56 research outputs found

    Unsaturated slopes behavior under antecedent intermittent rainfall patterns: centrifuge and numerical study

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    Antecedent rainfall is a prime factor for rainfall-induced landslides on unsaturated slopes. The effects of the intermittent behavior of antecedent rainfall on landslide initiation are uncertain. The work described here had the objective of showing the influence of antecedent intermittent rainfall patterns to predict landslide initiation. Soil slope models prepared from silty sand were tested in centrifuge model testing. At first, soil slopes experienced different antecedent rainfall patterns, namely, uniform gap, decreasing gap, and increasing gap, before they were exposed to continuous rainfall until the failure was initiated. The seepage and deformation behaviors of instrumented slopes were evaluated and back-analyzed with soil–water–air coupled hydromechanical finite element analysis using calibrated material parameters and suitable boundary conditions. The evolution of porewater pressure, displacements, and deviatoric strains was found to provide comparable responses. The analysis of incremental velocity clearly showed that times for landslide initiation follow the order of decreasing gap, uniform gap, and increasing gap antecedent rainfall patterns. The study identified that not only cumulative rainfall, but also antecedent intermittent rainfall patterns have a significant effect as a triggering agent and suggested incorporating it as a parameter for landslide early warning mechanisms

    Outburst of LS V+44 17 Observed by MAXI and RXTE, and Discovery of a Dip Structure in the Pulse Profile

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    We report on the first observation of an X-ray outburst of a Be/X-ray binary pulsar LS V +44 17/RX J0440.9+4431, and the discovery of an absorption dip structure in the pulse profile. An outburst of this source was discovered by MAXI GSC in 2010 April. It was the first detection of the transient activity of LS V +44 17 since the source was identified as a Be/X-ray binary in 1997. From the data of the follow-up RXTE observation near the peak of the outburst, we found a narrow dip structure in its pulse profile which was clearer in the lower energy bands. The pulse-phase-averaged energy spectra in the 3-100 keV band can be fitted with a continuum model containing a power-law function with an exponential cutoff and a blackbody component, which are modified at low energy by an absorption component. A weak iron Kα\alpha emission line is also detected in the spectra. From the pulse-phase-resolved spectroscopy we found that the absorption column density at the dip phase was much higher than those in the other phases. The dip was not seen in the subsequent RXTE observations at lower flux levels. These results suggest that the dip in the pulse profile originates from the eclipse of the radiation from the neutron star by the accretion column.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Bioorthogonal chemical labeling of endogenous neurotransmitter receptors in living mouse brains

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    生きた動物脳内で発現する神経伝達物質受容体に目印を付ける新手法を開発 --遺伝子操作を伴わず、生体内でたんぱく質の機能解析が可能に--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-02-05.Neurotransmitter receptors are essential components of synapses for communication between neurons in the brain. Because the spatiotemporal expression profiles and dynamics of neurotransmitter receptors involved in many functions are delicately governed in the brain, in vivo research tools with high spatiotemporal resolution for receptors in intact brains are highly desirable. Covalent labeling by chemical reaction (chemical labeling) of proteins without genetic manipulation is now a powerful method for analyzing receptors in vitro. However, selective target receptor labeling in the brain has not yet been achieved. This study shows that ligand-directed alkoxyacylimidazole (LDAI) chemistry can be used to selectively tether synthetic probes to target endogenous receptors in living mouse brains. The reactive LDAI reagents with negative charges were found to diffuse well over the whole brain and could selectively label target endogenous receptors, including AMPAR, NMDAR, mGlu1, and GABAAR. This simple and robust labeling protocol was then used for various applications: three-dimensional spatial mapping of endogenous receptors in the brains of healthy and disease-model mice; multi-color receptor imaging; and pulse–chase analysis of the receptor dynamics in postnatal mouse brains. Here, results demonstrated that bioorthogonal receptor modification in living animal brains may provide innovative molecular tools that contribute to the in-depth understanding of complicated brain functions

    Long-term Monitoring of the Black Hole Binary GX 339-4 in the High/Soft State during the 2010 Outburst with MAXI/GSC

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    We present the results of monitoring the Galactic black hole candidate GX 339-4 with the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) / Gas Slit Camera (GSC) in the high/soft state during the outburst in 2010. All the spectra throughout the 8-month period are well reproduced with a model consisting of multi-color disk (MCD) emission and its Comptonization component, whose fraction is <= 25% in the total flux. In spite of the flux variability over a factor of 3, the innermost disk radius is constant at R_in = 61 +/- 2 km for the inclination angle of i = 46 deg and the distance of d=8 kpc. This R_in value is consistent with those of the past measurements with Tenma in the high/soft state. Assuming that the disk extends to the innermost stable circular orbit of a non-spinning black hole, we estimate the black hole mass to be M = 6.8 +/- 0.2 M_sun for i = 46 deg and d = 8 kpc, which is consistent with that estimated from the Suzaku observation of the previous low/hard state. Further combined with the mass function, we obtain the mass constraint of 4.3 M_sun < M < 13.3 M_sun for the allowed range of d = 6-15 kpc and i < 60 deg. We also discuss the spin parameter of the black hole in GX 339-4 by applying relativistic accretion disk models to the Swift/XRT data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (Suzaku+MAXI special issue

    A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku and Swift

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    We report on the X-ray spectral analysis of the black hole candidate XTE\ J1752--223 in the 2009--2010 outburst, utilizing data obtained with the MAXI/Gas Slit Camera (GSC), the Swift/XRT, and Suzaku, which work complementarily. As already reported by Nakahira et al. (2010) MAXI monitored the source continuously throughout the entire outburst for about eight months. All the MAXI/GSC energy spectra in the high/soft state lasting for 2 months are well represented by a multi-color disk plus power-law model. The innermost disk temperature changed from \sim0.7 keV to \sim0.4 keV and the disk flux decreased by an order of magnitude. Nevertheless, the innermost radius is constant at \sim41 D3.5(cosi)1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2} km, where D3.5D_{3.5} is the source distance in units of 3.5 kpc and ii the inclination. The multi-color disk parameters obtained with the MAXI/GSC are consistent with those with the Swift/XRT and Suzaku. The Suzaku data also suggests a possibility that the disk emission is slightly Comptonized, which could account for broad iron-K features reported previously. Assuming that the obtained innermost radius represents the innermost stable circular orbit for a non-rotating black hole, we estimate the mass of the black hole to be 5.51±\pm0.28 MM_{\odot} D3.5(cosi)1/2D_{3.5}(\cos{\it i})^{-1/2}, where the correction for the stress-free inner boundary condition and color hardening factor of 1.7 are taken into account. If the inclination is less than 49^{\circ} as suggested from the radio monitoring of transient jets and the soft-to-hard transition in 2010 April occurred at 1--4% of Eddignton luminosity, the fitting of the Suzaku spectra with a relativistic accretion-disk model derives constraints on the mass and the distance to be 3.1--55 MM_{\odot} and 2.3--22 {\rm kpc}, respectively. This confirms that the compact object in XTE J1752--223 is a black hole.Comment: 12 pages including 7 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in PAS

    A Large X-ray Flare from a Single Weak-lined T Tauri Star TWA-7 Detected with MAXI GSC

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    We present a large X-ray flare from a nearby weak-lined T Tauri star TWA-7 detected with the Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on the Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI). The GSC captured X-ray flaring from TWA-7 with a flux of 3×1093\times10^{-9} ergs cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} in 2--20 keV band during the scan transit starting at UT 2010-09-07 18:24:30.The estimated X-ray luminosity at the scan in the energy band is 3×1032\times10^{32} ergs s1^{-1},indicating that the event is among the largest X-ray flares fromT Tauri stars.Since MAXI GSC monitors a target only during a scan transit of about a minute per 92 min orbital cycle, the luminosity at the flare peak might have been higher than that detected. At the scan transit, we observed a high X-ray-to-bolometric luminosity ratio, log LX/LbolL_{\rm X}/L_{\rm bol} = 0.10.3+0.2-0.1^{+0.2}_{-0.3}; i.e., the X-ray luminosity is comparable to the bolometric luminosity. Since TWA-7 has neither an accreting disk nor a binary companion, the observed event implies that none of those are essential to generate such big flares in T Tauri stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table accepted for publication in PAS

    Cerium features in kilonova near-infrared spectra: implication from a chemically peculiar star

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    Observations of the kilonova from a neutron star merger event GW170817 opened a way to directly study r-process nucleosynthesis by neutron star mergers. It is, however, challenging to identify the individual elements in the kilonova spectra due to lack of complete atomic data, in particular, at near-infrared wavelengths. In this paper, we demonstrate that spectra of chemically peculiar stars with enhanced heavy element abundances can provide us with an excellent astrophysical laboratory for kilonova spectra. We show that the photosphere of a late B-type chemically peculiar star HR 465 has similar lanthanide abundances and ionization degrees with those in the line forming region in a kilonova at 2.5\sim 2.5 days after the merger. The near-infrared spectrum of HR 465 taken with Subaru/IRD indicates that Ce III lines give the strongest absorption features around 16,000 A and there are no other comparably strong transitions around these lines. The Ce III lines nicely match with the broad absorption features at 14,500 A observed in GW170817 with a blueshift of v=0.1c, which supports recent identification of this feature as Ce III by Domoto et al. (2022).Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Peculiarly Narrow SED of GRB 090926B with MAXI and Fermi/GBM

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    The monitor of all-sky X-ray image (MAXI) Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on the International Space Station (ISS) detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB) on 2009, September 26, GRB\,090926B. This GRB had extremely hard spectra in the X-ray energy range. Joint spectral fitting with the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope shows that this burst has peculiarly narrow spectral energy distribution and is represented by Comptonized blackbody model. This spectrum can be interpreted as photospheric emission from the low baryon-load GRB fireball. Calculating the parameter of fireball, we found the size of the base of the flow r0=(4.3±0.9)×109Y3/2r_0 = (4.3 \pm 0.9) \times 10^{9} \, Y^{\prime \, -3/2} cm and Lorentz factor of the plasma Γ=(110±10)Y1/4\Gamma = (110 \pm 10) \, Y^{\prime \, 1/4}, where YY^{\prime} is a ratio between the total fireball energy and the energy in the blackbody component of the gamma-ray emission. This r0r_0 is factor of a few larger, and the Lorentz factor of 110 is smaller by also factor of a few than other bursts that have blackbody components in the spectra.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure