67 research outputs found

    Rola tlenku azotu, siarkowodoru oraz tlenku węgla w regulacji układu krążenia i ich potencjał farmakoterapeutyczny

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    In the eighties of the twentieth century nitric oxide (NO) was identified as the endothelium-derived relaxing factor. This discovery has triggered an interest in gaseous transmitters and their role in the regulation of the circulatory system. Recently, it has become evident that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon monoxide are also involved in physiological and pathological processes in the cardiovascular system. Nitrates that have been used for over a century and nebivolol, a third-generation b-blocker with vasodilating properties by increasing bioavailability of NO, provide convincing arguments that the compounds acting via NO pathway will remain an important class of cardiovascular drugs. A rapidly growing number of publications on functions of H2S in the circulatory system suggests that the gaseous transmitter may become a promising target for new treatment strategies in cardiovascular diseases. This review is focused on the role of gaseous transmitters in the regulation of the cardiovascular system and their pharmacotherapeutic potential. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, supl. V: 436-440Wzmożone zainteresowanie udziałem transmiterów gazowych w regulacji układu krążenia pojawiło się w latach 80. XX wieku, kiedy wykazano, że napięcie mięśniówki naczyń jest kontrolowane przez uwalniany ze śródbłonka tlenek azotu (NO). Obecnie wiadomo, że także dwa inne transmitery gazowe, siarkowodór (H2S) oraz tlenek węgla, biorą udział w fizjologicznych i patologicznych procesach zachodzących w układzie krążenia. Doświadczenia kliniczne ze stosowaną od ponad 100 lat nitrogliceryną oraz bardzo korzystny profil działania nebiwololu, beta-adrenolityku trzeciej generacji zwiększającego biodostępność NO, pozwalają przypuszczać, że leki oddziałujące za pośrednictwem NO będą nadal odgrywać istotną rolę w farmakoterapii chorób układu krążenia. Lawinowo rosnąca liczba publikacji dotyczących działań sercowo-naczyniowych H2S świadczy o tym, że w najbliższych latach zostaną podjęte badania nad związkami modulującymi stężenie H2S w układzie krążenia i ich zastosowaniem klinicznym. W niniejszej pracy zostaną przedstawione zarys funkcji transmiterów gazowych w regulacji układu krążenia w zdrowiu i chorobie oraz ich potencjał farmakoterapeutyczny. Kardiol Pol 2010; 68, supl. V: 436-44

    Blood pressure and glaucoma: At the crossroads between cardiology and ophthalmology

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    Glaucoma is an optic nerve neuropathy of undetermined cause. Although many mechanisms are thought to be involved in the development and progression of the disease, only an increased intraocular pressure has been established as a clinically significant modifiable risk factor. Nevertheless, up to 40% of patients develop glaucoma without evidence of increased intraocular pressure.  Ample evidence suggests that alterations in the control of arterial blood might negatively affect optic nerve function. However, evidence-based guidelines on the management of arterial blood pressure in glaucoma patients are lacking. Regrettably, intraocular pressure is generally not included as a secondary end-point in clinical trials on arterial hypertension. Considering the relative simplicity of intraocular pressure measurements and large number of patients included in hypertension studies, the benefits of including intraocular pressure as a secondary end-point could be of a great value for improving care for glaucoma patients. Therefore, closer collaboration between cardiologists and ophthalmologists is needed.

    Heart Failure Disturbs Gut–Blood Barrier and Increases Plasma Trimethylamine, a Toxic Bacterial Metabolite

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    Trimethylamine (TMA) is a gut bacteria product oxidized by the liver to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). Clinical evidence suggests that cardiovascular disease is associated with increased plasma TMAO. However, little headway has been made in understanding this relationship on a mechanistic and molecular level. We investigated the mechanisms affecting plasma levels of TMAO in Spontaneously Hypertensive Heart Failure (SHHF) rats. Healthy Wistar Kyoto (WKY) and SHHF rats underwent metabolic, hemodynamic, histopathological and biochemical measurements, including tight junction proteins analysis. Stool, plasma and urine samples were evaluated for TMA and TMAO using ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. SHHF presented disturbances of the gut–blood barrier including reduced intestinal blood flow, decreased thickness of the colonic mucosa and alterations in tight junctions, such as claudin 1 and 3, and zonula occludens-1. This was associated with significantly higher plasma levels of TMA and TMAO and increased gut-to-blood penetration of TMA in SHHF compared to WKY. There was no difference in kidney function or liver oxidation of TMA to TMAO between WKY and SHHF. In conclusion, increased plasma TMAO in heart failure rats results from a perturbed gut–blood barrier and increased gut-to-blood passage of TMAO precursor, i.e., TMA. Increased gut-to-blood penetration of bacterial metabolites may be a marker and a mediator of cardiovascular pathology

    Trimethylamine, a gut bacteria metabolite and air pollutant, increases blood pressure and markers of kidney damage including proteinuria and KIM-1 in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is a biomarker in cardiovascular and renal diseases. TMAO originates from the oxidation of trimethylamine (TMA), a product of gut microbiota and manufacturing industries-derived pollutant, by flavin monooxygenases (FMOs). The effect of chronic exposure to TMA on cardiovascular and renal systems is undetermined. METHODS: Metabolic, hemodynamic, echocardiographic, biochemical and histopathological evaluations were performed in 12-week-old male SPRD rats receiving water (controls) or TMA (200 or 500 µM/day) in water for 18 weeks. TMA and TMAO levels, the expression of FMOs and renin-angiotensin system (RAS) genes were evaluated in various tissues. RESULTS: In comparison to controls, rats receiving high dose of TMA had significantly increased arterial systolic blood pressure (126.3 ± 11.4 vs 151.2 ± 19.9 mmHg; P = 0.01), urine protein to creatinine ratio (1.6 (1.5; 2.8) vs 3.4 (3.3; 4.2); P = 0.01), urine KIM-1 levels (2338.3 ± 732.0 vs. 3519.0 ± 953.0 pg/mL; P = 0.01), and hypertrophy of the tunica media of arteries and arterioles (36.61 ± 0.15 vs 45.05 ± 2.90 µm, P = 0.001 and 18.44 ± 0.62 vs 23.79 ± 2.60 µm, P = 0.006; respectively). Mild degeneration of renal bodies with glomerulosclerosis was also observed. There was no significant difference between the three groups in body weight, water-electrolyte balance, echocardiographic parameters and RAS expression. TMA groups had marginally increased 24 h TMA urine excretion, whereas serum levels and 24 h TMAO urine excretion were increased up to 24-fold, and significantly increased TMAO levels in the liver, kidneys and heart. TMA groups had lower FMOs expression in the kidneys. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic exposure to TMA increases blood pressure and increases markers of kidney damage, including proteinuria and KIM-1. TMA is rapidly oxidized to TMAO in rats, which may limit the toxic effects of TMA on other organs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12967-022-03687-y

    Hypertensive rats show increased renal excretion and decreased tissue concentrations of glycine betaine, a protective osmolyte with diuretic properties

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    Hypertension leads to water-electrolyte disturbances and end-organ damage. Betaine is an osmolyte protecting cells against electrolyte imbalance and osmotic stress, particularly in the kidneys. This study aimed to evaluate tissue levels and hemodynamic and renal effects of betaine in normotensive and hypertensive rats. Betaine levels were assessed using highperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) in normotensive rats (Wistar-Kyoto, WKYs) and Spontaneously Hypertensive rats (SHRs), a model of genetic hypertension. Acute effects of IV betaine on blood pressure, heart rate, and minute diuresis were evaluated. Gene and protein expression of chosen kidney betaine transporters (SLC6a12 and SLC6a20) were assessed using real-time PCR and Western blot. Compared to normotensive rats, SHRs showed significantly lower concentration of betaine in blood serum, the lungs, liver, and renal medulla. These changes were associated with higher urinary excretion of betaine in SHRs (0.20 ± 0.04 vs. 0.09 ± 0.02 mg/ 24h/ 100g b.w., p = 0.036). In acute experiments, betaine increased diuresis without significantly affecting arterial blood pressure. The diuretic response was greater in SHRs than in WKYs. There were no significant differences in renal expression of betaine transporters between WKYs and SHRs. Increased renal excretion of betaine contributes to decreased concentration of the protective osmolyte in tissues of hypertensive rats. These findings pave the way for studies evaluating a causal relation between depleted betaine and hypertensive organ damage, including kidney injury

    Drug Resistant Hypertension - No SIMPLE Way Out

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    Hypertension poses growing challenge for health policy-makers and doctors worldwide. Recently published results of Symplicity-III trial (HTN-3), the first blinded, randomized, multicenter study on the efficacy of renal denervation for the treatment of resistant hypertension did not show a significant reduction of BP in patients with resistant hypertension 6 months after renal-artery denervation, as compared with controls. In this paper we review clinical and experimental studies on renal denervation. In order to identify causes of inconsistent results in renal denervation studies we look at basic science support for renal denervation and at designs of clinical trials