772 research outputs found

    The invention of ancient Israel: the silencing of Palestinian history

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    Whitelam, Keith W. The invention of ancient Israel: the silencing of Palestinian history. London: Routledge, 1996

    Introduction to the Old Testament: a liberation perspective

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    Title: Introduction to the Old Testament: a liberation perspective. Author: Ceresko, Anthony R Introduction to the Old Testament xxi, 384 p. Publisher: Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Bks, 2001. Rev ed

    The fifth gospel: Isaiah in the history of Christianity

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    Author: Sawyer, John F A Fifth gospel xvii, 281 p. Publisher: Cambridge, UK : Cambridge Univ Pr, 1996

    Elementary Monotheism

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    Author: Porter, Andrew P. Title: Elementary monotheism I&2. Publisher: Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2001

    Health and wholeness in the Old Testament

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    Opening the sealed book: interpretations of the Book of Isaiah in late antiquity

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    Author: Blenkinsopp, Joseph Opening the sealed book xx, 315 p. Publisher: Grand Rapids ; Cambridge : Eerdmans, 2006. (Isiaiah 1-39, 40-55, 56-66, Joseph Blenkinsoff, Anchor Bible

    Christian disunity and unity

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    Matthew 16:13-1

    You are a chosen race

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    1 Peter 2:9

    Priests, prophets, diviners, sages: a socio-historical study of religious specialists in ancient Israel

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    Grabbe, Lester L. Priests, prophets, diviners, sages: a socio-historical study of religious specialists in ancient Israel. Valley Forge, Pa: TPI, 1995

    An introduction to the history of Israel and Judah

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    Soggin, J Alberto (Jan Alberto). An introduction to the history of Israel and Judah. London: SCM Pr; Valley Forge, Pa: TPI, 1993