95 research outputs found

    Аналіз споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів в Україні та країнах Європи

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    H2-receptor antagonists are one of the main antisecretory drugs and have certain advantages in the treatment of the acid related diseases.Aim. To assess the consumption of H2-receptor antagonists in Ukraine and European countries in 2015-2017.Materials and methods. Data from the “Pharmexplorer” information system by Morion company were used to analyze the assortment and the consumption volumes of H2-receptor antagonists in Ukraine. The assessment of the volume, structure and dynamics of the drug consumption of this group in Ukraine was conducted based on the number of the defined daily doses (DDD) of drugs consumed using the ATC / DDD methodology, as well as by the number of the drug packs sold. The level of the drug consumption of H2-receptor antagonists by the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day” in the countries of Europe was determined by the statistical data of these countries.Results. In 2015-2017, H2-receptor antagonists were presented in Ukraine in the number of 2 international non-patented names, 26-29 trade names (TN), and they had rather wide range of prices pre a pack. The tendency to decrease in the number of their TN was observed from 2015 to 2017. The consumption of H2-receptor antagonists by the number of the packs sold and the number of DDDs consumed increased in Ukraine over the period under study. Ranitidine took leading positions by these indicators of consumption. Ukraine was ranked second among the European countries (Norway, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) by the level of consumption of H2-receptor antagonists by the indicator “DDDs/1000 inhabitants/day”. Ranitidine was the leader in consumption in all countries studied.Conclusions. The consumption volume of H2-receptor antagonists by the number of the packs sold and the number of DDDs consumed increased in Ukraine in 2015-2017. The level of the drug consumption of this group by the indicator “DDDs / 1000 inhabitants / day” in Ukraine in 2015-2017 did not correspond to the level of consumption of H2-receptor antagonists in European countries.Антагонисты Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов являются одними из основных антисекреторных лекарственных средств и имеют определенные преимущества при лечении кислотозависимых заболеваний.Цель. Оценка потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов в 2015-2017 годах в Украине и странах Европы.Материалы и методы. Для анализа ассортимента и объемов потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов в Украине использовали данные системы исследования рынка «Pharmexplorer» компании «Морион». Оценку объемов, структуры и динамики потребления препаратов данной группы в Украине проводили по количеству потребленных средних суточных поддерживающих доз (DDD) препаратов с использованием АТС/DDD-методологии и по количеству реализованных упаковок. Уровень потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов по показателю «DDDs/1000 жителей /день» в странах Европы определяли по статистическим данным стран.Результаты. Антагонисты Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов были представлены в Украине в 2015-2017 годах в количестве 2 международных непатентованных названий, 26-29 торговых наименований (ТН), имели достаточно широкий диапазон цен за упаковку. С годами наблюдалась тенденция к уменьшению количества их ТН. Объемы потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов в Украине по количеству реализованных упаковок и по количеству потребленных DDD с годами увеличились. По указанным показателям потребления ведущие позиции занимал ранитидин. Украина занимала второе место среди стран Европы (Норвегия, Литва, Латвия, Эстония) по уровню потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов по показателю «DDDs/1000 жителей /день». Лидер по объемам потребления во всех исследуемых странах – ранитидин.Выводы. Объемы потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов в Украине в 2015-2017 годах по количеству реализованных упаковок и по количеству потребленных DDD увеличились. Уровень потребления препаратов данной группы по показателю «DDDs /1000 жителей/день» в Украине в 2015-2017 годах не соответствовал уровню потребления антагонистов Н2-гистаминовых рецепторов в странах Европы.Антагоністи Н2-гістамінових рецепторів є одними з основних антисекреторних лікарських засобів, які мають певні переваги при лікуванні кислотозалежних захворювань. Мета. Оцінка споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів у 2015-2017 роках в Україні та в країнах Європи.Матеріали та методи. Для аналізу асортименту та обсягів споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів в Україні використовували дані системи дослідження ринку «Pharmexplorer» компанії «Моріон». Оцінку обсягів, структури та динаміки споживання препаратів даної групи в Україні проводили за кількістю спожитих середніх добових підтримуючих доз (DDD) препаратів з використанням АТС/DDD-методології та за кількістю реалізованих упаковок. Рівень споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів за показником «DDDs/1000 жителів/день» в країнах Європи визначали за статистичними даними країн.Результати. Антагоністи Н2-гістамінових рецепторів були представлені в Україні у 2015-2017 роках в кількості 2 міжнародних непатентованих назв, 26-29 торгових найменувань (ТН), мали достатньо широкий діапазон цін за упаковку. З роками спостерігалась тенденція до зменшення кількості їх ТН. Обсяги споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів в Україні за кількістю реалізованих упаковок та за кількістю спожитих DDD з роками збільшились. За зазначеними показниками споживання провідні позиції займав ранітидин. Україна посідала друге місце серед країн Європи (Норвегія, Литва, Латвія, Естонія) за рівнем споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів за показником «DDDs/1000 жителів/день». Лідер за обсягами споживання в усіх досліджуваних країнах – ранітидин.Висновки. Обсяги споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів в Україні у 2015-2017 роках за кількістю реалізованих упаковок та за кількістю спожитих DDD збільшились. Рівень споживання препаратів даної групи за показником «DDDs/1000 жителів/день» в Україні у 2015-2017 роках не відповідав рівню споживання антагоністів Н2-гістамінових рецепторів у країнах Європи

    Portable neutron/gamma scintillation detector for status monitoring of accelerator-driven neutron source IREN

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    Accelerator-driven system (ADS) facilities world-wide opens new opportunities for nuclear physics investigations, so that a high flux of neutrons through spallation reactions can be produced at these facilities. It is known that the measurement, continuous monitoring and optimization of the particle accelerator beam intensity are among the most important actions in the operation of such facilities. Considering this point of view, this paper presents a neutron/gamma counter based on a micropixel avalanche photodiode (MAPD) and a plastic scintillator that monitors the status of the accelerator-driven intense resonance neutron source (IREN) facility by measuring the neutron-gamma intensity in the target hall. The electronics of the modular neutron counter has been designed and developed, including a bias voltage source (up to 130 V), a preamplifier (36 gain) and discriminator (>10 mV) circuit. The last product of MAPD (operation voltage- 55 V, PDE- 33 %, total number of pixels- 136900) was used as a photon readout from a plastic scintillator. The sensitive area of MAPD was 3.7*3.7 mm2 and the size of the plastic scintillator 3.7*3.7*30 mm3. The measurement was carried out in the IREN target hall, where it was necessary to monitor not only high neutron fluxes, but also gamma quanta. The experimental results demonstrated a dependence between the count rate of the detector and the frequency of the accelerator, which ranges from 2 to 50 Hz.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure


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    The paper presents the analysis of the current epidemiological situation from the viewpoint of identification of risks of emergency situation onset in the sphere of biological safety, which differs from the emergency situation of sanitary-epidemiological welfare in the character of after-effects that are comparable in the quality and the scale to the threats to national and international security. In reference to the parameters of emergency situation in the sphere of biological safety, epidemic of Ebola fever in West Africa countries (2013-2016) has been described. Biosafety emergency situation is most likely to be predicted in the following cases: occurrence of the flu pandemic of the novel subtype (International Health Regulations, 2005); intensification of unfavorable for public health tendencies against the background of Zika fever transmission; larde-scale failures in the provision of biological safety when working with pathogenic biological agents; foreseeable, hard to control consequences of onset and transmission of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms with synthetic genome; occurrence of epidemic events during international mass meetings; justified interpretation of emergency situation, applying IHR (2005), as an after-effect of violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons (CBTW) and the grounds for intervention into the internal affairs of offending countries with social-economic, geo-political aftermaths and damage to the national security

    Deployment of Systematic Approach to the Assessment of Surveillance and Control over Ebola Virus Disease

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    Studied has been systematic approach as regards epidemiological surveillance and control over emergency situations in the sphere of sanitary-epidemiological welfare by the example of Ebola fever epidemic in West Africa countries. Based on the literature data available, analyzed have been measures for EVD surveillance and control, with reference to every stage of epidemiological process (source/ origin, agent, mechanism of transmission, recipient) at various levels of matter organization (global, regional, population, cellular, molecular, and sub-molecular). Following this, put forward have been primary areas for EVD control optimization

    Автоматизованая система для измерения декремента электрокожного сопротивления человека

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    Показано, що вимірювання електрошкіряного опору (ЕШО) з використанням тестуючих сигналів є недостатньо точними У статті запропонована автоматизована система для вимірювання динаміки ЕШО без тестуючих сигналів, яка використовує радіотеплові сигнали біологічно активних точок (БАТ). На основі цих уявлень отримані математичні вирази для оцінки динаміки ЕШО. Автоматизована система з логарифмічним перетворювачем дозволяє оцінювати декремент електрошкіряного опору людини як його діагностичний показник. Розглянуто функціональна схема автоматизованої вимірювальної системи, принцип і алгоритм обробки сигналу. Показано, що даний спосіб та розроблена автоматизована система дозволяє підвищити точність і забезпечує повну безпеку електропунктурної діагностики.It is shown that the measurement electroscrap resistance (ESR) using test signals are not accurate enough In the article we propose an automated system to measure the dynamics of ESR without testing signals, which uses thermal signals of biologically active points (BAP). On the basis of these representations the mathematical expression for the dynamics of ESR. Automated system with logarithmic Converter allows to estimate the decrement electroscrap resistance as a diagnostic indicator. The functional diagram of the automated measuring system, the principle and algorithm of signal processing. It is shown that this method can improve the accuracy of an automated system for measuring the decrement ESR eschau at their own noise fluctuations human, which use the circuit compared with loharyfmatorom and built-in microcomputer CPU, which excludes the impact of volatility parameters of the circuit elements and the comparison of its own noise. The system provides eschau count decrement ESR in logarithmic units with large uneven resistance in acupuncture points and beyond, which significantly expands the dynamic range comparable resistance and provides visibility and comparability of diagnostic results.Показано, что измерение электрокожного сопротивления (ЭКС) с использованием тестових сигналов является недостаточно точным. В статье предложена автоматизированная система для измерения динамики ЭКС без тестовых сигналов, с использованием радиотепловых собственных злучений биологеских активных точок (БАТ). На основании этих представлений получены математические соотношения для оценки динамики ЭКС. Автоматизированная система с логарифмическим преобразователем позволяєт оценивать декремент электрокожного сопротивления человека в виде диагностического показателя. Рассмотрена функциональная схема автоматизированной измерительной системы, принцип и алгоритм обработки сигнала. Показано, что такой поход и разработанная автоматизированная система позволяют увеличить точность и обеспечивают полную безопасность электропунктурной диагностики

    Effectiveness of offloading interventions to heal foot ulcers in persons with diabetes: a systematic review

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    Background Offloading interventions are commonly used in clinical practice to heal foot ulcers. The aim of this updated systematic review is to investigate the effectiveness of offloading interventions to heal diabetic foot ulcers. Methods We updated our previous systematic review search of PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases to also include original studies published between July 29, 2014 and August 13, 2018 relating to four offloading intervention categories in populations with diabetic foot ulcers: (a) offloading devices, (b) footwear, (c) other offloading techniques, and (d) surgical offloading techniques. Outcomes included ulcer healing, plantar pressure, ambulatory activity, adherence, adverse events, patient‐reported measures, and cost‐effectiveness. Included controlled studies were assessed for methodological quality and had key data extracted into evidence and risk of bias tables. Included non‐controlled studies were summarised on a narrative basis. Results We identified 41 studies from our updated search for a total of 165 included studies. Six included studies were meta‐analyses, 26 randomised controlled trials (RCTs), 13 other controlled studies, and 120 non‐controlled studies. Five meta‐analyses and 12 RCTs provided high‐quality evidence for non‐removable knee‐high offloading devices being more effective than removable offloading devices and therapeutic footwear for healing plantar forefoot and midfoot ulcers. Total contact casts (TCCs) and non‐removable knee‐high walkers were shown to be equally effective. Moderate‐quality evidence exists for removable knee‐high and ankle‐high offloading devices being equally effective in healing, but knee‐high devices have a larger effect on reducing plantar pressure and ambulatory activity. Low‐quality evidence exists for the use of felted foam and surgical offloading to promote healing of plantar forefoot and midfoot ulcers. Very limited evidence exists for the efficacy of any offloading intervention for healing plantar heel ulcers, non‐plantar ulcers, and neuropathic ulcers with infection or ischemia. Conclusion Strong evidence supports the use of non‐removable knee‐high offloading devices (either TCC or non‐removable walker) as the first‐choice offloading intervention for healing plantar neuropathic forefoot and midfoot ulcers. Removable offloading devices, either knee‐high or ankle‐high, are preferred as second choice over other offloading interventions. The evidence bases to support any other offloading intervention is still weak and more high‐quality controlled studies are needed in these areas

    West Nile fever in Volgograd Oblast: features of the epidemic process’s manifestations at the present stage

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    Objective: To study the regional features of the West Nile fever (WNF) epidemic process manifestations using the example of the territory with stable and long-term pathogen circulation (Volgograd Oblast).Materials and Methods: We used the data of the Reference Center for monitoring the WNF pathogen based on the Volgograd Research Anti-Plague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor over 1999–2021. The main method is a comprehensive epidemiological method.Results: The long-term changes in the WNF incidence in Volgograd Oblast is characterized by a cyclical nature with an interval of 1–8 years and a tendency to decrease. The maximum risk of infection occurs in August (58.8%), but there is an increase in the number of cases in September. The average duration of the epidemic season is 8.4 weeks. Case fatality rate is at the level of 4.3%; the prevalence of the number of deaths in the group of 70 years and older (75%), as well as among men (63.6%) has been established. The greatest contribution to the incidence rate is made by the age group of 60 years and older (37.7%). Features of the clinical presentation include the dominance of forms without damage to the central nervous system (91.1%) and moderate clinical course (72.3%). The prevalence of the urban population among the infected was noted (85.5%).Conclusion: A comparative analysis of the clinical and epidemiological WNF manifestations in Volgograd Oblast, territories with a stable circulation of the pathogen (Astrakhan and Rostov Oblasts) and, in overall, the Russian Federation, established differences in the duration of cyclical fluctuations in incidence, seasonality (Rostov Oblast), age structure of incidence (Astrakhan Oblast), distribution of cases by the severity of the clinical course, the site of the alleged infection and social status

    Concerning Two-Level Structure of Potential Epidemic Hazard of the Mass Events with International Participation

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    The paper discusses epidemiological environment of particular countries and parts of the world viewed as potential platforms for mass events with international participation. It is established that the most unfavorable in this respect are Asian countries, primarily South-Eastern Asia ones, and African ones, from where the majority of well-known pandemics and epidemics have originated. Specified are the factors which are significant for spread of infectious diseases that can trigger emergency situation of sanitary epidemiological character of international concern. They are tourism and migration, trade and economic affairs, natural and anthropogenic disasters. The concept - “potential epidemic hazard of mass events with international participation” - is defined. It is demonstrated that its structure comprises two levels: the natural background of endemic and imported as related to mass event region epidemiological hazards, and epidemiological hazards imposed by the event itself. Outlined is a step-by-step algorithm for assessment of “potential epidemic hazard” of mass events with international participation allowing for adjustment of measures for the provision of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population

    Quantitative Assessment of Potential Epidemic Hazard of Mass Events with International Participation and Methodology Approbation in the Context of Universiade-2013

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    Put forward is a methodology for quantitative assessment of potential epidemic hazard (PEH) as regards mass events with international participation in terms of the relevant infectious diseases capable of (in compliance with IHR, 2005) inducing emergency situation of sanitary epidemiological character. It is established that PEH is an aggregate risk of infection importation by incoming contestants and visitors and of its dissemination across the mass even location. As a result of PEH level differentiation identified have been four following grades: high, medium, low and minimum. Calculated has been a rate of PEH for the XXVI Worldwide Summer Universiade in Kazan, 2013, exemplified by such infectious disease as cholera

    Evaluation of External and Internal Threats to Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare of the Population in the Context of Mass Sporting Events

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    Mass gatherings (MGs) always incur some kind of potential hazard associated with incipiency of emergency situations with sanitary-epidemiological bias (ES). Upcoming Universiade (World Student Games) in Kazan (July, 2013) raises an issue of implementation of a unified system of approaches to the effective provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population, taking due account of peculiarities and specific conditions under which the MG will be conducted. Therewith key objective of this study has been formulated as elaboration of the system based on epidemiological assessment of real and potential threats at the MG. Analyzed have been the data on 37 MGs carried out over the period of 25 years since 1987 up to 2012; investigated is epidemiological situation in 170 participating states. Worked out is a scheme of qualitative determination of potential epidemiological threat on the basis of comprehensive assessment of epidemiological risks in the endemic territories of the troubled regions. Distinguished is a complex of measures for the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare when managing the Universiade in Kazan heedful of high potential epidemiological hazard of this event