169 research outputs found

    Cafe 2010

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    Welcome! Herein you will find the recipes from the CAFE 2010 evening classes and a little bit more. Mexican soul food (Gloria Fernandez), Philippine cuisine (Betsy Engle), German pastries (Angela Dirks-Eicken), zucchini and chicken in all forms and variations (Marsha Munsell), a touch of the gourmet (Jeanne Yoder), and Alaskan berries front and center (Roxie Dinstel)—all brought to you through the extraordinary coordination of June Ulz. Late in 2009 June was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Like every other obstacle that life put in her path, she faced it straight on, moving forward and making the most of every day. She resolved early on that she was going to make it through the summer and she viewed the classes as a gift that gave her the reason she needed to keep going. With the help of her two daughters, Kim and Traci, June pulled it off one more time. Humbly we dedicate this cookbook to the multi-talented, ever smiling, courageous, outrageously funny and loving June who passed away on September 2, 2010. She lives on in her many kindnesses and in the minds and hearts of those who cherish her memory

    The glamorization of overwork - an empirical study of causes and perceptions of excessive work attitudes in the pursuit of managerial careers

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    Excessive work behavior remains an issue in pursuing managerial careers. In this context, the glamorization of overwork takes on a crucial role, meaning that unhealthy work behavior is often falsely portrayed in a positive light. This paper provides an overview of influencing factors stimulating overwork behavior and its glamorization within different settings. Relating thereto, a qualitative research approach in the form of semi-structured open interviews was employed. Building on the main propositions of the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R), this paper finds that individuals are inclined to mirror the behavior of others. In addition, job demands emerging on multiple levels and personality-related intrinsic factors have significant explanatory power for the development of overwork tendencies. The empirical results further reveal that the level of perceived familiarity and trust plays a decisive role in whether individuals are prone to glamorize unhealthy work attitudes. In both professional and non-professional environments, low to medium perceived levels of familiarity and trust in combination with certain stimuli appear to spark the active emphasis on excessive work behavior or the neutralization of strain. In turn, in high-trust settings, this cannot be observed. Keywords: Workaholism; Overwork; Work engagement; Job Demands-Resources model.Excessive work behavior remains an issue in pursuing managerial careers. In this context, the glamorization of overwork takes on a crucial role, meaning that unhealthy work behavior is often falsely portrayed in a positive light. This paper provides an overview of influencing factors stimulating overwork behavior and its glamorization within different settings. Relating thereto, a qualitative research approach in the form of semi-structured open interviews was employed. Building on the main propositions of the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R), this paper finds that individuals are inclined to mirror the behavior of others. In addition, job demands emerging on multiple levels and personality-related intrinsic factors have significant explanatory power for the development of overwork tendencies. The empirical results further reveal that the level of perceived familiarity and trust plays a decisive role in whether individuals are prone to glamorize unhealthy work attitudes. In both professional and non-professional environments, low to medium perceived levels of familiarity and trust in combination with certain stimuli appear to spark the active emphasis on excessive work behavior or the neutralization of strain. In turn, in high-trust settings, this cannot be observed. Keywords: Workaholism; Overwork; Work engagement; Job Demands-Resources model

    La matrice blanche. Portraits d’Africains dans la culture visuelle européenne depuis les Lumières

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    Cet article se penche sur les travaux de recherches actuels qui examinent de façon critique la représentation des Africains dans la peinture et la culture populaire européennes depuis le xviiie siècle. Il questionne d’abord l’analyse, par Anne Lafont, de la formation visuelle de la « race » dans la peinture française à l’époque des Lumières (2019), puis celui de Temi Odumosu (2017) sur la fonction des personnages noirs dans la caricature britannique vers 1800, et celui de Mia L. Bagneris (2018) sur le rôle des « belles créoles » dans les peintures caraïbes d’Antonio Brunias. Enfin, à partir de l’étude de Miriam Oesterreich (2018), il décrit l’adaptation des représentations des corps et des régimes du regard racistes dans les premières images publicitaires.This article looks at current research that critically examines the representation of Africans in European painting and popular culture since the 18th century. It starts by interrogating Anne Lafont’s analysis of the visual formation of “race” in French painting at the time of the Enlightenment (2019), and Temi Odumosu’s study (2017) of the function of black characters in British caricature around 1800, as well as Mia L. Bagneris (2018) on the role of the “beautiful Creoles” in the Caribbean paintings of Antonio Brunias. Finally, starting from Miriam Oesterreich’s study (2018), it describes the adaptation of representations of bodies and the conventions of the racist gaze in early advertising images.Der Beitrag diskutiert aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten, die sich mit der Repräsentation des_der Afrikaner_in in der europäischen Malerei und Populärkultur seit dem 18. Jahrhundert kritisch auseinandersetzen. Ausgehend von Anne Lafonts Analyse (2019) der visuellen Formierung von ‚Rasse’ in der französischen Malerei zur Zeit der Aufklärung fragt das Essay mit Temi Odumosu (2017) nach der Funktion des schwarzen Bildpersonals in der britischen Karikatur um 1800 sowie mit Mia L. Bagneris (2018) nach der Rolle der ‚schönen Kreolin’ in den Karibikbildern von Antonio Brunias. Abschließend wird mit Miriam Oesterreich (2018) die Adaption rassistischer Körperbilder und Blickregime durch die frühe Bildreklame aufgezeigt.Il presente articolo si concentra sugli attuali lavori di ricerca che esaminano con un taglio critico la rappresentazione degli Africani nella pittura e nella cultura popolare europea a partire dal xviii° secolo. Il saggio esamina dapprima lo studio di Anne Lafont (2019) sulla formazione visiva della “razza” nella pittura francese dell’epoca dei Lumi. Verranno in seguito presi in esame le ricerche di Temi Odumosu (2017) sulla funzione dei personaggi neri nelle caricature britanniche dell Ottocento e quelle di Mia L. Bagneris (2018) sul ruolo delle “belle creole” nelle pitture caraibiche di Antonio Brunias. Infine, a partire dallo studio di Miriam Oesterreich (2018), l’articolo descrive l’adattamento delle rappresentazioni corporee e del predominio di uno sguardo razzista nelle prime immagini pubblicitarie.Este artículo aborda investigaciones actuales que examinan de manera crítica la representación de los Africanos en la pintura y la cultura popular europea desde el siglo xviii. Se interroga primero el análisis de Anne Lafont sobre la construcción visual de la “raza” en la pintura francesa en el siglo de las Luces (2019), luego la de Temi Odumosu (2017), sobre la función de los personajes negros en la caricatura británica hacia los 1800, y el de Mia L. Bagneris (2018), sobre el rol de las “bellas criollas” en las pinturas caribeñas de Antonio Brunias. Por último, a partir del estudio de Miriam Oesterreich (2018), se describe la adaptación de las representaciones de los cuerpos y de los regímenes de la mirada racista en las primeras imágenes publicitarias
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