326 research outputs found

    Kredit Kendaraan Bermotor Kepada Nasabah Bri (Studi pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Gajah Mada Medan)

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    The economics of Indonesia is developed rapidly especially in banking. More of bank's products that developed and there are any bank business process. The credit supplied by bank and required by customer is a consumptive credit, i.e. the credit of motor vehicle. The law has an important role in the form of regulation in order to assure the interest of bank or customer. So, there is a problem formulation in respond how the requirements and procedure in supply the motor vehicle credit at PT BRI Branch of Gajah Mada Medan, what factors cause the costumer in motor vehicle is in problem ang how the settlement of the motor vehicle credit at PT BRI Branch of Gajah Mada Medan. Thye regulation about type of motor vehicle credit aims to minimize the bad credit by enforcement of the rule and the understanding of customer about the motor vehicle credit by bank. Keywords : banking, Consumptive Credit, Motor Vehicle Credi

    Kerr effect as a tool for the investigation of dynamic heterogeneities

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    We propose a dynamic Kerr effect experiment for the distinction between dynamic heterogeneous and homogeneous relaxation in glassy systems. The possibility of this distinction is due to the inherent nonlinearity of the Kerr effect signal. We model the slow reorientational molecular motion in supercooled liquids in terms of non-inertial rotational diffusion. The Kerr effect response, consisting of two terms, is calculated for heterogeneous and for homogeneous variants of the stochastic model. It turns out that the experiment is able to distinguish between the two scenarios. We furthermore show that exchange between relatively 'slow' and 'fast' environments does not affect the possibility of frequency-selective modifications. It is demonstrated how information about changes in the width of the relaxation time distribution can be obtained from experimental results.Comment: 23 pages incl. 6 figures accepted for publication in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Dynamic Kerr effect responses in the Terahertz-range

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    Dynamic Kerr effect measurements provide a simple realization of a nonlinear experiment. We propose a field-off experiment where an electric field of one or several sinusoidal cycles is applied to a sample in thermal equilibrium. Afterwards, the evolution of the polarizability is measured. If such an experiment is performed in the Terahertz-range it might provide valuable information about the low-frequency dynamics in disordered systems. We treat these dynamics in terms of a Brownian oscillator model and calculate the Kerr effect response. It is shown that frequency-selective behaviour can be expected. In the interesting case of underdamped vibrational motion we find that the frequency-dependence of the phonon-damping can be determined from the experiment. Also the behaviour of overdamped relaxational modes is discussed. For typical glassy materials we estimate the magnitude of all relevant quantities, which we believe to be helpful in experimental realizations.Comment: 26 pages incl. 5 figure

    A Face Concern Approach to Conflict Management – A Malaysian Perspective

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    This study presents a review of conflict management from a face concern approach. It presents the various definitions on conflict and types of conflict. It further looks at how face negotiation theory explains the use of various conflict management styles in individualist and collectivist cultures. In addition, it provides some insight into conflict management from a Malaysian perspective