780 research outputs found

    How local media coverage of voter fraud influences partisan perceptions in the United States

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    Extant findings show that voter fraud is extremely rare and difficult to prove in the United States. Voter’s knowledge about voter fraud allegations likely comes through the media, who tend to sensationalize the issue. In this study, we argue that the more voters are exposed to media coverage of voter fraud allegations, the more likely that they will perceive that voter fraud is a frequent problem. We merge the 2012 Survey of Performance of American Elections with state-level media coverage of voter fraud leading up to the 2012 election. Our results show that media coverage of voter fraud is associated with public beliefs about voter fraud. In states where fraud was more frequently featured in local media outlets, public concerns about voter fraud were heightened. In particular, we find that press attention to voter fraud has a larger influence on Republicans than Democrats and Independents. We further find that media coverage of voter fraud does not further polarize partisan perceptions of voter fraud. Rather, political interest moderates state media coverage on voter fraud beliefs only among Republicans. Lastly, our results provide no support that demographic changes, approval of election administration, or information concerning actual reported voting irregularities have any discernable effects on partisan perceptions

    \u3cem\u3eASI1\u3c/em\u3e, a Gene Encoding a Novel Leucine Zipper Protein, Is Induced during Development of the Macronucleus in \u3cem\u3eTetrahymena\u3c/em\u3e

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    Sexual reproduction in the ciliate Tetrahymena follows a complex developmental program involving the sequential regulation of dozens of genes. Genes that are up-regulated during post-zygotic development in Tetrahymena were isolated by subtractive hybridization. Anlagen stage induced gene 1 (ASI1) encodes a 2.8 kb transcript that contains a single intron and is induced during macronuclear development. ASI1 is a single copy gene in both the micronucleus and the macronucleus. It encodes a 95 kDa conceptual protein with a leucine zipper near the amino terminu

    The take up of E-Verify programs shows that state officials prefer the highly skilled over temporary immigrant workers with lower skills

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    The election of Donald Trump illustrates that the immigration debate is here to stay. In new research, Adriano Udani uses data on temporary immigrant labor admissions to better understand which immigrant groups policymakers think deserve to work in the United States. He finds that state officials ease employment verification rules when there are more “highly-skilled” migrants gaining visas. He argues that this policy preference for more specialized, highly skilled migrants is likely to reinforce patterns of segmented assimilation and racial and gender disparities among immigrants

    Experimental Evaluation of a Video Capture Board for Networked Workstations

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    This thesis examines the architectural issues in the design of a video capture board intended for use in multimedia videoconferencing. The major issues examined are: Control of reception and transmission of multimedia video streams, (i) Quality of service and service provision (ii) Compression requirements and solutions (iii) Data buffering and card connection strategies (iv) Handling multiple video streams Results of measurements for prototype boards designed and constructed at Penn are also given

    Community participation of people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

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    The purpose of this literature research is to explore the effectiveness of social inclusion programmes for people with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Backgrounds (CaLD) living in Australia. This is done by exploring definitions of social inclusion and social exclusion and then looking at current issues affecting people with disability from CaLD backgrounds. The research then looks at programmes that facilitate social inclusion to determine if this is an effective way to improve community integration and participation. The literature highlights that getting people with disability from CaLD backgrounds participating in community activities can lead to very positive outcomes. Participation can lead to better mental and physical well-being, develop new skills and improve lifestyle issues such as meeting new people and finding employment. A common theme from the literature was the importance of involving people with disability from CaLD backgrounds in all planning and decision making in programme development to ensure that cultural needs as well as disability requirements are addressed. Evaluation is also considered crucial to long term effectiveness and sustainability of programmes

    A Content Analysis of Jihadist Magazines: Theoretical Perspectives

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    During its violent spread across the Middle East, the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) amassed both a local and international following in large part due to its usage of emergent media distribution. Beginning in 2014, ISIS’s Ministry of Media published an English-language magazine, Dabiq, disseminating its issues through online platforms. Dabiq and its successor Rumiyah both serve as propagandistic recruitment material for ISIS’s international community as well as broadcasting the message of the jihadist movement to ISIS’s enemies. This study analyzed ISIS’s publications using a qualitative content analysis in order to identify jihadist recruitment strategies through the perspectives of agenda-setting theory, the diffusion of innovations, symbolic convergence theory, and speech codes theory. These communication theories characterize the roles that civilizational conflict, population demographics, narrative themes, and emergent media play in the diffusion of the jihadist movement. This study samples the textual content and imagery of issues of Dabiq and Rumiyah, using thematic analysis to procedurally code the data by recognizing shared characteristics and concepts. The fundamental goal of this study is to gain a greater understanding of the way ISIS, its members, and the jihadist movement communicate their intentions, with the hope of preventing further recruitment and radicalization. The two following research questions drive this study: (1) What themes are present in the ISIS publications of Dabiq and Rumiyah? (2) How do the themes of these publications vary over time

    Perceptions of voter fraud are boosted by many Americans' hostility towards immigrants.

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    One of Donald Trump's earliest claims as President was that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election. Given that research has found that voter fraud in the US is exceptionally rare, how can many Americans' concerns about illegal voting be explained? In new research, Adriano Udani and David Kimball find that anti-immigrant attitudes - especially towards Mexicans - strongly predict ..

    Progeny of Germ Line Knockouts of \u3cem\u3eASI2\u3c/em\u3e, a Gene Encoding a Putative Signal Transduction Receptor in \u3cem\u3eTetrahymena Thermophila\u3c/em\u3e, Fail to Make the Transition from Sexual Reproduction to Vegetative Growth

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    The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena has two nuclei: a germ line micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus. The transcriptionally active macronucleus has about 50 copies of each chromosome. At sexual reproduction (conjugation), the parental macronucleus is degraded and new macronucleus develops from a mitotic product of the zygotic micronucleus. Development of the macronucleus involves massive genome remodeling, including deletion of about 6000 specific internal eliminated sequences (IES) and multiple rounds of DNA replication. A gene encoding a putative signal transduction receptor, ASI2, (anlagen stage induced 2) is up-regulated during development of the new macronuclei (anlagen). Macronuclear ASI2 is nonessential for vegetative growth. Homozygous ASI2 germ line knockout cells with wild type parental macronuclei proceed through mating but arrest at late macronuclear anlagen development and die before the first post-conjugation fission. IES elimination occurs in these cells. Two rounds of postzygotic DNA replication occur normally in progeny of ASI2 germ line knockouts, but endoreduplication of the macronuclear genome is arrested. The germ line ASI2 null phenotype is rescued in a mating of a knockout strain with wild type cells

    Power Management in Mobile Computing (a Survey)

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    Rapid advances in technology have resulted in laptop (mobile) computers with performance and features comparable to desktop (stationary) machines. Advances in rechargeable battery technology have failed to keep pace, decreasing the usefulness of mobile computers and portable wireless devices. Several methods of power management can be used to prolong the battery life of a mobile computer. We provide a detailed analysis of power consumption typically encountered in a networked laptop computer and the power management methods currently used. We also outline some novel proposed power management methods
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