10 research outputs found

    Morfologija orofarinksa i jezika mošusne patke (Cairina moschata).

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    The morphology of the oropharynx and tongue of the muscovy duck was studied with a view to identifying structural features that may influence nutrition, food intake and ingestion, as well as to provide a foundation for the recognition of pathology of the bird in this region. The results illustrated that the roof of the oropharyngeal cavity was formed by a cartilaginous hard palate that lacked papillae on its mucosal surface, but exhibited a prominent median longitudinal mucosal fold, the median palatine ridge. Orderly arranged rows of notches, the lamellae, formed the lateral boundaries of both the roof and floor of the oropharynx. The tongue, which was located on the floor of the oropharyngeal cavity, was characterized by a prominent dorsal median sulcus, numerous lateral brush-like horny lingual papillae and a bell-shaped dorsal surface elevation, that formed the base (caudal ⅓) of the organ. This bell-shaped elevation may be similar to the torus linguae of ruminants. Histologically, the features of the tongue include a non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelial lining on both its dorsal and ventral surfaces, a wide connective tissue layer, containing lingual glands, blood vessels and nerves, and a core of paraglossum and associated striated muscles. In conclusion, the oropharynx and tongue of the muscovy duck exhibits certain anatomical features that are unique to this species, and the morphological modifications of this region of the digestive tract may be adaptations to the bird’s habitat and mode of feeding.Istražena je morfologija orofarinksa i jezika mošusne patke s ciljem da se ustanove strukture koje mogu utjecati na hranidbu, unos hrane i probavu te da pruži temelj za prepoznavanje patoloških promjena u tom području. Rezultati su pokazali da je nepce orofaringealne šupljine građeno od hrskavičnog tvrdog nepca na čijoj sluznici nema bradavica. Ustanovljen je središnji uzdužni sluznični nabor odnosno središnji nepčani greben. Pravilno raspoređeni žljebovi, lamele oblikovali su lateralne granice nepca i dna orofarinksa. Na jeziku, smještenom na dnu orofaringealne šupljine, nalazi se dorzalno izražen središnji žlijeb s mnoštvom orožnjalih lateralnih jezičnih bradavica nalik na četku i zvonoliko dorzalno uzdignuće na bazi organa (kaudalna 1/3). To zvonoliko uzdignuće slično je torusu jezika u preživača. Dorzalna i ventralna površina histološki je građena od nekeratiziranoga slojevitoga skvamoznog epitela sa širokim vezivnotkivnim slojem s jezičnim žlijezdama, krvnim žilama i živcima. Središnji dio građen je od prugastog mišićja. Može se zaključiti da orofarinks i jezik mošusne patke ima neka obilježja osebujna za vrstu. Morfološke modifikacije toga dijela probavnog trakta odraz su adaptacije ptičjem staništu i načinu hranidbe

    Morfologija placentoma i tvorba stabla korionskih resica u zapadnoafričkih patuljastih koza (Capra hircus).

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    Gravid uteri, harvested from 11 pregnant West African Dwarf (WAD) goats at different stages of gestation, were used to study the morphology of placentomes and the formation of chorionic villous trees in the placentomes. The results showed that the goats exhibited a polycotyledonary placenta, made up of randomly distributed concave placentomes. The number of placentomes in the placenta did not vary (P>0.05) with gestational age, but the average size of the placentomes increased linearly (R2 = 0.978; P0,05) ovisno o stupnju gravidnosti, no prosječna veličina placentoma linearno se povećavala (R2=0,978; P<0,05) s većim stupnjem gravidnosti. Pretpostavlja se da zapadnoafričke patuljaste koze na povećane hranidbeno/metaboličke zahtjeve u kasnoj fazi gravidnosti odgovaraju povećanjem veličine, ali ne i broja placentoma u posteljici. Histološka istraživanja pokazala su prisutnost primarnih korionskih resica u površinskim slojevima materničnih karunkula. Istih nije bilo u dubljim slojevima tkiva karunkula tijekom periimplantacijskog razdoblja. Opaženo je i potpuno pripajanje, odnosno povezivanje, korionskih resica i kripti karunkula u svim stupnjevima formiranja placentoma. Zaključeno je da se razvoj kripta karunkula i korionskih resica u placentomima zapadnoafričkih patuljastih koza događa istovremeno

    Učinci oralnog davanja mononatrijeva glutamata na morfologiju jaja i rezervu spermija u nuzjajčanom repu mladih i odraslih štakora.

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    The effects of oral administration of varied doses of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on the morphology of the testes and cauda epididymal sperm reserves of rats were studied using 28 four-week old (young) male Sprague-Dawley rats and 28 twelve-week-old (adult) male Sprague-Dawley rats. Increasing doses (1 mg/g body mass, 2 mg/g body mass, and 4 mg/g body mass) of a 40% aqueous solution of monosodium glutamate were administered to the male Sprague-Dawley rats every 48 hours for 6 weeks, using a rat gavage needle. The results showed that age variation did not influence the effect of MSG on the parameters studied in male rats. There was a significant reduction in the cauda epididymal sperm reserves (P<0.05) and the serum testosterone levels (P<0.05) of the rats that received monosodium glutamate relative to the control rats. The histomorphology of the testes of the rats that were given monosodium glutamate did not differ from those of the rats in the control group. No overt pathological lesions were seen in the testicular sections. These observations suggest that monosodium glutamate may have adversely affected spermatogenesis by disrupting the hypothalamic-pituitarytestis regulatory axis, and not through any direct toxic effect on the testis.Učinci oralnog davanja različitih doza mononatrijeva glutamata na morfologiju jaja i rezervu spermija už nuzjajčanom repu bili su istraživani u pokusima na 28 štakora Sprague-Dawley u dobi od četiri tjedna (mladi) i na 28 štakora Sprague-Dawley u dobi od 12 tjedana (odrasli). Štakorima su bile primijenjene povećavajuće doze (1 mg/g tjelesne mase, 2 mg/g tjelesne mase i 4 mg/g tjelesne mase) 40% tne vodene otopine mononatrijeva glutamata svakih 48 sati kroz šest tjedana iglom prilagođenom za štakore. Rezultati su pokazali da razlika u dobi nije utjecala na učinak mononatrijeva glutamata na pretraživane pokazatelje. Ustanovljeno je značajno smanjenje rezervi spermija u nuzjajčanom repu (P<0,05) kao i razina serumskog testosterona (P<0,05) u štakora kojima je primijenjen mononatrijev glutamat u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Histološki nalaz tkiva jaja štakora kojima je bio primijenjen mononatrijev glutamat nije se razlikovao od onog u štakora kontrolne skupine. Nisu bili uočeni patološki poremećaji u histološkim rezovima tkiva. Ovi nalazi upućuju na zaključak da mononatrijev glutamat može imati nepovoljan utjecaj na spermatogenezu prekidanjem regulacijske osi hipotalamus-hipofizatestis, a ne putem ikakvoga izravnoga toksičnoga učinka na testese

    Anatomija orofarinksa i jezika u afričke crnobijele vrane (Corvus albus)

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    An understanding of the anatomy of components of the digestive tract of the African pied crow would prove useful in relation to the medical, surgical and nutritional management of these birds, especially in captivity. The present study was designed to provide basic data on the morphology of the oropharynx and tongue of the African pied crow. Our results showed that the roof of the oropharyngeal cavity was formed by a cartilaginous hard palate, whose mucous membrane exhibited many caudally directed papillae. The tongue was located in the floor of the oropharyngeal cavity. The rostral and caudal parts of the tongue were demarcated by a transverse row of caudally pointed papillae. The histology of the caudal part of the tongue revealed the presence of many mucous glands that discharge their secretions onto the dorsal surface of the tongue via ducts. Whereas the papillae may serve principally as mechanical obstacles to the involuntary return of food that has passed over them, the secretions of the glands may aid in swallowing by lubricating the caudal part of the oropharyngeal cavity and probably, the initial part of the oesophagus. It was concluded that the anatomical features of the oropharyngeal cavity and tongue of the African pied crow may be adaptations to the bird’s mode of food acquisition and feeding habits.Proučavanje anatomije probavnoga sustava afričke crnobijele vrane potrebno je radi njezina liječenja, pravilnoga načina hranidbe i kirurških zahvata što je od posebnoga značenja kad se ona drži u zatočeništvu. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je u svrhu prikupljanja temeljnih podataka o morfologiji orofarinksa i jezika afričke crnobijele vrane. Polučeni rezultati pokazali da je krov njezine orofaringealne šupljine građen od tvrdoga hrskavičnoga nepca na čijoj se sluznici nalazi mnoštvo kaudalno usmjerenih papila. Jezik je smješten na dnu orofaringealne šupljine. Rostralni i kaudalni dijelovi jezika odijeljeni su poprječnim redom kaudalno usmjerenih papila. U kaudalnom dijelu jezika nalazi se mnoštvo sluznih žlijezda koje svoje sekrete izlučuju na dorzalnu površinu jezika putem kanalića. Dok papile prvenstveno služe kao mehanička prepreka za povratak hrane, lučevine žlijezda mogu pomoći pri gutanju podmazivanjem kaudalnoga dijela orofaringealne šupljine i, vjerojatno, početnoga dijela jednjaka. Može se zaključiti da je anatomska građa orofaringealne šupljine i jezika afričke crnobijele vrane prilagođena hranidbenim navikama i načinu uzimanja hrane

    Morfologija testisa i zalihe sperme u epididimisu štakora nakon prestanka davanja nigerijske sirove nafte Qua Iboe Brent

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    The reversibility of crude oil-induced male reproductive abnormalities was studied in fifi fty-six male Sprague-Dawley rats. Exposure to crude oil was achieved by oral administration of increasing doses (165mg/kg body mass, 330mg/kg body mass, and 660mg/kg body mass) of Nigerian Qua Iboe Brent crude oil to male rats every 48 hours for 4 weeks. Thereafter, the crude oil was withdrawn from some of the rats for a period of 8 weeks. The results showed signififi cant reduction in the cauda epididymal sperm reserves of the rats that received the crude oil (P<0.05) and the rats from which the crude oil was withdrawn (P<0.05), relative to the control group. The testes of the rats that received crude oil showed reduced spermatogenic activity in the seminiferous tubules, as well as hyperaemia and oedema of the interstices. The testes of the rats from which crude oil was withdrawn showed evidence of recovery and the restoration of active spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules. The indication is that the withdrawal of Nigerian Qua Iboe Brent crude oil from male rats over a period of 8 weeks reversed the testicular pathology, but not the cauda epididymal oligospermia associated with this environmental pollutant.Reverzibilnost reprodukcijskih poremećaja uzrokovanih sirovom naftom istraživana je na 56 štakora Sprague-Dawley. Peroralno su štakorima bile davane sve veće doze (165 mg/kg tjelesne mase, 330 mg/kg tjelesne mase i 660 mg/kg tjelesne mase) nigerijske Qua Iboe Brent sirove nafte svakih 48 sati tijekom četiri tjedna. Nakon toga neki od štakora više nisu dobivali sirovu naftu u razdoblju od osam tjedana. Rezultati su pokazali značajno smanjenje rezervi sperme u epididimisu štakora koji su dobivali sirovu naftu (P<0,05) i u štakora kojima se prestalo davati sirovu naftu (P<0,05) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Testisi štakora koji su dobivali sirovu naftu pokazivali su smanjenu sposobnost spermatogeneze u sjemenskim tubulima, a dokazana je bila hiperemija i edem intersticija. Nakon prestanka davanja sirove nafte testisi su se oporavili te je ponovo došlo do aktivne spermatogeneze u seminifernim tubulima. Aktivnost testisa vratila se na normalu osam tjedana nakon prestanka davanja nigerijske sirove nafte Qua Iboe Brent, ali ne i oligospermija repa epididimisa povezana sa zagađenjem okoliša

    Effects of Vitamin E Supplementation in Male Rats with Crude Oil-Induced Reproductive Toxicity

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    Crude oil intoxication is a major threat among people and animals living around the crude oil producing regions of the world, hence the search for ameliorating agents. Forty-four male Wistar rats assigned into three groups were used to investigate the effects of vitamin E supplementation on crude oil-induced reprotoxicity (reproductive toxicity) in male rats. Group A represented the unexposed control, whereas groups B and C were exposed orally to 0.15 and 0.3 ml of crude oil respectively every other day for 56 days. Both the low dose and high dose oral administration of crude oil caused a significant reduction in the serum testosterone level (STL) and cauda epididymal sperm reserve (CESR) of the exposed rats when compared to the control. Crude oil withdrawal and vitamin E supplementation significantly improved the cauda epididymal sperm reserve (CESR) in all the subgroups. The serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities of the control and low dose group were significantly lower than those of the high dose group. The high dose crude oil administration significantly decreased the mean serum total protein (STP) and sodium ions (Na+) concentration. The mean serum total cholesterol (STC) value of the low dose group was significantly higher than those of the control and high dose group. However, crude oil withdrawal and vitamin E supplementation did not significantly alter the mean serum total protein (STP) and mean serum total cholesterol (STC) values in all the subgroups. Vitamin E supplementation following low dose crude oil withdrawal enhanced the mean serum Chloride ions (Cl-)concentration. The present findings revealed that Nigerian Qua Iboe Brent crude oil induced serious reprotoxic effects in male rats which vitamin E administration within 28 days did not completely reverse