5 research outputs found


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    Strategies to enhance performance in business organizations are of great importance to organization leaders in today‟s business environment. Research relating to both large, medium, small and micro sized firms constantly emphasized a positive relationship between business strategies, management activities and organisational performance. This is because it is often detailed that best business strategies produce outstanding organisational performance. This study reviewed diverse empirical literature on business strategies and their effects on organisational performance. The authors were able to ascertain from various literature reviewed that business strategies have a major role to play in enhancing organisational performance. This study finds that recognizing the causes of organizational performance is important especially in the perspective of the current global competitive and turbulent business environment. In addition, it helps an organisation to identify those factors that should be emphasized to improve performance in business organizations


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    This paper examined how organizational structure aids business performance. Existing studies have shown that it is nearly impossible for an organization to exist without a defined organizational structure. Studies also revealed that the main purpose of organizational structure is the division of work among members of the organization, and the co-ordination of their activities so they are directed towards the goals and objectives of the organization. The sources of data used for this research are from secondary sources. The secondary sources are from journals and conference articles, the internet, newspapers, magazines and textbooks. This research found that organizational structure has a significant impact on the performance of business organizations. Hence, the researchers recommend that business organizations should endeavor to develop a properly defined structure for the organization so as to achieve set objectives

    Which Precedes the other? Organizational Strategy or Organizational Structure

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    The aim of this research is to point out the relationship between organizational strategy and organizational structure and to see how they both impact on organizational performance and the realization of organizational goals. In addition to this, it intends to find out between organizational structure and organizational strategy which should come first and which decides the other. Conceptual and empirical review articles have been used to ascertain this relationship and to determine between organizational strategy and organizational structure which comes first and which determines the other. This research uses secondary sources to collect data for the study. The sources used are international journals, international conference proceedings, internet sources, newspapers and magazines. Most of these articles were retrieved by typing important keywords into google scholar and relevant sources downloaded and saved for use. This research found that there is strong and complex relationship between organizational strategy and organizational structure. In addition, the researchers also report that once organizational strategy is properly matched with organizational structure the end result is organizational performance. The authors recommend that for organizations to function properly, there must be a proper alignment between organizational strategy and organizational structure


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    Empirical literatures have shown that Information Communications Technology (ICT) is quickly growing universally in recent times. Also, the concept has spread like wild-fire as it is evidenced in our community in almost all areas of endeavour such as business operations, job performance, cultural and personal relationships. However, our social requirements have also been altered as a result of the influence of information communications technology. In view of these, ICT has ample influence on performance of entrepreneurial firms and have created an entirely new encounter for entrepreneurs of our time. The implementation of ICT to promote business productivity is among the challenges faced by entrepreneurs of our generation. This has posed a challenge to some entrepreneurs due to non-awareness of the benefits of implementing ICT in running day to day activities of their firms. As a result of the perspectives that some entrepreneurs view the benefits of adopting ICT in conducting their business operations, a vast majority of them have continued adopting conventional mechanism to remain competitive. Considering the earlier stated facts, entrepreneurial managers could have been able to identify on going commercial viability of harnessing ICT as an important instrument for enhanced business performance. Hence, this research emphasized on how to leverage on the adoption of ICT for enhanced performance of entrepreneurial firms. The researchers used secondary approach to gather information from existing literatures such as from journals, conference articles, newspapers and magazines and the internet. The researchers found that Information Communications Technology adoption in business operations serves three visibly important roles as follows: helps in massive generation of jobs, aids in boosting information distribution in the work environment, and substantially promotes competitiveness of entrepreneurial firms. The researchers suggest that entrepreneurial managers could harness ICT as a mechanism for business success


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    As organizations have found themselves continuously redefining their markets, restructuring their operations, and modifying their business models and learning the skills to think and act entrepreneurially, entrepreneurial leadership has become a source of competitive advantage. Microfinance Institutions in Cameroon are not exceptions for this struggle as they develop competitive strategies to secure a bigger market share within the finance sector. Mitanyen Cooperative Credit Union Limited being a microfinance institution affiliated to the Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union League has experienced different levels of growth under different leaders, probably applying different leadership styles since its creation. This growth has not been steady under the various leaders; meanwhile this union is facing so many aggressive competitors who may push her out of business in the days ahead. The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of entrepreneurial leadership styles on the productivity of the financial sector in Cameroon. This study adopts a mix method approach to data collection. The primary data was collected by interviewing the last 3 presidents of the society through a face to face approach, while 40 employees of the organisation were surveyed through the use of semi-structured questionnaires. Secondary information was sourced via newspaper and magazine reports, journal and conferences papers and internet sources. The interview data was transcribed and analysed through content analysis and constant comparative method. The semi-structured questionnaire data were analysed with the use of Microsoft Excel and SPSS Version 17 software for data analysis. This study concludes that organisational leaders are endowed with different leadership styles but one must be dominant and the others recessive. However, no leadership style is good for all situations, organisational leaders adopt styles depending on prevailing circumstances in the organisatio