3 research outputs found

    Diagnostic Efficacy of Calretinin Expression in Various Histological Types of Ameloblastoma

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    Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of calretinin as a confirmatory Marker for ameloblastic tissue. Study Design: Prospective study Place and duration: study was conducted in the Dental Section Allied Hospital, Faislabad and Sharif Medical and Dental College  from October 2017 to October 2018. Methodology: A total of 50 patients was included in the study, main variables assessed in this study were positive predictive value neative predictive value, sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of calretinin in diagnosis of ameloblastoma. SPSS version 23 was used to analyzed the data. P value less than or equal to 0.05 was taken as significant. Study was started after permission from hospital ethical committee and patients were informed in detail about disease and procedure to be done. Non probability consecutive sampling was used. Results: Estimated sensitivity was 78.9%, it means that of the patients with ameloblastoma on calretinin, 78.9% were diagnosed correctly. The estimated specificity was 16%. Positive predictive value was 60% and negative predictive value was 16%. The overall accuracy was 38% for diagnosing calretinin. Conclusion: Ameloblastoma found to be an important immunohistochemical marker for ameloblastoma of ameloblastic epithelium and strong diagnostic tool for differential diagnosis of ameloblastoma. Keywords: Ameloblastoma, Calretinin, Histopathology, immunohistochemical marker, Maxillofacial

    KAP Study to Assess Oral Hygiene in Patient reporting in Teaching Hospital

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    Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding the oral health in our community. Study Design: Cross Sectional Study. Study Place and Study Duration: From January 2018 to September 2018, in Dental Section Allied Hospital, Faisalabad and Sharif Medical and Dental College. Material and methods: A total number of 378 patients were enrolled in this study. A questionnaire was developed to gather the information required for the determination of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the patient towards oral health. The questionnaire comprised of thirty three questions regarding different aspects of oral health care. It involved questions regarding demographic information, knowledge, attitudes and behavior of the patients. Results: Regarding oral care, n=213 (56.3%) used tooth paste, n=260 (68.8%) patients brush once a day, n=178 (47.1%) used vertical technique for brushing. n=138 (36.5%) changed their brush every six months while n=60 (15.9%) changed their brush after one year. n=189 (50%) patients brush their teeth in morning, n=166 (43.9%) brush their teeth for cleaning purpose. n=144 (38.1%) visited to dentist when they felt pain. n=170 (45%) ignore, n=98 (25.9%) go to the dentist and n=110 (29.1%) use home remedies when they felt dental decay. n=239 (63.2%) patients’ family members brush their teeth regularly. Self-medication was observed as n=269 (71.2%). Conclusion: Although majority of the patients had good knowledge about health care but it was not associated with better attitudes, behavior and practicing of healthy habits. It can be suggested that poor socioeconomic conditions of majority of the public and lack of motivation for oral hygiene are the cause of poor behavior, attitude and practicing of dental care. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitudes, Behavior, Oral Healt