27 research outputs found

    Observation of the fine structure for rovibronic spectral lines in visible part of emission spectra of D2D_2

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    For the first time in visible part of the D2D_2 emission spectrum the pseudo doublets representing partly resolved fine structure of rovibronic lines have been observed. They are characterized by splitting values about 0.2 cm−1^{-1} and relative intensity of the doublet components close to 2.0. It is shown that they are determined by triplet splitting in lower rovibronic levels of various 3Λg±→c3Πu−^3\Lambda_g^\pm \to c^3\Pi_u^- electronic transitions. It is proposed to use an existence of such partly resolved fine structure patterns for identification of numerous unassigned spectral lines of the D2D_2 molecule coming from great variety of triplet "gerade" electronic states to vibro-rotational levels of the c3Πu−c^3\Pi_u^- state.Comment: 6 pages, including 2 figures and 1 table; submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Optimal values of rovibronic energy levels for triplet electronic states of molecular deuterium

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    Optimal set of 1050 rovibronic energy levels for 35 triplet electronic states of D2D_2 has been obtained by means of a statistical analysis of all available wavenumbers of triplet-triplet rovibronic transitions studied in emission, absorption, laser and anticrossing spectroscopic experiments of various authors. We used a new method of the analysis (Lavrov, Ryazanov, JETP Letters, 2005), which does not need any \it a priory \rm assumptions concerning the molecular structure being based on only two fundamental principles: Rydberg-Ritz and maximum likelihood. The method provides the opportunity to obtain the RMS estimates for uncertainties of the experimental wavenumbers independent from those presented in original papers. 234 from 3822 published wavenumber values were found to be spurious, while the remaining set of the data may be divided into 20 subsets (samples) of uniformly precise data having close to normal distributions of random errors within the samples. New experimental wavenumber values of 125 questionable lines were obtained in the present work. Optimal values of the rovibronic levels were obtained from the experimental data set consisting of 3713 wavenumber values (3588 old and 125 new). The unknown shift between levels of ortho- and para- deuterium was found by least squares analysis of the a3Σg+a^3\Sigma_g^+, v=0v = 0, N=0÷18N = 0 \div 18 rovibronic levels with odd and even values of NN. All the energy levels were obtained relative to the lowest vibro-rotational level (v=0v = 0, N=0N = 0) of the a3Σg+a^3\Sigma_g^+ electronic state, and presented in tabular form together with the standard deviations of the empirical determination. New energy level values differ significantly from those available in literature.Comment: 46 pages, 9 picture

    Pulse-Current Sources for Plasma Accelerators

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    The pulse source for plasma-accelerators supply operates under the conditions of nonlinear growth of load inductance, which complicates the matching of the source and the load. This article presents experimental studies of the use of both traditional pulse-energy sources based on capacitive storage and alternative ones based on explosive magnetic generators (EMG). It is shown that the EMG with the special device of the current-pulse formation more effectively matches with such a plasma load as the pulse plasma-accelerator (PPA). This device allows a wide range to manage the current-pulse formation in a variable load and, consequently, to optimize the operation of the power source for the specific plasma load. A mathematical model describing the principle of operation of this device in EMG on inductive load was developed. The key adjustable parameters are the current into the load, the residual inductance of the EMG, and the sample time of the specified inductance and the final current in the load. The device was successfully tested in experiments with the operation on both one and two accelerators connected in parallel. In the experiments, the optimal mode of device operation was found in which the total energy inputted to a pair of accelerators in one pulse reached 0.55 MJ, and the maximum current reached about 3.5 MA. A comparison with the results of experiments performed with capacitive sources of the same level of stored energy is given. The experiments confirmed not only the principal possibility of using EMG with a special device of current-pulse formation for operation with plasma loads in the MJ energy range but also showed the advantages of its application with specific types of plasma load

    Influence of raw material factors on fuel consumption during pellet production

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    Translated from Russian (Stal' 1988 (7) p. 4-7)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9022.06(BISI-Trans--27026)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Influence on technological factors on fuel consumption in pellet production

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    Translated from Russian (Stal' 1988 (9) p. 8-12)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9022.06(BISI-Trans--27109)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo