12 research outputs found

    ISAI: Investigating Solar Axion by Iron-57

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    The existence of the axion is a unique solution for the strong CP problem, and the axion is one of the most promising candidates of the dark matter. Investigating Solar Axion by Iron-57 (ISAI) is being prepared as a complemented table-top experiment to confirm the solar axion scenario. Probing an X-ray emission from the nuclear transitions associated with the axion-nucleon coupling is a leading approach. ISAI searches for the monochromatic 14.4 keV X-ray from the first excited state of 57Fe using a state-of-the-art pixelized silicon detector, dubbed XRPIX, under an extremely low-background environment. We highlight scientific objectives, experimental design and the latest status of ISAI

    Double photon emission coincidence imaging with GAGG-SiPM Compton camera

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    Compton imaging is a promising gamma-ray imaging method based on the Compton scattering kinematics due to high Compton scattering probability for sub-MeV to MeV gamma-rays. A conventional Compton camera has a disadvantage of low signal-to-background ratio (SBR), which is caused by drawing of multiple Compton cones. A method to solve this fundamental problem is the double-photon emission computed tomography (DPECT), which uses the coincidence detection for cascade gamma-rays and significantly increases the SBR using intersections of two Compton cones. In this study, we demonstrated the DPECT method by using 134Cs radio isotope, which is one of important radioisotopes for the imaging of fuel debris, with two Ce:Gd(Al,Ga)O12 (GAGG) scintillator Compton cameras

    Simultaneous measurements of single gamma ray of 131I and annihilation radiation of 18F with Compton PET hybrid camera

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    In internal 131I therapy for thyroid cancer, a decision to continue treatment is made by comparing 131I scintigraphy and [18F]FDG-PET. However, with current SPECT and PET systems, simultaneous imaging of diagnostic PET nuclides and therapeutic 131I nuclides has not been achieved so far. Therefore, we demonstrated that the recently developed Compton PET hybrid camera with Ce:Gd3(Al,Ga)5O12 (GAGG)- Silicon Photomultiplier(SiPM) scintillation detectors can be used to simultaneously image 131I Compton image and 18F PET image

    Simultaneous in vivo imaging with PET and SPECT tracers using a Compton-PET hybrid camera

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    Positron-emission tomography (PET) and single-photon-emission computed tomography (SPECT) are well-established nuclear-medicine imaging methods used in modern medical diagnoses. Combining PET with 18F-fuorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and SPECT with an 111In-labelled ligand provides clinicians with information about the aggressiveness and specifc types of tumors. However, it is difcult to integrate a SPECT system with a PET system because SPECT requires a collimator. Herein, we describe a novel method that provides simultaneous imaging with PET and SPECT nuclides by combining PET imaging and Compton imaging. The latter is an imaging method that utilizes Compton scattering to visualize gamma rays over a wide range of energies without requiring a collimator. Using Compton imaging with SPECT nuclides, instead of the conventional SPECT imaging method, enables PET imaging and Compton imaging to be performed with one system. In this research, we havedemonstrated simultaneous in vivo imaging of a tumor-bearing mouse injected with 18F-FDG and an 111In-antibody by using a prototype Compton-PET hybrid camera. We have succeeded in visualizing accumulations of 18F-FDG and 111In-antibody by performing PET imaging and Compton imaging simultaneously. As simultaneous imaging utilizes the same coordinate axes, it is expected to improve the accuracy of diagnoses

    Development of simultaneous PET and Compton imaging using GAGG-SiPM based pixel detectors

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) is considered an important and powerful tool for molecular imaging and medical diagnosis with its high sensitivity. Further, single-photon emission CT (SPECT) is another important imaging modality providing different types of information in medical diagnosis. On the other hand, Compton imaging is a promising technique for future molecular imaging with multi-nuclides based on Compton scattering kinetics. In this regard, previously, we have developed gadolinium aluminum gallium garnet (GAGG)-scintillation-based PET systems and GAGG-scintillation-based Compton imaging systems for environmental applications. Here, we propose and develop a novel PET–Compton hybrid simultaneous imager based on a two-layer structure using thin scatterers and thick absorbers for multi-nuclide imaging, for e.g., simultaneous imaging of PET and SPECT tracers such as 18F-FDG and 111In, respectively. For achieving good spatial resolution of the Compton imager, the energy resolution of the utilized scintillators forms one of the most important characteristics. In this regard, GAGG is a promising scintillator because of its high light yield of over 50 000 photon/MeV and excellent energy resolution of 4% with no background radiation and moderate decay time. In this study, we present the development of a simultaneous PET–Compton detector that consists of an 8 × 8 multi-pixel photon counter/SiPM (MPPC) array individually coupled with a 2.5 9-mm Ce:GdGa2.7Al2.3O12 scintillators (absorbers) for proof of concept of simultaneous PET and SPECT imaging. The pixel size of the MPPC is 3 mm 3 mm, and it is operated at 55 V at room temperature. The signals from the MPPC scintillators are individually amplified and converted with a dynamic time over threshold (dTOT) circuit to record the energy and timing information. In image reconstruction, the data acquired with the use of the developed modules are classified into events of either Compton imaging or PET imaging by coincidence detection between scatterer and absorber or between absorber and absorber, respectively. The coincidence events between absorber and absorber are regarded as PET annihilation-gamma events and those between scatterer and absorber are used as Compton imaging events. In our experiment, images of 111In and 18F-FDG, which are used as multi-nuclide tracers, are acquired simultaneously using the developed detector for Compton imaging and PET imaging. We believe that our approach is a significant step forward for medical imaging and related fields

    Initial development of a silicon scatterer detector for low-energy gamma rays in whole gamma imaging

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    Whole gamma imaging (WGI) is our original concept to combine PET and Compton imaging techniques so as to utilize all measured gamma rays for imaging by inserting a scatterer detector ring in a PET detector ring. Previously, we developed the first WGI prototype, in which GAGG scintillation detectors were used for the scatterer, to show a proof-of-concept for higher energy (over 500 keV) gamma rays such as from 137Cs and 44Sc. On the other hand, however, silicon (Si) detectors would be a better choice than the GAGG detectors for lower energy gamma rays due to the better energy resolution and higher efficiency of Compton scattering for the Si detectors. Therefore, in this work, we have been developing a Si scatterer for the next generation WGI for a wide range of target energies. The scatterer consisted of double-sided strip silicon detectors (DSSDs) and readout frontend circuits with ASICs. The size of a detector active area was 43.2 mm × 43.2 mm. Strip pitch was 900 μm. The number of strips was 48 channels for each side. The thickness of a DSSD chip was 600 μm. The DSSD chips were connected to the readout circuit board with two ASIC chips which contained 48 channel pre-amplifiers and time-over-threshold circuits. At first, we evaluated energy resolutions of the Si detector for low energy gamma rays from Ba-133, Am-241 and Co-57 sources. In all energy spectra, the respective total absorption peaks could be resolved. The energy resolutions of 16.8%, 18.1% and 17.0% were obtained for the 59.5 keV, 81 keV and 122 keV gamma rays, respectively. The performance of the WGI could be improved by using the Si absorber at the current stage of development based on the previous simulation. However, the energy resolution of the Si scatterer obtained in the experiment was slightly worse than the theoretical value. Therefore, further optimization is needed in order to obtain the best performance.The 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC

    Modality for estimating NMR relaxation time using perturbed angular correlation in double-photon emission nuclides

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    T2 relaxation time in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is determined by magnetic dipole interactions, has been employed as a parameter for tumor detection. However, owing to the lack of MRI detection sensitivity, nuclear medicine imaging is currently the basic option for tracking low concentrations of chemical probes. Previous studies utilizing cascade radionuclides have focused on the relaxation due to electric quadrupole interactions. However, magnetic dipole interactions, which are crucial in MRI, remains to be elucidated. In this study, we determined the magnetic relaxation rate by using 111In, a cascade radionuclide used in clinical single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scans. As the angle between the gamma rays from the nuclei is affected by the electrical and magnetic interactions acting on the nuclei, we measured the angular correlation ratio by using eight gadolinium gallium garnet (GAGG) multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC) 8 × 8 array detectors and extracted the magnetic relaxation rate. Consequently, we obtained a rate that increased with the Fe concentration, similar to the T2 relaxation rate, although it was influenced by the inhomogeneity of the external magnetic field. This study utilized low concentrations of the liquid-state radionuclide, which is commonly used in clinical nuclear medicine imaging scans and is expected to provide much higher sensitivity and more selective detection of tumors than conventional MRI