406 research outputs found

    A Study On Hypercoagulabiltiy Using Heparin Loading Test

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    The effect of heparin and low molecular weight heparin fractions on platelet aggregation

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    Kollagen ve ADP ile oluşturulan trombosit agregasyonu üzerine heparin (liquemin) ve CY 216 ile CY 222 kodlu düşük moleküler ağırlıklı heparin fraksiyonlarının etkileri araştırıldı. Liquemin, trombosit agregasyonunu arttırırken CY 216 ve CY 222 kodlu düşük moleküler ağırlıklı heparin fraksiyonlarının trombosit agregasyonunu azaltıcı yönde etkileri olduğu, deneylerde gözlendi.The effect of heparin (liquemine) and CY 216 with CY 222 coded low molecular weight heparin fractions on platelet aggregations fonen by collagen and ADP was investigated. It was observed from the experimental results that while liquemine was increasing the platelet aggregations, Cy 216 and CY 222 coded low molecular weight heparin fractions were decreasing the platelet aggregations

    lnvestigation of the fibrinolytic activity in the platelets membrane

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    Çalışmada trombosit membranında fibrinolitik aktivitenin araştırılması amaçlandı. Trombositler ultrason ile parçalanarak membran parçacıkları elde edildi. Fibrinolitik aktivitesine E.E.Z. (Euglobulin Erime Zamanı) ve Fibrin plak yöntemiyle bakıldı. Membran parçacıkları fosfat tamponu ile çözüldü. Membran çözeltisi kullanılarak ölçtüğümüz fibrinolitik aktivitede her iki yöntemle de anlamlı bir artış görüldü.In this study the fibrinolytic activity in platelets membrane was investigated. The platelets membrane particules were obtained by the ultrasonic destruction. Fibrinolytic activity were analyzed by E.L.T. (Euglobulin Lysis Time) and fibrin plate method. Membrane particules was dissolved in the phosphate buffer. The fibrinolytic activity measured by using the platelets membrane solutions, showed reasonable increase with both method

    Primary cerebral alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in adult

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    Primary cerebral rhabdomyosarcomas are very rare and malignant tumors that occur predominantly in the posterior fossa of pediatric patients. We report a rare case of primary cerebral rhabdomyosarcoma located in the supratentorial compartment of a 51 year-old woman together with a review of the pertinent Literature especially regarding the histological diagnosis and pitfalls

    A systematic review of clinical trials of pharmacological interventions for acute ischaemic stroke (1955-2008) that were completed, but not published in full

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We assessed the prevalence, and potential impact of, trials of pharmacological agents for acute stroke that were completed but not published in full. Failure to publish trial data is to be deprecated as it sets aside the altruism of participants' consent to be exposed to the risks of experimental interventions, potentially biases the assessment of the effects of therapies, and may lead to premature discontinuation of research into promising treatments.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group's Specialised Register of Trials in June 2008 for completed trials of pharmacological interventions for acute ischaemic stroke, and searched MEDLINE and EMBASE (January 2007 - March 2009) for references to recent full publications. We assessed trial completion status from trial reports, online trials registers and correspondence with experts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified 940 trials. Of these, 125 (19.6%, 95% confidence interval 16.5-22.6) were completed but not published in full by the point prevalence date. They included 16,058 participants (16 trials had over 300 participants each) and tested 89 different interventions. Twenty-two trials with a total of 4,251 participants reported the number of deaths. In these trials, 636/4251 (15.0%) died.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data suggest that, at the point prevalence date, a substantial body of evidence that was of relevance both to clinical practice in acute stroke and future research in the field was not published in full. Over 16,000 patients had given informed consent and were exposed to the risks of therapy. Responsibility for non-publication lies with investigators, but pharmaceutical companies, research ethics committees, journals and governments can all encourage the timely publication of trial data.</p