2 research outputs found

    Diyabetik hastaların eğitim ihtiyaçlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: Our study aimed to assess the role of pre-graduate pharmacy students’ participation in a diabetic education program on improving diabetic self-care. Material and Method: This study included both a cross-sectional and a longitudinal follow-up. Altinbas University fifth-year pharmacy students gathered relevant information from diabetic patients that visited community pharmacies, under the supervision of their instructor pharmacist. The participants filled out the diabetic self-care scale on their first visit before they were given the education. Patients refilled the same self-care questionnaire after three months. Statistical package for the social science (SPSS) 26 was used for all statistical analysis. Result and Discussion: The study comprised 86 diabetic patients. The second questionnaire results showed significant improvement in all patients. The total diabetic self-care scale scores were improved remarkably after the training session. HbA1c and BMI values decreased significantly. An educational program can improve diabetic self-care and diabetic outcomes. Active participation of final year pharmacy students in patient care can also improve pharmacists' participation and contribution to patient care delivery.Amaç: Çalışmamız, son sınıf eczacılık öğrencilerinin diyabetik bir eğitim programına katılımlarının diyabetik öz bakımın iyileştirilmesindeki rolünü değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma hem kesitsel hem de boylamsal bir takip içermektedir. Altınbaş Üniversitesi eczacılık beşinci sınıf öğrencileri, serbest eczaneleri ziyaret eden diyabet hastalarının gerekli bilgilerini sorumlu eczacılarının gözetiminde topladı. Katılımcılar diyabetik öz bakım ölçeğini doldurduktan sonra kendilerine eğitim verildi. Hastalar aynı öz bakım anketini üç ay sonra tekrar doldurdu. Tüm istatistiksel analizler için sosyal bilimler için istatistiksel paket (SPSS) 26 kullanıldı. Sonuç ve Tartışma: Çalışmaya 86 diyabetik hasta dahil edildi. İkinci anket sonuçları tüm hastalarda anlamlı iyileşme gösterdi. Toplam diyabetik öz bakım ölçeği puanları, eğitim seansından sonra önemli ölçüde iyileşti. HbA1c ve BMI değerlerinde anlamlı azalma oldu. Bir eğitim programı diyabetik öz bakımı ve diyabetik sonuçları iyileştirebilir. Eczacılık son sınıf öğrencilerinin hasta bakımına aktif katılımı, eczacıların hasta bakımı sunumuna katılımını ve katkısını da artırabilir

    Knowledge and attitude of students studying at health department towards HPV and HPV vaccination

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in the world. The most frequent disease linked to HPV is cervical cancer as well as other cancers including those of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and oropharynx. Our research sought to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes concerning human papillomaviruses and their vaccine among students enrolled in Altınbaş University's faculties of health sciences. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out using a survey containing 41 questions about demographic variables, knowledge, and attitudes toward HPV and HPV vaccines. The questions were distributed to students via Google form using social media applications such as WhatsApp. Results: The study involved 144 students, 71.5 % of whom were female. 37.5 % of the participants learned about HPV from social media. Knowledge of HPV is present in 82 % of females and 25 % of males. Most of the questions had more accurate replies from female than from male students p < 0.05. As a result, 88 %, 46 % of female respondents and 27 %, 14 % of male respondents, respectively, correctly answered the questions about who should receive HPV vaccinations p < 0.001 and how many doses are necessary. Conclusion: Participants' awareness of HPV, HPV vaccination, and cervical cancer was rather high when compared to other research. However, there are knowledge gaps that need to be corrected and provided through educational programs