8 research outputs found
Geschützte und gefährdete Pflanzen, Tiere und Landschaften des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt : zu den Abbildungen 2. und 3. Umschlagseite
Der Artikel widmet sich der Pracht-Königskerze (Verbascum speciosum) und der Schmalen Windelschnecke (Vertigo angustior)
Mollusken-Lebensgemeinschaften im NSG "Hackpfüffler See"
Das Naturschutzgebiet (NSG) "Hackpfüffler See" liegt in den Gemarkungen Hackpfüffel und Riethnordhausen im Landkreis Sangerhausen. Die südliche Grenze des NSG entlang der Gemarkung Borxleben (Kyffhäuserkreis) bildet gleichzeitig die Landesgrenze zu Thüringen. Insgesamt gilt das NSG als floristisch und pflanzensoziologisch relativ gut untersucht (Pusch & Barthel 1996). Faunistische Erhebungen zielten bisher vor allem auf Vögel und Amphibien, unter den Wirbellosen fanden insbesondere verschiedene Schmetterlingsfamilien, Heuschrecken und Libellen Berücksichtigung (Buttstedt 1998, Buttstedt & Jentsch 1998)
Granopupa in Iran, monophyly, and the fossil Granariinae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Chondrinidae)
Indisputable Chondrinidae, Granariinae species, characterized by shell shape and apertural dentition, are known from Eocene deposits to the Recent. The generic classification of the extant species is based on conchological, anatomical and molecular data that are available now for most of the known species, including ‘Granaria’ persica as a representative of the once problematic group of so-called eastern Granaria species. According to molecular and anatomical characters, these eastern species have to be classified with Granopupa granum in Granopupa. Graniberia gen. n. is introduced for G. braunii on the basis of molecular and conchological data. For the pre-Pleistocene species, two generic names are equally well available now, viz. Granopupa and Granaria. Shell characters only do not enable a decision here. For the sake of nomenclatorial stability we propose to use Granaria for these species. Because both molecular and anatomical data most likely will never be known for the fossils, it will remain unclear whether the combined extant and extinct Granaria species form a monophyletic group
Quantitative relationship between water-depth and sub-fossil ostracod assemblages in Lake Donggi Cona, Qinghai Province, China
A calibration data set of 51 surface sediment samples from Lake Donggi Cona on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau was investigated to study the relationship between sub-fossil ostracod assemblages and water depth. Samples were collected over a depth range from 0.6 to 80 m. A total of 16 ostracod species was identified from the lake with about half of the species restricted to the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent mountain ranges and poorly known in terms of ecological preferences, and the other half displaying a mainly Holarctic distribution. Living macrophytes and macroalgae were recorded in Lake Donggi Cona down to a depth of about 30 m, and bivalve (Pisidium cf. zugmayeri) and gastropod (Gyraulus, Radix) shells were found down to depths of 43 and 48 m, respectively. The ostracod-waterdepth relationship was assessed by multivariate statistical analysis and ostracod-based transfer functions for water depth were constructed. Weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression provided the best model with a coefficient of determination r2 of 0.91 between measured and ostracod-inferred water depth, a root mean square error of prediction of 8% and a maximum bias of 10.6% of the gradient length, as assessed by leaveone-out cross-validation. Our results show the potential of ostracods as palaeo-depth indicators in appropriate settings. However, transfer-function applications using fossil ostracod assemblages for palaeo-depth estimations require a thorough understanding of the palaeolimnological conditions of lakes and therefore detailed multi-proxy analysis to avoid misinterpretation of ostracod-based inferences