4 research outputs found

    Management of Communication Crisis in a Library and Its Influence on Productivity

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    Communication, written or oral is a critical aspect in the existence of an individual, a group or an entity that strives towards relevance to self or corporate development in a given society. Communication is a way of achieving productivity in academic libraries.  Communication is the means by which people are linked together; it helps people to know how they function to achieve a common goal.  It is therefore expected that communication at any level must be effective to meet the attendant result, which is the attainment of set goals and objectives.  This study however, attempts to look at the ineffectiveness or crisis of communication in an organization, particularly a library.  What impact would management of communication crisis have on the productivity of the organization?  This is a question this study also attempted to analytically address. Keywords: Communication, Management, Crisis, Librar

    Impact of News Commercialization on Nigeria Broadcasting Commission Communication Policy

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    The Mass media in any society are regarded as the purveyors of national cultures which they transmit from generation to generation. One of the means through which this activity is carried out is by the news gathering and dissemination function of the mass media . In a situation where news selection and presentation is based on material gratifications instead of public goals and interest, stands against the ethics of the profession, it is anti-public unity and development. Above all it amounts to a total disregard and breach of the codes of the National Broadcasting Commission. This study aimed at assessing the effects of news commercialization by the mass media in Nigeria and its effects on the credibility of the institutions.  This study was a prescriptive survey and used the documentary survey method to generate data for evaluation. The study found out that news commercialization has become a practice in Nigeria, and this has negatively affected the image of media institutions in the country. Public service broadcasting which was supposed to serve public interest has been turned into a powerful instruments for perpetual colonization of the poor by the rich. The study recommends that relevant regulatory agencies should ensure that enforcement of laws and ethics is rigorously pursued to compel media houses to comply with the ethics of the profession in the interest, unity and development of the country Keyword: News, Commercialization, Impact, Broadcast Media, Policy

    Religion as a Repository of Nigeria National Communication Policy Israel Udomisor

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    Religion and communication are pervasive globally. In Nigeria, efforts to accommodate religious plurality in the face of Modern Mass Communication have led to the formation of policies to guide the conduct of Mass Communication. This is with the view of minimizing conflict or clash of interest of people, especially those with different religious conviction. An explorative study of these policies, both written and unwritten, reveals that they are religiously derived. This paper identified a number of ways in which religious actions and inactions; religious leaders’ statements as news sources; religious believes derived from holy books serve as sources of communication policies, guiding the behavior of Mass Communications in their business of communication in Nigeria. Keywords: Religion, Communication, Policy, National

    Dramatic Script Writing and Its Effect on the Performance of Actors and Actresses in Nollywood Films

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    The Nigeria film industry called Nollywood is universally recognised as the third largest film industry in the world. As a film producing industry, it is important to know that the survival of such industry depends more on the quality of products produced. Scripts are the foundation of any film or video producing organisation as presentations seen on video productions come with the dynamics of a script. The Nigerian film industry, despite its record of achievements still battle with the problem of script writing which affects the performance of Nollywood actors and actresses. This study evaluates the quality of a good dramatic script and the role of a dramatic script on the quality of films produced. The study examines how the Nigerian films industry is affected by the quality of script used in its production. It proffers recommendation on how improvement can be achieved for professional development. It clearly states the usefulness of the study to both the film industry, governments and non-governmental bodies who seek to use the medium of film for national development. As an evaluative and prescriptive study, data for analysis were generated through documentary or historical sources. Finally, the study concludes that film industries and home vidoes generally are fundamental weapons for development in the global world. Nollywood should rise to the global challenge facing the industry and the right drive should be put in place to tackle the problems. Nollywood as a film producing institution should know that it is important for Nollywood script writers to undergo a formal training on drama script writing. Also thorough field research work must be conducted by script writers for practical improvement in the art of drama script writing. Keywords: Scripting, Film, Performance, Actors, Nollywoo