44 research outputs found

    Statistical quality control charts on attributes in fish processing technology

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    Apart from the use of statistical quality control chart for variables or attributes of food products in a food processing industry, the application of these charts for attributes of fishery products is explained. Statistical quality control chart for fraction defectives is explained by noting defective fish sausages per shift from a sausage industry while control chart for number of defectives is illustrated for number of defective fish cans in each hour of its production of a canning industry. C-chart is another type of control chart which is explained here for number of defects per single fish fillet sampled a1l random for every five minutes in a processing industry. These statistical quality control charts help in the more economic use of resource, time and labour than control charts for variables of products. Also control charts for attributes exhibit the quality history of finished products at different times of production thereby minimizing the risk of consumer rejection

    Sequential analysis for testing quality standard of fish ham and sausage

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    Fish sausages are finely ground fish flesh, either of a single species or mixed, homogenised with starch, sugar, fat, spices and preservatives, generally filled in cylindrical synthetic or natural casings and pasteurised. Similar products containing small pieces of quality fish and lard are termed "fish ham". They are highly relished products in Japan, annual consumption exceeding 2 lakh tones. Preliminary studies have shown that they can catch a lucrative market in our country. However, being a pasteurised product which is often consumed as such without any further cooking, strict quality control measures have to be enforced so as to avoid food poisoning hazards. Besides physical characteristics like absence of damages, pin-holes, curliness and air pockets as well as jelly strength, texture and flavour, chemical characteristics like pH and acid values, moisture, carbohydrate and fat contents and volatile bases have to be assessed. A very important test that has to be carried out along with the above, before passing a lot for free distribution is the bacteriological examination to avoid the presence of pathogenic organisms

    On the eye diameter-total length relationship of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier)

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    Results of studies of chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic quality of cured fish collected from four major curing centres along the Tamil Nadu coast are reported. Only 32.43% of the samples had moisture level below 35%, 0.9% had salt 25% and above. None of the samples showed acid insoluble ash below 1.5%. The main defects were unhygienic processing, inadequate salting, use of poor quality salt and incomplete drying. Recommendations for improvement of quality are given

    On the arrival time, waiting time to unload, unloading time and waiting time for departure for purse seiners at Mangalore landing centre

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    Fifty four purse-seine boats at Mangalore landing centre were observed during different stages of unloading fish catch. It was found that a boat takes 75% of the berthing time to unload an average quantity of 2.4 tons of fish. Further, unloading period and catch were found to be directly related where it was estimated that 5 to 7 minutes are spent in unloading about half a ton of fish to a nearby tempo by employing 9 ± 2 laborers

    Evaluation of organoleptic qualities of fish grown in ponds treated with different organic manures

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    Catla, rohu, silver carp and common carp raised employing different organic manures were subjected to organoleptic evaluation, both in raw and cooked form. The combination treatment of poultry manure and silkworm faecal matter had positive effect on colour and glossiness of skin and colour of flesh in the case of common carp. Though no significant difference was observed in the overall quality, odour of flesh and texture of meat of rohu were found to be better in sewage treated and poultry manure treated ponds respectively. From the results, it can be discerned that treated sewage has no adverse effect on the acceptable qualities of the carps studied

    Electrochemical behaviour of dimethyl hydrazones - part – 1 cyclohexanone dimethyl hydrazone

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    The polarographic behaviour of cyclohexanone dimethyl hydrazone at dropping mercury electrode in aqueous alcoholic medium has been investigated in presence of 0.1 M KC1 as supportingelectrolyle.The effect of depolariser concentration, pH, and drop time on the wave characteristics and the reaction mechanism occurring at the surface of the mercury drop electrode have been studied. Well defined ineversible diffusion controlled two cathodic waves were obtained in this medium between the DH ranae 6 and 8.2 and a single wave of irreversible and diffusion controlled nature was obtained between the pH12 to 6 and 8.210 10.4. a, n. and 'n' values and electrochemical reaction order of the system were calculated. The linearity of the diffu%on current with concentration of the depolariser provides a rapid and precise method for the estimation of this dimethyl hydrazone in the concentration down to 10-4 M in aqueous alcoholic medium

    Studies on length-weight relationship of Gerres filamentosus Cuvier from the estuaries of the southern Karnataka coast

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    Random samples of Gerres filamentosus Cuvier from the Netravathi-Gurpur, Mulky, Kallayanapura, Mabukala and Kundapura estuaries of the southern Karnataka Coast were collected in the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, and length-weight relationships for each estuary were derived using multiple linear regression technique with one dummy variable. Hence, combined or sex-wise length-weight relationships were obtained after testing for homogeneity and isometric growth condition of fishes for each estuary by t-test. The extent of closeness of length-weight relationships between sexes and among estuaries for different years is explained by a trend line graph. The whole process of multiple linear regression analysis with one dummy variable is a better substitute for the analysis of covariance technique

    Phytochemical analysis, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. (Celastraceae)

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    Objectives: Lophopetalum wightianum Arn. (Celastraceae) is a lofty evergreen tree reaching around 40m in height. The present study was carried out to investigate antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of leaf and bark extract of L. wightianum. Methods: The shade dried and powdered leaf and bark were extracted by maceration process using methanol. Extracts were screened for phytoconstituents present by standard protocols. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of extracts was evaluated by agar well diffusion and poisoned food technique respectively. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH radical scavenging and ferric reducing assays. Results: Phytochemicals viz. alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols, saponins and triterpenoids were detected in both leaf and bark extracts. Inhibitory activity against test bacteria of bark extract was marked than leaf extract. Bark extract displayed more or less similar activity against test bacteria while leaf extract was more effective against Escherichia coli. In antifungal activity, leaf extract showed highest inhibitory against Bipolaris sp. than A. niger. Bark extract showed more or less similar antifungal activity against A. niger and Bipolaris sp. Bark extract scavenged DPPH radicals more efficiently with IC50 value 7.03µg/ml than leaf extract which scavenged radicals with IC50 value of 24.64µg/ml. Reducing potential exhibited by bark extract was higher when compared to leaf extract. Conclusion: Overall, bark extract displayed marked antimicrobial and antioxidant potential. The plant is shown to contain bioactive principles with activity against pathogenic microorganisms and free radicals that cause oxidative damage. Keywords: Lophopetalum wightianum, Maceration, Phytochemical, Antimicrobial, Antioxidan