29 research outputs found

    In vitro metabolism of beclomethasone dipropionate, budesonide, ciclesonide, and fluticasone propionate in human lung precision-cut tissue slices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The therapeutic effect of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) may be affected by the metabolism of the drug in the target organ. We investigated the <it>in vitro </it>metabolism of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP), budesonide (BUD), ciclesonide (CIC), and fluticasone propionate (FP) in human lung precision-cut tissue slices. CIC, a new generation ICS, is hydrolyzed by esterases in the upper and lower airways to its pharmacologically active metabolite desisobutyryl-ciclesonide (des-CIC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Lung tissue slices were incubated with BDP, BUD, CIC, and FP (initial target concentration of 25 μM) for 2, 6, and 24 h. Cellular viability was assessed using adenosine 5'-triphosphate content and protein synthesis in lung slices. Metabolites and remaining parent compounds in the tissue samples were analyzed by HPLC with UV detection.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BDP was hydrolyzed to the pharmacologically active metabolite beclomethasone-17-monopropionate (BMP) and, predominantly, to inactive beclomethasone (BOH). CIC was hydrolyzed initially to des-CIC with a slower rate compared to BDP. A distinctly smaller amount (approximately 10-fold less) of fatty acid esters were formed by BMP (and/or BOH) than by BUD or des-CIC. The highest relative amounts of fatty acid esters were detected for BUD. For FP, no metabolites were detected at any time point. The amount of drug-related material in lung tissue (based on initial concentrations) at 24 h was highest for CIC, followed by BUD and FP; the smallest amount was detected for BDP.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>in vitro </it>metabolic pathways of the tested ICS in human lung tissue were differing. While FP was metabolically stable, the majority of BDP was converted to inactive polar metabolites. The formation of fatty acid conjugates was confirmed for BMP (and/or BOH), BUD, and des-CIC.</p

    Gene-modified T cells for adoptive immunotherapy of renal cell cancer maintain transgene-specific immune functions in vivo

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: We have treated three patients with carboxy-anhydrase-IX (CAIX) positive metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC) by adoptive transfer of autologous T-cells that had been gene-transduced to express a single-chain antibody-G250 chimeric receptor [scFv(G250)], and encountered liver toxicity necessitating adaptation of the treatment protocol. Here, we investigate whether or not the in vivo activity of the infused scFv(G250)(+) T cells is reflected by changes of selected immune parameters measured in peripheral blood. METHODS: ScFv(G250)-chimeric receptor-mediated functions of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) obtained from three patients during and after treatment were compared to the same functions of scFv(G250)(+) T lymphocytes prior to infusion, and were correlated with plasma cytokine levels. RESULTS: Prior to infusion, scFv(G250)(+) T lymphocytes showed in vitro high levels of scFv(G250)-chimeric receptor-mediated functions such as killing of CAIX(+) RCC cell lines and cytokine production upon exposure to these cells. High levels of IFN-gamma were produced, whilst production of TNF-alpha, interleukin-4 (IL-4), IL-5 and IL-10 was variable and to lower levels, and that of IL-2 virtually absent. PBMC taken from patients during therapy showed lower levels of in vitro scFv(G250)-receptor-mediated functions as compared to pre-infusion, whilst IFN-gamma was the only detectable cytokine upon in vitro PBMC exposure to CAIX. During treatment, plasma levels of IFN-gamma increased only in the patient with the most prominent liver toxicity. IL-5 plasma levels increased transiently during treatment in all patients, which may have been triggered by the co-administration of IL-2. CONCLUSION: ScFv(G250)-receptor-mediated functions of the scFv(G250)(+) T lymphocytes are, by and large, preserved in vivo upon administration, and may be reflected by fluctuations in plasma IFN-gamma levels

    ADAM33, a New Candidate for Psoriasis Susceptibility

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    Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder with multifactorial etiology. In a recent study, we reported results of a genome-wide scan on 46 French extended families presenting with plaque psoriasis. In addition to unambiguous linkage to the major susceptibility locus PSORS1 on Chromosome 6p21, we provided evidence for a susceptibility locus on Chromosome 20p13. To follow up this novel psoriasis susceptibility locus we used a family-based association test (FBAT) for an association scan over the 17 Mb candidate region. A total of 85 uncorrelated SNP markers located in 65 genes of the region were initially investigated in the same set of large families used for the genome wide search, which consisted of 295 nuclear families. When positive association was obtained for a SNP, candidate genes nearby were explored more in detail using a denser set of SNPs. Thus, the gene ADAM33 was found to be significantly associated with psoriasis in this family set (The best association was on a 3-SNP haplotype P = 0.00004, based on 1,000,000 permutations). This association was independent of PSORS1. ADAM33 has been previously associated with asthma, which demonstrates that immune system diseases may be controlled by common susceptibility genes with general effects on dermal inflammation and immunity. The identification of ADAM33 as a psoriasis susceptibility gene identified by positional cloning in an outbred population should provide insights into the pathogenesis and natural history of this common disease

    Role of ADAM and ADAMTS metalloproteinases in airway diseases

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    Lungs are exposed to the outside environment and therefore to toxic and infectious agents or allergens. This may lead to permanent activation of innate immune response elements. A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinases (ADAMs) and ADAMs with Thrombospondin motifs (ADAMTS) are proteinases closely related to Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs). These multifaceted molecules bear metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains endowing them with features of both proteinases and adhesion molecules. Proteinases of the ADAM family are associated to various physiological and pathological processes and display a wide spectrum of biological effects encompassing cell fusion, cell adhesion, "shedding process", cleavage of various substrates from the extracellular matrix, growth factors or cytokines... This review will focus on the putative roles of ADAM/ADAMTS proteinases in airway diseases such as asthma and COPD