14 research outputs found

    Professor Alojzy Ramisz - into memory of his life and work

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    Ultrasound examination of pregnancy in the domestic goat (Capra hircus) ‒ a review

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    Zastosowanie badania ultrasonograficznego (USG) dla określenia fetometrii zarodkowo- -płodowej znalazło szerokie zastosowanie w zarządzaniu reprodukcją kóz. Tkanki, narządy zarodka/płodu są mierzone i oceniane w celu oszacowania wieku ciążowego. Do przeprowa- dzenia badania USG wykorzystuje się sondy transrektalne, transabdominalne i transwaginalne. Postęp technologiczny, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do rozdzielczości obrazu USG, umoż- liwia precyzyjną wizualizację struktur zarodkowo-płodowych u kóz. W artykule dokonano przeglądu stosowanych pomiarów fetometrycznych w badaniu ultrasonograficznym ciąży u kóz. Wykonanie tego badania w poszczególnych okresach ciąży umożliwia skuteczne mo- nitorowanie wzrostu i rozwoju zarodka/płodu. Oprócz pomiarów struktur zarodkowo-płodowych istotne są również pomiary struktur płodowo-matczynych, takich jak łożyszcza i pępowina. Podkreślono także znaczenie ultrasonografii w monitorowaniu ciąży kóz, zarówno prawidło- wej, jak i patologicznej

    Circannual changes in serum concentrations of thyroxine, calcitonin and parathormone in immature and mature red deer females (Cervus elaphus)

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    The aim of this study was to determine circannual changes in the serum concentrations of thyroxine, calcitonin and parathormone in mature and immature red deer females. Blood samples from 8 hinds were collected monthly for 26 months. Secretions of thyroxine and calcitonin showed circannual rhythms with significantly higher levels in the immature hinds compared to the mature animals (p<0.05). For thyroxine, the concentration was higher in the winter/spring period than in summer/autumn (p<0.05), while for calcitonin the concentration profile was the opposite (p<0.05). The concentration of parathormone was significantly higher in summer/autumn that in the other months of the experiment (p<0.01). These results may indicate that the hormones investigated may be involved in the regulation of seasonal reproductive activity and in processes contributing to entering puberty in red deer females


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    The study was carried out on material consisting of 110 goats. The total number of 9 species of coccidia were found: E. christenseni, E. arloingi, E. jolchijevi, E. Ninakohlyakimovae, E. alijevi, E. apsheronica, E. caprina, E. caprovina and E. hirci. The nanny - goats were infected in 81 per cent and the kids in 100 per cent. The intensity of Eimeria infection in kids were within the range of 1200 to 202000 of oocysts per 1 g of faeces. In the flock clinical symptoms in abo ut 50 per cent of kids were observed. After Baycox administration in 4 kids single oocyst were found only

    Bacterial contamination of boar semen and its relationship to sperm quality preserved in commercial extender containing gentamicin sulfate

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    This study was designed to determine the degree and type of bacterial contamination in boar semen (79 ejaculates from Large White and Landrace boars) and its consequences for sperm quality during storage (27 extended semen samples, 16°C for five days) under practical conditions of artificial insemination (AI). The results revealed the presence of aerobic bacteria in 99% of the ejaculates (from 80 to 370 ×106 colony-forming units/mL). Most of the ejaculates contained two or three bacterial contaminants, while the Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pseudomonas bacterial genera were most frequently isolated. Also detected were Enterobacter spp., Bacillus spp., Proteus spp., Escherichia coli, P. fluorescens, and P. aeruginosa. In general, the growth of certain bacterial types isolated prior to semen processing (Enterobacter spp., E. coli, P. fluorescens, and P. aeruginosa) was not discovered on different days of storage, but fluctuations (with a tendency towards increases) were found in the frequencies of Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Staphylococcus spp. isolates up to the end of storage. Semen preserved for five days exhibited decreases in sperm motility and increases in the average number of total aerobic bacteria; this was associated with sperm agglutination, plasma membrane disruption, and acrosome damage. We inferred that, due to the different degrees and types of bacterial contaminants in the boar ejaculates, the inhibitory activity of some antimicrobial agents used in swine extenders (such as gentamicin sulfate) may be limited. Because such agents can contribute to the overgrowth of certain aerobic bacteria and a reduction in the quality of stored semen, procedures with high standards of hygiene and microbiological control should be used when processing boar semen

    Badania nad kokcydioza koz

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    The study was carried out on material consisting of 110 goats. The total number of 9 species of coccidia were found: E. christenseni, E. arloingi, E. jolchijevi, E. Ninakohlyakimovae, E. alijevi, E. apsheronica, E. caprina, E. caprovina and E. hirci. The nanny - goats were infected in 81 per cent and the kids in 100 per cent. The intensity of Eimeria infection in kids were within the range of 1200 to 202000 of oocysts per 1 g of faeces. In the flock clinical symptoms in abo ut 50 per cent of kids were observed. After Baycox administration in 4 kids single oocyst were found only