggest approaches to predict insertion sites in transposon mutagenesis experiments