10 research outputs found

    Renormalization Group Invariant Constraints among Coupling Constants in a Noncommutative Geometry Model

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    We study constraints among coupling constants of the standard model obtained in the noncommutative geometry (NCG) method. First, we analyze the evolution of the Higgs boson mass under the renormalization group by adopting the idea of \'Alvarez et al. For this analysis we derive two certain constraints by modifying Connes's way of constructing the standard model. Next, we find renormalization group invariant (RGI) constraints in the NCG method. We also consider the relation between the condition that a constraint among coupling constants of a model becomes RGI and the condition that the model becomes multiplicative renormalizable by using a simple example.Comment: 22 pages, Latex file, 2 figures available upon request to [email protected], important changes are made, This is the last version which will appear in Prog. Theor. Phys. {\bf 100} (1998) as "Constraints among Coupling Constants in Noncommutative Geometry Models

    Lorentz Invariance And Unitarity Problem In Non-Commutative Field Theory

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    It is shown that the one-loop two-point amplitude in {\it Lorentz-invariant} non-commutative (NC) Ï•3\phi^3 theory is finite after subtraction in the commutative limit and satisfies the usual cutting rule, thereby eliminating the unitarity problem in Lorentz-non-invariant NC field theory in the approximation considered.Comment: 14 page

    Lorentz-Invariant Non-Commutative Space-Time Based On DFR Algebra

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    It is argued that the familiar algebra of the non-commutative space-time with cc-number θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} is inconsistent from a theoretical point of view. Consistent algebras are obtained by promoting θμν\theta^{\mu\nu} to an anti-symmetric tensor operator θ^μν{\hat\theta}^{\mu\nu}. The simplest among them is Doplicher-Fredenhagen-Roberts (DFR) algebra in which the triple commutator among the coordinate operators is assumed to vanish. This allows us to define the Lorentz-covariant operator fields on the DFR algebra as operators diagonal in the 6-dimensional θ\theta-space of the hermitian operators, θ^μν{\hat\theta}^{\mu\nu}. It is shown that we then recover Carlson-Carone-Zobin (CCZ) formulation of the Lorentz-invariant non-commutative gauge theory with no need of compactification of the extra 6 dimensions. It is also pointed out that a general argument concerning the normalizability of the weight function in the Lorentz metric leads to a division of the θ\theta-space into two disjoint spaces not connected by any Lorentz transformation so that the CCZ covariant moment formula holds true in each space, separately. A non-commutative generalization of Connes' two-sheeted Minkowski space-time is also proposed. Two simple models of quantum field theory are reformulated on M4×Z2M_4\times Z_2 obtained in the commutative limit.Comment: LaTeX file, 27 page