4 research outputs found

    Marginalization of Social Studies Teacher Preparation for Global Competence and Global Perspectives Pedagogy: A Call for Change

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    Few scholars have raised the question; why are teacher education programs not preparing teachers for global competence and global perspectives pedagogy? The purpose of this article is to explore this question. The study utilizes qualitative and practitioner research methodologies. Four factors marginalizing the preparation of teachers for global competence and global perspectives pedagogy in social studies teacher education are examined: a) competing pedagogical paradigms; b) lack of clarity on global perspectives pedagogy; c) neoliberal ideologies and policies, and d) complicity in new high-stakes teacher licensure assessment. The paper discusses critical implications and recommendations for preparing social studies teachers for global competence and global perspectives pedagogy in teacher education

    Pedagogies that foster transformative learning in a multicultural education course: A Reflection

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    This paper reports on a qualitative study that investigated pedagogies that foster transformative learning in a multicultural education course. In this study, teachers identified the following as pedagogies that fostered their learning transformation and moved them from color-blindness to color-vision: (1) dialogic relationships in a learning community, (2) writing pre-post narrative inquiries, (3) engagement in structured and threaded online discussions, (4) critical textual discourse, (5) experiential activities, and (6) experiencing a humanizing pedagogy